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Submitted By emmanuelmario
Words 292
Pages 2
Will is the power of conscious action or choice. Power is the ability to act; strength; control.
Willpower is the will or strength to act; it is the strength to refrain from acting, in pursuit of a goal; it is strength to hold back from doing or saying something you could do or say; it is the strength of will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes or plans.
Nothing can withstand the power of the human will if it is willing to stake its very own existence to the extent of its purpose.
One good way to exercise your willpower is to do something because you have a reason to do it, not because you feel like doing it. “You don’t have to feel like it before you do something; you just need to have a reason to do that thing.”
“I can’t” often means “I won’t”, even when you change “I won’t” to “I will” it is not enough because “I will” is not willpower but going ahead to do what you will is willpower.
When we consider willpower, one thing that comes to mind is the strength of will or the strength of willpower.
The strength of willpower is a measure of how often we exercise our willpower, how often we exercise the will to do or not to do something. Your willpower is like a muscle: exercising it can strengthen it. Anyone that exercises his/her willpower often has a strong willpower.
You can build or develop willpower in several ways. One of such ways is by disciplining yourself to concentrate on a job or assignment until it is finished. It gives you an experience of self-control, and makes you feel in charge of your own destiny.

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