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Tim Harford's The Undercover Economist Strikes Back

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Poverty in the United States “Financial writer Tim Harford, author of the new book The Undercover Economist Strikes Back, says the poverty line for a single American in 2012 was $30.52 per day. But Harford, says it's also about how people view themselves and how they're viewed by other people.” In my opinion unless you have experienced living in poverty you can never truly understand it. Poverty is a much more complex than what people think it is. It is not only about whether you can afford the basic necessities to survive or support a particular standard of living. Poverty is a common topic always argued between the have and have not. I feel that those who have should not judge the people that does not. Referring back to what Tim Harford …show more content…
One of the major issues is that they are trapped in a cycle. Parents who cannot afford food and shelter for their children most likely cannot afford to send them to a good school none the less to college. Most likely if you do not attend college, you will not find a good steady job to help pay for basic needs. The rich and wealthy people of this nation often frown upon the less fortunate, blaming them for their horrid circumstances. However, they do not know what it is like to have to struggle. Having to live in poverty is like trying to walk through quick sand. The more and more you try to help your families the more your situation drags you down. The less fortunate communities often have higher crime rates because people are desperate for survival. Imagine having to live a life surrounded by crime, lack of food, clothing, shelter, and dirty water while having the rich people look down at you and blaming you for growing up in such tough …show more content…
First, we should decrease the amount of low wage paying jobs. The people are not able to afford a good home to live in because the wages they are being paid are very low. Next, we should increase the amount of low income housing so that minorities can afford to live in decent housing. The unemployment that most people are getting is simply not enough. Consider that the minorities are having to take that unemployment check and make it stretch to pay for gas, electricity, and water bills. Then having to pay the cost of rent. Those already is a lot to budget and I did not include clothing and expenses for each child. Another solution that may help decrease the poverty rates is to reevaluate the people who are getting government assistance. Many people take advantage of government assistance and depend on it just because they don’t want to come out of pocket to buy food for their children or simply because they enjoy collecting a check each month from doing absolutely nothing. We can also help the lower class by eliminating those absurd tax breaks. If they make more they need to pay more in taxes! If someone in the middle class could afford to buy a boat don’t they think they would by one? The filthy rich are paying less in taxes because they can afford to buy things that we regular people can only dream of. Next, there should be an honest person put in place to oversee all the funds going in and out of the

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