...A. ACCOUNTANT (v)—one trained in the management of financial records and reporting of the financial aspects of an organization. -Ac-coun-tant –syllabi.-(kount’tant) --ant; replacing late Middle English accomptant < Middle French, Old French acuntant, present participle of acunter to account --Bill Shannon’s career began as a trainee accountant with Hutton, turner, law son, now part of earns& young ACCOUNTING—the science of prov. Meaningful information about a company’s finances as a tool for manage Pronoun.-(ac-count-ing) –sylla.-\ə-ˈkau̇n-tiŋ\ --Accounting profession is quite influential in Hong Kong. -. ANNUITY (N)—a type of life insurance contract that guarantees periodic payments to the insured at some future time, usually retirement. -(- An-nui-ty) -syllabi (\An*nu"i*ty\,). -; late Middle English < Anglo-French annuité, annualté < Medieval Latin annuitās, equivalent to Latin annu ( us ) yearly (derivative of annus year) syllabi. -itās -ity -- The term annuity is used in finance theory to refer to any terminating stream of fixed payments over a specified period of time. ASSET (N)—any item of value, often descriptive of the strong point of a person or company. The property of a person or bus available for discharge of debt. -- Anglo-French, Old French asez enough. See assai -as·set- -syllabi.\ˈa-ˌset also -sət\ -- Assets acquired by taxpayers whilst resident outside the U...
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...Tiffany Bevil Topics in Cultural Studies: HUMA215 - 1304A - 04 Unit 2 Individual Project Michael Polich American InterContinental University Online October 21, 2013 Romance is the native language of Europe that I chose to discuss. The term ”Romance” come from the Vulgar Latin adverb romanice, comes from Romanicus as an example the expression romanice loqui, “to speaking roman, that is the Latin Vernacular as well as with latine loqui, to speak in Latin that is Medival Latin and with Barbarice loqui this is to speak in Barbarian a non- Latin language from the people living outside the Roman Empire. The word Romance novel and love affair, Popular Tales that focused on Love in the medieval literature of Western Europe were composed in the vernacular and come to be called romances. The origins of romance languages are the continuation of Vular Latin. It was spoken by the soldiers, settlers, and merchants of the Roman Empire. The expansion of the Empire between 350 BC and AD 150, made Latin the dominant native language in the Continental Western Europe with its administrative and educational policies. Latin has a strong influence in Southeastern Britain; the Roman province of Africa and the Balkans north of the Jirecek Line. The Empire decline and after it was destroyed in the fifth century. Several types of Latin began to spread within each local area at a fast rate and developed into a continuum of recognizably different...
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...la lengua castellana Antes del siglo III a.C. Periodo Pre Románico En el territorio español se ubicaron distintas tribus primitivas con sus respectivas lenguas. Algunas eran los íberos (de dónde proviene el nombre de península ibérica), celtas, ligures, griegos, cartaginenses, griegos, vascos, y fenicios, que llamaron a España Hispania. Solo perduró la lengua vascuence. Siglo III a.C. (Hasta siglo V) Invasión romana o período de romanización A partir de la invasión del Imperio Romano en España, se impone la cultura grecolatina, religión, organización política (todos dependían del emperador), moneda, leyes y lengua del mismo: el latín. La necesidad de comunicarse entre conquistadores y conquistados determinó que se adoptara el latín vulgar (excepto la región vasca), era la lengua del pueblo. Había un latín culto, literario, que era escrito y usado solamente por escritores. Siglo V Invasión de los bárbaros o germanos (caída del imperio) Los germanos (vikingos, grandes guerreros), empujados por el jefe de los hunos, invaden el Imperio, destruyen y abandonan caminos provocando así que cada región se aislara y perdiera contacto con Roma. No provenían del mismo lugar y no hablaban la misma lengua, por lo que no la impusieron, pero dejaron en la nuestra algunas palabras como yelmo, casco, espuela, guerra, escudo y bandera. Siglo IX a XII Nacimiento de las lenguas romances o neolatinas La cultura de los conquistadores era inferior a la de los conquistados, por lo que no lograron...
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