...HISTORY It’s the cold war and the US government had a problem; if we have a nuclear war how are we going to maintain communications? If one city is destroyed on the US eastern seaboard, all communications in the east will be lost. A US military agency called Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was charged with solving the problem. They devised a communication system that would still work if one or more "nodes" of the system were destroyed. A kind of communications web, that if one link of the web was broken, information could flow around the broken link to get to its final destination. Later, in 1969, ARPA linked university computers and researchers to the network to assist them in conducting basic research through information sharing. This project became known as the ARPAnet. In 1977 ARPAnet engineers realized that the new communications network was going to grow into something much larger than originally anticipated so new communication technology would be required. They devised a communication protocol known as TCP/IP, or transmission control protocol/internet protocol. TCP/IP remains the fundamental way computer file are moved around the Internet today. Under TCP/IP a file is broken into smaller parts called "packets" by the file server. Each packet is assigned an IP (Internet protocol) address of the computer it has to travel to. As the packet moves through the network it is "switched" by a number of servers along the way toward its destination. The IP address tells...
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...1. Архітектура БД.Фізична і логічна незалежгість. 2. Процес проходження користувацького запиту. Термінологія в СКБД, та й самі терміни "база даних" і "банк даних" частково запозичені з фінансової діяльності. Це запозичення - не випадково і пояснюється тим, що робота з інформацією і робота з грошовими масами в чому схожі, оскільки і там і там відсутня персоніфікація об'єкта обробки: дві банкноти номіналом в сто рублів настільки ж відрізняються і взаємозамінні, як два однакових байта (природно , за винятком серійних номерів). Ви можете покласти гроші на деякий рахунок і надати можливість вашим родичам або колегам використовувати їх для інших цілей. Ви можете доручити банку оплачувати ваші витрати з вашого рахунку або отримати їх готівкою в іншому банку, і це будуть вже інші грошові купюри, але їх цінність буде еквівалентна тій, яку ви мали, коли клали їх на ваш рахунок. У процесі наукових досліджень, присвячених тому, як саме повинна бути влаштована СКБД пропонувалися різні способи реалізації. Самим життєздатним з них виявилася запропонована американським комітетом по стандартизації ANSI (American National Standards Institute) трирівнева система організації БД, зображена на рис.2.1 Зовнішня модель даних Зовнішня модель даних Зовнішня модель даних Концептуальний рівень БД Рис. 2.1. Трирівнева модель системи управління базою даних, запропонована ANSI 1. Рівень зовнішніх моделей - самий верхній рівень, де кожна модель має своє "бачення" даних...
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...THE INTERNET’S FIRST SUBARU ENTHUSIAST AND LIFESTYLE E-ZINE WWW.THEMONKEYSTRUNK.COM THEMONKEY’STRUNK From the demented minds that brought you TMT IS STILL 100% FREE CONTENTS WWW.THEMONKEYSTRUNK.COM THEMONKEY’STRUNK 11th Heaven -STAFFManaging Editor Richard Pena Senior Editor Stephen Meade Assistant Editor Ted Cooper Visual Editor/Layout Jeff Boggess Tale of Two Scoobies Advanced Turbo Choices Public Relations Donald Shrum Contributors Michael Motoda Charlie Clay Louis Zhao Ron Schunck John Jordan Special Thanks to Rodney Wills (HPI) Andrew Hillman (HPI) Warren Caswell(Sparco) NASIOC.COM Cover Model Amy Tran The Monkey’s Trunk Creators Nick Catalfamo Richard Pena Jeff Boggess Forza Motorsports 2 Reviewed TMT/NASIOC.COM Project car The Blue Bomber Super Taikyu Twins Miss TMT July ‘07 Amy Tran Scotland Subaru Owners The Monkey’s Meets Primate Picks The Gallery All content on this site is property of “The Monkey’s Trunk” and is not to be re-distributed or re-created without legal consent. The Monkey’s Trunk is in no manner affiliated with Subaru of America or Fuji Heavy Industries. Subaru, Impreza, WRX, Legacy and STI are trademarks of Fuji Heavy Industries and are used for identification purposes only. The Monkey’s Rant NEW 08 WRX! Love it or hate it, you’ll learn to live with it With the April announcement of the new world bound 4-door hatch WRX and the stateside-only sedan iteration there were many “ewws” and “AAAAAAAHHHs”...
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...Malessia Harris English 099-003 September 7, 2014 Essay After School Reading “The Teacher Who Changed My life” by Nicholas Gage brought back so many memories of 8th grade math. Gage felt so strongly about Ms. Hurd, as I did to my math teacher Mrs. Mowery. Gage came to America from Greece when he was just a boy. Unlike me I was born and raised in America. I think I took that for grated after reading his story. I believe a lot of children in America take for grated the educational system we have in place. When entering into Greendale Elementary school, Gage felt like he would have a bit of knowledge from his schooling in Greece. As I felt like because I had gone to 7 grades. Soon I was mistaken. Mrs. Mowery was a young, beautiful, smart math teacher. She reminded me that learning never end's. Just because I made it to the 8th grade did not mean I was done learning. Gage went to school willing to learn, I went to school to socialize with my friends. My other teacher's did not try to get me to pay attention or get good grades. I think they just thought I was a lost cause. Mrs. Mowery took that time, not just with math but with being a student. She asked me to stay after school to help me with my math. For the first week I saw this as a punishment. Day after day I stepped in to that empty classroom, sitting in the same cold, hard, metal desk. That punishment soon faded as I realized what Mrs. Mowery was trying to do. Not only did I get help with my math, I got help with...
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...INS2019 Business Organization and Management Anh MAI, International School (ISVNU) Mail: anhmd@isvnu.vn Cell: 0902372688 Topics to discuss Topic 1: Introduction to management Topic 2: The history of management Topic 3: The management environment Topic 4: Planning and Strategy Formulation Topic 5: Decision Making Topic 6: Organizing structure and design Topic 7: HRM Topic 8: Leading Topic 9: Teamwork Topic 10: Motivation & Communication Topic 11: Organizational Control 2 Topic from Daft (2012) and Innovation Adapted 12: Change 6/11/2012 Topics to discuss History of Management Evolution of Management thinking Environment of Management Corporate Culture, Ethics and Social Responsibility Management Planning -Managerial planning & goal setting - Strategy formulation & Implementation - Managerial decision making Organizing -Designing adaptive organizations -Managing change & innovation -Human resource Management Leading -Leadership -Motivation -Communication -Teamwork Controlling -Managerial and Quality control 3 Adapted from Daft (2012) 6/11/2012 Working Plan Topic Session No 1 2 Session 1 Session 2 Topics Textbook NEM Ch 1 NEM Ch 2 Tutorial Cases Questions 1, 5, 8, 9 Elektra Products, Inc (p.56) Introduction to Management The History of Management The Management Environment, Ethics and CSR Planning & Strategy Formulation 4, 6, 7 SIA Corporation (p. 58) 3 Session 3 NEM Ch 3...
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...Business Rules Edit When involved in a business or even a business project, there are 3 major rules that are created to affect the way your business works. Usually, these are rules that involve employees or staff and are rules that specify what they can and cannot do. A great example of a business rule involves marriages. For many companies, a manager is not allowed to marry an employee or an accountant at a company is usually not allowed to marry another accountant. In this case, the accountants are not allowed to be married because there is a more likely chance that the spouses can change financial information and then cover for one another. These rules are intended to prevent disruption in a company or business. Business Rules are used every day to define entities, attributes, relationships and constraints. Usually though they are used for the organization that stores or uses data to be an explanation of a policy, procedure, or principle. The data can be considered significant only after business rules are defined, without them it’s just records, but to a business they are the characteristics that are defined and seen by the company. Business Rules help employees focus on and implement the actions within the organizations environment. Some things to think about when creating business rules are to keep them simple, easy to understand, keep them broad so that everyone can have a similar interpretation. To be considered true, business rules must be in writing and kept up to...
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...Page 1 of 1 01.04 Service Project: Objectives Many Americans know that service is an important citizen responsibility. In 2008, they gave over 20 million hours of their time to volunteer efforts in this country. Giving back to your community is rewarding for both you and those that you serve. Opportunities to improve life for others exist all around you. In this lesson, you will learn the hows and whys of service projects and begin the steps necessary to complete your own service experience. © 2012 AP Images The teens shown here are repainting a fence as part of a service project in New Hampshire. Hundreds of young people from around the country participate in Workcamps, a church-based service program. In the program, students spend a week in the summer repairing homes. Page 1 of 6 01.04 Service Project: What Is Service? What Is Service? Service is helping other people and being active in your community. For example, one group of teens planted a community garden where they grow a variety of vegetables, which requires regular care and maintenance. The teens donate the produce to a local soup kitchen, which uses the produce to help feed people in the community. By tending the garden and donating their produce, the teens are actively helping make life a bit better for others in their community. Service is valuable. Your service hours as a student may help you get into the college or program you desire, though most people volunteer or serve others without expecting money...
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...Audism Unveiled Movie Worksheet/Discussion Answer Key 1. The movie begins with “Attention: The following movie is subtitled for the signing-impaired.” This is an example of Deaf humor but also what underlying message do you think they are making known by doing so? Answer: Hearing Impaired is disliked by most Deaf because it defines deaf solely in terms of broken or defective ears that need fixing, or to be aided or corrected. Hearing force expensive devices to make Deaf more “normal.” Labeling them “impaired” makes them seem less capable, less human. Emphasis should be on the person not on the impairment; on what Deaf are, not what they lack. 2. What were the 3 reasons that the first woman did not get hired for a job in Texas? a. She was Black. b. She was a Woman. c. She was Deaf. 3. When in group conversations or watching movies without captions what response do Deaf hate the most from hearing people? a. It is not important b. Tell you later 4. What is one punishment for signing in school? Kneel on a broomstick with arms spread out 5. What are examples of discrimination throughout the world shown in the movie? a. Parents cut out Deaf kid’s tongue b. People refused to help deaf woman give birth for fear of touching her would make them cursed. 6. When does oppression occur? When people believed as a superior, control and dominate minority groups 7. Different names for oppression are: a. Racism b....
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...General Manager Job Description | Plan, organize, direct, control, or coordinate gaming operations in a casino. Formulate gaming policies for their area of responsibility. | Typical Tasks | • | Resolve customer complaints regarding problems such as payout errors. | • | Remove suspected cheaters, such as card counters and other players who may have systems that shift the odds of winning to their favor. | • | Maintain familiarity with all games used at a facility, as well as strategies and tricks employed in those games. | • | Train new workers and evaluate their performance. | • | Circulate among gaming tables to ensure that operations are conducted properly, that dealers follow house rules, and that players are not cheating. | • | Explain and interpret house rules, such as game rules and betting limits. | • | Monitor staffing levels to ensure that games and tables are adequately staffed for each shift, arranging for staff rotations and breaks, and locating substitute employees as necessary. | • | Interview and hire workers. | • | Prepare work schedules and station arrangements and keep attendance records. | • | Direct the distribution of complimentary hotel rooms, meals, and other discounts or free items given to players based on their length of play and betting totals. | | Most Common Work Activities | Performing for or Working Directly with the Public | | Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers...
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...1. Should Trans-Share account for the sale of the fractional interest in the airplane according to ARC 840 (Accounting for Leases) or ARC 606 (Revenue Recognition for Customer Contracts)? Provide citation and explain in your own words. Based off the Codification, Trans-Share should account for the sale according to ARC 606. Citing 840-10-1, a criteria for lease classification is derive from the transfer of all substantial benefits and risks incidental to the ownership of that property. What this means is that unless the buyer (lessee) assume all significant risks and rewards, the criteria for a leash has not been met. In addition to that 840-15-6, state arrangements that qualify as leases. Under these arrangements, it is hard to consider (but not impossible) the sale of the fractional interest as a lease. 15-6 revolve around the concept of the “right to control”. What can the lessee do to the aforementioned property, do they have to follow guidelines, and is there anyone else who might have more than a minor output on the property? In the Trans-Share case, Trans-Share control and maintain virtually all aspects of the plane, with the buyer only dictating flight hours when available. In addition to that the purchaser lack any significant input on Trans-Share’s policy and cannot in any way deviate from them. The last part of 15-6 deal with whether or not other parties excluding the purchaser (the 7 other buyers as well as Trans-Share customer) will take more than a minor output...
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...Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lort lo Lort lort lort lort lort lort lort ort lort lort lort lort lort...
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...HERNIORRHAPHY Definition Repair of a herniation (protrusion) of the abdominal contents, caused by a musculo-fascila defect in the abdominal wall or groin area. Discussion * In the inguinal/ femoral regions, two types of herniation commonly occur; direct or indirect. 1. Direct hernia: Usually resulting from stress, causing the peritoneum to bulge through the fascia in the groin area. The peritoneal bulge (sac) may contain abdominal viscera. 2. Indirect Hernia: Caused by a congenital defect in the internal abdominal ring, causing the peritoneum to bulge along the spermatic cord. It may or may not contain abdominal viscera. * A hernia can occur within an old scar that is usually located in the abdominal (ventral)region, and is referred to as an incision hernia. * Hernias are either reducible or irreducible that is incarcerated. The contents of an incarcerated hernia may become strangulated, compromising the viability of trapped tissues and thus necessitating their resection in addition to the herniography. Position * Supine, with arms extended on arm boards Incision Site * Groin area, right or left oblique. Packs/Drapes * Laparotomy pack or minor pack * Four-folded towels Instrumentation * Basic tray or minor tray * Self retraining retractor Supplies/ Equipment * Basin set * Suction * Needle counter * Penrose drain * Dissector sponges * Sutures * Solutions – saline, water * Synthetic mesh * Skin closure strips...
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...dsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a aasdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a aasdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf asdfsd s s s s s d d d d ff f f s s s s d d d g g g a a a a a a a a a a adsafdsasdf...
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...THREAT MODELING AND ITS USAGE IN MITIGATING SECURITY THREATS IN AN APPLICATION Thesis Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY in COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING - INFORMATION SECURITY by EBENEZER JANGAM (07IS02F) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA SURATHKAL, MANGALORE-575025 JULY, 2009 Dedicated To My Family, Brothers & Suraksha Group Members DECLARATION I hereby declare that the Report of the P.G Project Work entitled "THREAT MODELING AND ITS USAGE IN MITIGATING SECURITY THREATS IN AN APPLICATION" which is being submitted to the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering - Information Security in the Department of Computer Engineering, is a bonafide report of the work carried out by me. The material contained in this report has not been submitted to any University or Institution for the award of any degree. ……………………………………………………………………………….. (Register Number, Name & Signature of the Student) Department of Computer Engineering Place: NITK, SURATHKAL Date: ............................ CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the P.G Project Work Report entitled " THREAT MODELING AND ITS USAGE IN MITIGATING SECURITY THREATS IN AN APPLICATION" submitted by Ebenezer Jangam (Register Number:07IS02F)...
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...dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg zsdg. Asfsadf sdfdjas sjfndf ujnfkdf junksdf ,sdfjkbsdf dfasdf sdf sdfsdf. Gasdgfsdf. Asdf sdfas sdfsadf ertfas vasdrg sdgfdvc sgfsd sdf serf dvcseg...
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