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Scope Management


Submitted By shahrzad
Words 942
Pages 4 Tutorial - Project Scope Management
This chapter covers key concepts related to Project Scope Management. 1. The knowledge area of Project Scope Management consists of the following processes -
Scope Management Processes

Project Group
Key Deliverables

Collect Requirements planning Requirements document

Define Scope planning project scope statement

Create WBS planning WBS, WBS dictionary

Verify Scope
Monitoring and Controlling
Acceptance deliverables

Control Scope
Monitoring and Controlling
Change Requests

2. The knowledge area of Scope Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work, and only all the work required to complete the project successfully. It is primarily concerned with controlling what is and what is not in the scope. 3. Project Portfolio Management is the process of project selection. It involves making a decision about which project an organization should execute. 4. There are two types of project selection methods. These are o Benefits Measurement o Constrained Optimization 5. Benefits Measurement project selection methods involve comparing the values of one project against another. There are the following type of Benefit Measurement project selection techniques - o Murder Boards - This involves a committee asking tough questions from each project o Scoring Models - Different projects are given scores based on certain defined criteria. Project with higher score is selected. o Benefits Cost Ratio - This technique involves computing benefits to cost ratio (BCR) for a project. Project with higher BCR is selected. o Payback period - This technique involves considering how long it takes back to "pay back" the cost of the project. Inflation or interest earned in not considered in

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