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Scndri Scenarios: Short-Term Consequences In Schools

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Pages 3
Scenario 2 – The short-term consequences were the unhappy members of the team, the loss of respect, and the loss to the students for losing the benefit of lessons created by a team. The long-term consequences was the loss of that year’s learning the students missed due to a teacher who was unwilling to work with others and unhappy. Ultimately she was non-renewed.
Scenario 3 - The students of the accused teacher had a substitute for six weeks shortly before state testing. The entire seventh grade was affected because one teacher had on-level classes dissolved in order to take over his advanced class. This caused many students to become upset about losing their teacher and they wrote a petition and presented it to the principal trying to persuade her to change her mind. The principal called the teacher in and accused her of instigating the petition causing undue stress on a situation that was already difficult and creating a rift in the relationship of that principal and teacher. The counselors spent time changing many schedules to dissolve the classes and the other seventh grade teachers all had several students either change teachers or periods. The English class sizes were affected in order to accommodate the students from the dissolved classes. …show more content…
The district spent the remainder of the year trying to regain the trust of the public. The director lost their job. There were several first year teachers involved who filed complaints against the district. Time and resources went into defending the suspensions and ultimately resulted in the district having to pay all lost wages. This was added to the cost of substitutes for the teachers during their sixty day suspension. All but one of the teachers left the campus and one left the profession. Short-term was the stress, rumors, and negative impact on the campus

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