Premium Essay

Summer 2014


Submitted By sally5604
Words 552
Pages 3
Shanna Gonzalez
November 12, 2014
Alternative summer Assignment

Based on my assignment I did about a year ago, I found many errors or many ways on how to make my essay “well”. Based on the principal William Zinsser, “On writing well” I have chosen three principal that help my essay improved. Clutter, Audience, and usage with these three principal it made my writing more understandable. Clutter helps with unnecessary phrase that should be get rid of. In other words pointless, have no use to the writing. Audience to clarify who I, the writer am talking to. Usage is mostly based on grammar I believe the meaning of the word. Clutter getting rid of phrase or simple words and shouldn’t be there. For example in my essay, “This was the first full experience I had at home, that actually affected me personally.” The phrase, “actually, personally” can be removed and wouldn’t affect the purpose of the sentence. The sentence will remain as, “This was the first full experience I had at home that affected me.” It trying to say the same thing but getting rid of things that like William says, something that is useless. Audience, they persons you’re trying to speak to. My essay is relating to other people who may have this problem that I face. The experience I have, even though other people had it worst it is a very common situation that I know many can relate. When I stated, “People will take things differently but I took it as motivation in a way. Not letting this or pretty much a lot of things from restricting me to do things I want to accomplish.” When I said this I was talking to whoever is reading to not let things hold them back, even the most dangerous things have to be push to the limit. I believe I made it clear in my essay. Usage, it based on grammar and who the word is use. Since many words can be used in different ways. Past tense, you, you’re, them, they,

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