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Second Trimester Abortion Research Paper

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Should There Be a Law That Legalizes Abortions in the Second Trimester
Of Pregnancy?
Nicolette Ruise


There has been a high rise in preteen and teen pregnancy; they have no ability to take care of these babies or themselves. In the second trimester of pregnancy the fetus has turned into a baby, so therefore performing an abortion in the second trimester is considered murder. A second trimester abortion can be costly. In the second trimester the baby has begun to develop fingers, toes, ears, and eyes. By the end of the second trimester the fetus has grown into a fully developed baby. Although abortion maybe safe during the first and second trimester of pregnancy but with the fetus being fully developed in the second …show more content…
Should There Be A Law That Legalizes Abortion In The Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

Second trimester abortion can be sufficiently higher to pay than a first trimester abortion. The more developed the fetus is during the second trimester, the more the cost of the abortion. The cost of a first trimester abortion is $451.00 and the cost of the second trimester abortion is
$500.00 plus. The cost of the abortion is a determining factor when it comes to women having the proper care, abortion costs are based on the term of pregnancy and they are very expensive in the later part of the second trimester. When considering a second trimester abortion all costs must be considered, when having a second trimester abortion it requires more than one day to complete the procedure, so therefore money for lodging, eating, and childcare has to be factored in which rises the cost of a second trimester abortion drastically.

When looking at the method a clinic should use in any abortion the stage of the pregnancy must be considered. So when doing a second trimester abortion a procedure of surgical dilation of the cervix must be done by osmotic dilators, medications, or sometimes both must be used. The

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