...For 12 years, he worked on and off on a clay sculture to honor Francesco Sforza, the founder of the clan. The sculpture was later destroyed in 1499 after the Sforza fell from power. From 1495 to 1498, da Vinci first painted The Last Supper in Milan. It was a tempera and oil paint mural that was on plaster. The Last Supper was originally created for the city’s Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The painting measures about 15 by 29 feet and is the sole survivor of da Vinci’s fresco artwork. It represents the Passover dinner in the Bible in which Jesus Christ says to the Apostles, “One of you shall betray me.” Jesus is the center of the painting. In around 1506, da Vince went back to Milan. He brought along his students and followers. Gian Giacomo Trivulzio commissioned da Vinci to create...
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... the purpose and the symbolic message in a piece of art. This essay will describe the two pieces of art and also explain the cultural significance of art. Medieval Period Art: Donatello’s Art-Mary Magdalene Many pieces of arts were produced by several artists during this period. The pieces of arts were rich in content and beauty. Donatello is among the famous artists of this period that came up with a number of pieces of art that are still currently discussed and analyzed hence the importance of preserving his collection of art. The painting of Mary Magdalene is among the best works of Donatello (Pope-Hennessy, 87). The painting is shown below Donatello was a famous sculpture born in France. The sculture of Mary Magdalene was made for the Florence Bapistry. The portrays looks grotesque and portarys Mary wasting away as a result of her...
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...I will be talking about sculptures of the Gupta period and my focus will be in the northern and central sites. The main sites that I will be talking about are Udayagiri, Mathura, Sanchi and Sarnath. What i’ll be trying to show through my presentation is the kind of transition that took place from the Kushana style to what is referred to by some historians as the Gupta style. Whether there is something called “Gupta style” is a matter of debate among historians. Some are of the view that dynastic labels should not be used. However, art historians like Harle say that in some cases, Gupta period. HINDU ART When it comes to Hindu art, Vidisha and Udayagiri were important art centres. Art seemed to have flourished in Vidisha during the reign of Ramagupta and Chandragupta II. The caves of Udayagiri constitute the earliest body of Hindu art in India. We can be sure about the dates for these caves because there is an inscription on the facade that refers to Chandragupta II and the year 82, which is corresponding to CE 401. The doorway of Cave 6 is decorated with jambs (vertical portion of the frame onto which a door is secured), lintels (load-bearing buiding component, a decorative architectural element), half-length pilasters (gives the appearance of supporting column, only ornamental fashion) and representations of 2 goddesses standing on makaras. In this case, the vahanas of both the goddesses are the same. The distinctiveness of the goddesses is apparent by the use of trees above...
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...Unlike his first David, his second one was done in bronze later in his career from 1430 to 1440. Scholars believe that the only other David sculture that can be compared to Donatello’s was done by Michelangelo ( shown in IMAGE 2) . Actually, these two artist together were considered the greatest florentine sculptors of all times. In fact, Michelangello’s work is highly influenced by Donatello’s which he admired greatly. As an artist, he closely studied human anatomy; he would in some cases disect corpses in order to learn more about the structures of muscles and bones*. Michelangelo’s David was also revolutionary for its time. In his case it was the colossal size of his David that struck the public the most. It was the first time that a large scaled nude statue was made since Antiquity. IMAGE 1 ...
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...Adam eisheimer he was using instruments like telescope to get galaleo He is manipulating them to his own artistic inclination Francisco pacheoo – diego valazquez IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Follow the strict tradition of spain. Valezquez was born in the largest city in the spain. Civil. Valezquez worked for Philip the 4th. His ability to pain life life portraits. Valezquez were training with Pacheco – he lived in his house as a servant in pachecos house. He ended up giving his daughter he impressed him. Vlezques he was really engaged in collecting – he was a strong orthodocs Spanish painter. Pachecho he was the checker of the explicit instruction . very controlled artistic stye he was monitoring all the paintings that were being produced you had to work in the confines of what was anticipated. Pachecho who set a lot of the religious standards Immaculate conception she got pregnant without intercourse. Valezques run his own shop. Diego valezques that painting is imp as it shows the graduation. * Valezquez simplifies the painting. * Spain had to raise taxes and everything there was a decline politically and something. However, there was a increase in the religious matter. * * Rome – imacula conception also followed here * The chapel has a dome * Ludocivo cigoli * Bernin father worked at the church * She immaculate virgin is surrounded by the angels * Micheal the father is in the upper most – In the center * She...
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...Storia dei mass media: dalla stampa al cellulare UNIVERSITA‟ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO – BICOCCA Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione Comunicazione Interculturale Usi ed effetti del telefono mobile in diverse culture Relatore: Prof. Valentino Zurloni Correlatore: Dott. Antonio Ascolese Tesi di Laurea di : Andrej Agacevic Matricola: 072910 Anno Accademico 2007 – 2008 2 Storia dei mass media: dalla stampa al cellulare Indice Introduzione .............................................................................................................................. 1 1. Storia dei mass media: dalla stampa al cellulare.......................................................... 2 1.1 La stampa, il primo mass media .................................................................................. 2 1.2 La discografia, il secondo mass media ....................................................................... 4 1.3 Il cinema, il terzo mass media ..................................................................................... 5 1.4 La radio, il quarto mass media..................................................................................... 6 1.5 La TV, il quinto mass media........................................................................................ 8 1.6 Internet, il sesto mass media ........................................................................................ 9 1.7 Il cellulare, il settimo mass media...
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...APOLÔNIO DE TÍANA O Filósofo, Explorador e Reformador Social do Primeiro Século depois de Cristo G.R.S.Mead Edição de 1901 CONTEÚDO I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII Introdução As Associações e Comunidades Religiosas do Primeiro Século Índia e Grécia O Apolônio das Primeiras Descrições Textos, Traduções e Literatura O Biógrafo de Apolônio Primeiros Anos As Viagens de Apolônio Nos Santuários dos Templos e Retiros Religiosos Os Gimnosofistas do Alto Egito Apolônio e os Governantes do Império Apolônio, o Profeta e Taumaturgo Seu Estilo de Vida Ele e Seu Círculo De Seus Ditos e Sermões De Suas Cartas Os Escritos de Apolônio I. INTRODUÇÃO Para o estudioso das origens do Cristianismo naturalmente não há período na história ocidental de maior interesse e importância do que o primeiro século de nossa era; e mesmo assim quão comparativamente pouco é conhecido sobre ele de natureza realmente definida e confiável. Se já é tão lamentável que nenhum escritor não-Cristão do primeiro século tenha tido intuição suficiente do futuro para registrar sequer uma só linha de informação referente ao nascimento e crescimento do que viria a ser a religião do mundo ocidental, igualmente desapontador é encontrar tão pouca informação definida sobre as condições sociais e religiosas gerais da época. Os governantes e as guerras do Império parecem ter constituído o interesse principal dos historiógrafos do século seguinte, e mesmo neste departamento de história política, ainda...
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...LIBERA CIRCOLAZIONE DELLE MERCI GUIDA ALL'APPLICAZIONE DELLE DISPOSIZIONI DEL TRATTATO CHE REGOLANO LA LIBERA CIRCOLAZIONE DELLE MERCI A cura della DG Imprese e industria Direzione C - Politica di regolamentazione Avvertenza: Né la Commissione europea né alcuna persona che agisca per suo conto possono essere tenute responsabili dell'uso fatto delle informazioni riportate in questa pubblicazione né di eventuali errori che, nonostante la cura posta nella sua redazione, essa contenga. La presente pubblicazione non riflette necessariamente il punto di vista della Commissione europea. Commenti e suggerimenti riguardanti il presente documento possono essere inviati alla Direzione generale Imprese e industria, Unità C.2 Ulteriori informazioni sull'Unione europea sono disponibili su Internet (http://europa.eu). Una scheda bibliografica figura alla fine della presente pubblicazione. Lussemburgo: Ufficio delle pubblicazioni dell’Unione europea, 2009 ISBN 978-92-79-13481-4 Doi 10.2769/25549 © Comunità europee, 2009 Riproduzione autorizzata con citazione della fonte, salvo diversa indicazione. Per l'utilizzazione o la riproduzione di materiale i cui diritti d'autore appartengono a terzi, è necessaria l'autorizzazione preliminare da parte dei detentori di tali diritti. Immagine di copertina: Printed in Belgium II Prefazione Questa guida all'applicazione delle disposizioni del trattato in materia di libera circolazione delle merci si propone di illustrare l'evoluzione e le prospettive...
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