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Sec 572 Unit 2 Assignment

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SEC-572-Network Security


Professor Raef Yasin

DeVry University
Keller Graduate School of Management

LAB-2 Assignment


The need and ability to work from home has increased dramatically in the past few years. With lower prices on high-speed Internet and networking equipment, many people are discovering that building and maintaining a small office/home office (SOHO) network isn’t as difficult as it used to be. The wireless or “WiFi” systems operate on a standard called 802.11 and therefore equipment from any vendor will normally work with a user’s device designed to communicate over a WiFi network.
The SOHO set-up Includes:
• It is a small accounting firm in a building …show more content…
There is a switch placed in one of the rooms connecting multiple devices (Laptops, printer, scanner) through an AP (Access Point) on the same network. A switch enables connected devices to share information and talk to each other. Building a small office network isn’t possible without switches to tie devices together.
• A router is linked next to the switch. A router connects your networked computers to the Internet. This enables all connected computers to share one single Internet connection. A router acts as a dispatcher, choosing the best route for your information to travel. Choose a router with firewall capability to manage the network traffic going in and out as a security measure.
• Open-ness-connect your cable or DSL modem to the “Internet” RJ-45 jack connects up to three (sometimes four) wired computers to the “Ethernet” jacks, plug the wall-wart into the wall. This results in a totally open public Internet “hot spot” that can be used by anybody within range. The network will have a default name like “19923187” or “Linksys. Some newer routers force a configuration step. When you first attempt to access the web, they present a configuration page using a PIN (printed on the router) as password.
Wireless Network Security Policy

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