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They Say I Say Book Report

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Introduction Reading Journal
In the introduction of the book “They Say/ I Say”: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing with Reading, Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein and Russel Durst emphasized three main points. Templates that can help you on your academic writing, writing being a conversation and the “They say/ I say formula”. I have always been scared of English because I always find myself struggling with how to have a structured writing. I might have my opinion but don’t know how to present where people can agree or disagree with my opinion. I have always thought that an argument activates a conversation because when you agreeing or disagreeing is necessary to explain why you think how you think. I feel that this book will defiantly help me in my academic writing. …show more content…
Templates are a structure that can give me a begging to my writing. Not to mention that it will help me a better thinker while writing my taught to have a conversation with my writing. “In other words, the templates offered here are learning tools to get you started, not structures set in stone” (11). Using templates is going to be really used fully for me because I always have a hard time beginning my essay. I feel that the templates will give me a start to my wiring with a strong structure where I can add my own opinion. The templates will defiantly give me a start to my writing and also be a critical thinker and reader to have clear writing so they can respond to

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