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Secularism and Christian Apologetics


Submitted By edemup
Words 2794
Pages 12
Secularism and Christian Apologetics

When I consider the reasons I returned to school and the chain of events that precipitated this dramatic life altering change, I know in my heart it is God guiding my steps. I am only a student, a late in life student, but I hope in some way I can be of some help perhaps through education a chance in some unknown infinitesimal way of helping to restore our country to some semblance of the moral clarity this nation was founded on. The Secular left is arguably responsible for the loss of our moral compass, today’s society is devoid of character, strength of integrity, honesty, piety, and respect for fellow man. While I am just a student, for me to be able to learn about a way (Apologetics) to help defend Christianity and as a result of my studies perhaps defend my country and my God, it is quite an honor that I hold dearly. I think this is summed up best by one of history’s early recognitions of our nation when described by the French Ambassador, Alexis de Tocqueville, as observed in Democracy in America; I do not know whether all Americans have a sincere faith in their religion, for who can read the human heart? But I am certain that they hold it to be indispensible to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a class of citizens or to a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to every rank of society (Tocqueville). I pray we can become closer to this ideal once again. Secularism it is commonly held, started during the Renaissance, the early 1400s, Gutenberg invented the movable type printing press, the result was twofold; one was the rapid distribution of printed paper that led to the early and wide spread distribution of the Bible which led to the Reformation. Simultaneously the distribution of humanistic and scientific doctrines which included the philosophers of the Roman and Greek

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