... * Paragraph Two: Using your own words, define willpower and explain what it means to you. Discuss a time you used willpower to delay instant gratification. What happened? What were the results? How did you feel after? * Paragraph Three: Describe one situation that you are facing as a college student that requires willpower and explain how you will use your willpower to achieve academic success. The links to the video and article recommend very specific ways to use willpower. Identify at least two strategies from them that you can use to overcome the described situation that will allow you to achieve your academic goals. * Paragraph Four: Describe one situation that you are currently facing in another area of your life (personal or professional) that requires willpower and explain how you will use your willpower to achieve success. The links to the video and article recommend very specific ways to use willpower. Identify at least two strategies from them that you can use to overcome the described situation that will allow you to be successful. * Paragraph Five: Enrolling at Ashford University validates that education is one of your core values. Identify three of your educational goals that align with this core value. Explain how willpower encourages choices that are consistent with your three goals Course: PSY 202 Assignment: Week 2 Model Paper Start Date: Title: My thoughts on Self-Regulation and Willpower Paragraph One: Summarize the main ideas from...
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...Self-Regulation and Willpower Instructions: Use this worksheet to reflect on self-regulation and willpower. Items with a blue asterisk require completion (*). 1. Summarize the main ideas from the video and article in one paragraph each. A. Video – “The Science of Willpower: An Interview with Kelly McGonagall”* The video for Week 2 Assignment is all about willpower and how it works. Having inner experiences and impulses and still directing the energy and attention to the things that matter the most to you. You have to know what you really want and not let the universe impose on you. You need to take action to have the ability to say yes to yourself. Willpower is like having three (3) powers I (will), I (wont), and I (want). I use me (will) and I (want) power the most and resist most of the temptations. I have self-compassion; I take small steps for small actions and get a bigger change. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to do things that we really don’t want to do but need to do. B. Article – “Academic Delay of Gratification, Motivation, and Self-regulated Learning Strategies”* 2. Using your own words define willpower and explain what it means to you.* What Willpower means to me is when you hold yourself back from doing something you may regret in the future. Having willpower is the ability to recognize when you’re about to do something that is inconsistent with your culture, values, and literally put on the I won’t brakes on and say I will. An example of...
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...Jennifer Richardson PSY 202 Assignment week 2 Self-Regulation and Willpower Instructions: Use this worksheet to reflect on self-regulation and willpower. Items with an asterisk require completion (*). 1. Summarize the main ideas from the video and article. Each summary should be at least three sentences. A. Video – “The Science of Willpower: An Interview with Kelly McGonigal”* Will power is the most influential and necessary aspect of everyone because it instructs us on how to cope with short term enticement. While it leaves its effect on long-term goals of a person those are greatly interlinked with self-regulation perspectives. There are many aspects those guide to think and behave successfully and potentially. At the same time it follows the key discipline of self-regulation which effect on success progressively in appealing manners. Kelly McGonigal share how to formulate your life and goals that will help you think beyond immediate gratification. B. Article – “Academic Delay of Gratification, Motivation, and Self-regulated Learning Strategies”* McGonigal define will power as the ability to do what matters most even when its difficult or when some part of you dosent want to. The things that require will power pit those competing selves against each other. 2. Using your own words, define willpower and explain what it means to you in a complete paragraph of at least three sentences.* Will power is the primary power of every individual who can take benefit...
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...From the way we march to a well kept hair cut, military bearing is prevalent in every facet of military life, though military bearing is much deeper than just appearances; it is the cornerstone of any military career. Military bearing encompasses every facet of life in the military and can be applied to any situation. Military bearing itself is gleaned from several places such as, the articles of the UCMJ, The general orders, as well as our own Soldiers Creed. From these guidelines one can learn to conduct oneself on a daily basis, on and off duty. To fully understand military bearing in its entirety, one needs to examine the building blocks of military bearing. Honor, Courage, and Commitment are referenced anywhere one goes in the military, from the day one takes the oath to the day one retires from the service. Honor has many definitions, but one stands out and exemplifies military bearing; Doing the morally right action even when no one is watching, and the integrity that one takes upon oneself in order to responsibly carry out the orders of ones superiors. Courage is the Ability to stand up for ones beliefs and ethics that the army has instilled in them, despite the danger to oneself. Commitment is the dedication that is illustrated in the performance of each and every military member in the day to day duties in the army. Without one of the core values, the other values would not exist, and without the core values, military bearing would not exist. To army service members...
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...Week 2 homework Self-Regulation and Willpower Summarize the main ideas from the video and article. A. Summary of the video McGonigal feels willpower to be the ability in making choices with your goals and values. Noting using willpower to overcome distractions of mental and or physical anxieties. McGonigal explains how we use the wants, wonts and will as our fundamental bases of willpower. McGonigal gives examples resisting temptation and describing definitions on the use of willpower to avoid bad habits. McGonigal feels herself willpower is never of loss. McGonigal spoke on how ppl view one’s self as a stranger looking into the future, and having an easier time in looking into one’s own past. McGonigal spoke of using willpower to create a healthier, happier life, prosperous future. How mistakes can be a setback with ones will to continue with certain goals. B Summary of the article: The article explains how you look at yourself when performing tasks such as homework and every day life. Studying on the female and male showing which of the two genders was most likely avoid self-gratification and stay on top of their tasks. The article describes how to learn to stay focused on your motivation and keeping yourself regulated in learning and sticking to a set schedule in order to keep on top of your goals. 2. Define willpower and explain: Willpower to me is a force within me a drive. I have goals things in life I want to accomplish, I grab all resources available to absorb...
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...Is Obesity a Disease? Jacqueline Valencia Network Systems Administration ITT Technical Institute, Orange Campus May 26, 2014 Is Obesity a Disease? What is the definition of disease? According to Dictionary.com the definition of disease is: a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment. The United States is the second most obese industrialized country in the world. A 2013 report stated that 31.8% of Americans were obese, compared to 14% in the mid-1970’s. Obesity accounts for 10% of deaths and healthcare spending in the United States. Supporters contend that obesity is a disease because it meets the definition of disease. It decreases life expectancy and impairs the normal functioning of the body and it can be caused by genetic factors. I find myself on the opponents’ side who contend that obesity is not a disease because it is a preventable risk factor for other diseases. It is the result of eating too much and is caused by the lack of physical activity. In the health care bill H.R. 3962 approved by the House of Representatives on October 29, 2009, “being overweight or obese” is not classified as a disease but as a “behavioral risk factor” along with alcohol and drug use, tobacco, poor nutrition, physical inactivity and risky sex...
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...Understanding discipline Self-discipline includes:- * Reliability Your group can rely on you when needed to complete tasks or help give a good impression on the group with appropriate behaviour, punctuality, attitude towards work, and general qualities. * Personal grooming and presentation Good hygiene, appropriate clothing for work area (e.g. Sports gear for practical lessons, Smart-casual for lessons). * Composure and sound attitude Ability to control emotions and keep personal life separate from college/school/work, to remain full concentration on why you’re there. * Punctuality and Time management Always on time for lessons/shifts/lectures to avoid distraction and bad reflection on the team. * Personality Being friendly at all times, open minded and not judgmental, respectful of other people’s opinions even if you don’t agree. Helpful, interested, patient, and hard working. * Good performance Showing that you have listened to instructions by proceeding with tasks no questions asked and completing it. How does self-discipline affect me? Having self-discipline means I am reliable in the eyes of my team and my leaders, I can understand all my tasks and can complete them with minimal supervision, which means my tutors will have more time for people who may need more support. When I have self-discipline I have willpower, the ability to ignore distractions and proceed with instructions I have previously listened to. I am punctual, respectful...
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...capable, but they tend to be unhappy and have low self-esteem (Cherry, 2014). Children that are raised by authoritarian parents can be become defiant because they realize that independent behavior is not favorable among their parents. Brian’s parents display this type of parenting. They expect him to make perfect grades and nothing less than that. In the scene when his mother and sister drops him off, she states that he better find a way to study. Brian’s mother setting the rules and showing her firmness. There are no excuses. When he tells the story about failing shop, he mentions that his parents can’t have him making an F. So he contemplates suicide because of that failure to adhere to his parent’s expectations. His mother does not show any warmth or affection towards him. Even his sister seems to be portrayed as cold. Andrew Clark is another character within the movie that come from an...
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...As a current practicum student and future licensed school counselor there are going to be many different situations that I am going encounter during my career. These possible situations span a wide array of issues including: educational, emotional, psychological, and physical. So far, during my limited experiences I’ve encountered a few of these situations. However, one of the situations that I have yet to encounter is that of an individual who is suffering from an eating disorder. The purpose of this paper is to examine this problem a bit further. In this paper I plan on discussing exactly what an eating disorder is, what causes an eating disorder, what are the possible theoretical approaches to treating an eating disorder, and finally my plan of action for treating an individual(s) who is suffering from an eating disorder. I would like to begin my examination of eating disorders by explaining what exactly an eating disorder is. An eating disorder is a complex compulsion to eat, or not eat, in a way which disturbs physical and mental health. Often the symptoms can be seen as extreme, or as extensions of culturally acceptable behavior and preoccupations. The eating may be excessive (compulsive over-eating); too limited (restricting); may include normal eating punctuated with episodes of purging; may include cycles of binging and purging; or may encompass the ingesting of non-foods. The most commonly known eating disorders are Anorexia nervosa (starving yourself) and Bulimia...
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...The Thief of Time The Thief of Time Philosophical Essays on Procrastination Edited by Chrisoula Andreou Mark D. White 2010 Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further Oxford University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright © 2010 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 www.oup.com Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The thief of time: philosophical essays on procrastination / edited by Chrisoula Andreou and Mark D. White. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-19-537668-5 (hardback: alk. paper) 1. Procrastination. I. Andreou, Chrisoula. II. White, Mark D., 1971– BF637.P76T45 2010 128'.4—dc22 2009021750 987654321 Printed in the United States of...
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...punishments for violation. The discipline in addition means training of mind and character, rising self-control and the custom of obedience. We live in a democracy. Democracy is based on the willpower of majority of its citizens. It has to be accepted and obeyed. If not democracy loses its meaning and leads to anarchy. Some argue that discipline limits liberty and that also kills the man’s initiative. In my opinion this is a wrong view. In this paper I try to explain what disciplinary society means and why is discipline so important in our life. Discipline might be divided into two wide categories, external and internal. External discipline is that which is compulsory by outside authority. It is often connected with authority and force. For example, discipline in the army is one such. As Tennyson (2007, p. 215) said “Theirs not to make reply. Theirs not to reason why, theirs nut to do and die. A soldier in a war field cannot ask for reasons. He has to obey commands; otherwise, the war is lost”. Indiscipline cannot carry order of growth. Self-discipline or discipline by approval is self-control. One controls his emotions and needs and gives room to listen to other’s points of views. Man has a lot of needs and impulses. If they are allowed “free play” without discipline, it in high probability will end in chaos. The discipline does not mean simply training of mind and character for self-control, practice of duty and observance of rules and laws. The aim of discipline has always been...
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...Discussion on the Problem of Online Game Addiction After 30 years of development, the internet has become one of the most influential technical achievements of 20th century, which has had an crucial impact on all walks of life. Nowadays, internet technology and its application has become an important indicator of measuring comprehensive national power. As we know, Internet offers many conveniences. As a result ,it has made many people depend on it. What is worse, a large number of people have become addicted,especially to online game addiction.By2007,the population of online gamers worldwide was about 217 million, approximately 28 percent of the total online population(comScore,2007).In addition, online game addiction is prevalent in many countries, including China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, U.S., and Canada. In South Korea,2.4 percent of the population, ages nine to thirty-nine, were believed to be addicted to online games, and over 10 percent could be classified as obsessive gamers(Faiola,2006). In this essay, firstly I will talk about how the internet applies to daily life and alters modern life. Then list the problems which occurred with the development of internet. After that ,I will analysis the reasons why they are addicted to online games. Finally, I put forward the impact and suggestions for solving the problem. The internet influences every part of our daily life, it includes the patterns of doing business activities, and the uses for recreation such as sending...
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...sustainable changes will yield the best long-term results. Developing healthy habits can only be done by shifting mindset. Willpower only works to an extent, as it is an exhaustible resource that takes time to replenish. However, by changing the attitude of apathy and difficulty...
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...Introduction IKEA is the housewares and furniture organization which one of the world’s top furniture organization. IKEA also designs its products and sell those items in more than 300 IKEA stores that are from different countries around the world. IKEA offer the high-quality items at low prices. The largest market of IKEA is in Germany with 44 stores. United States has the second most IKEA store amount in the world with 37 (Loeb Walter, 2012). The company is care for the customers and in order to make more profit for the organization and IKEA also care for the customers, IKEA buy items in unpackaged, ships and stores matters unassembled using smooth packaging and customers assembled those a lot of items in their houses. IKEA was founded in 1943 in Sweden by Ingyar Kamprad (refernceforbusiness, 2015). In 1958, the first store of IKEA was founded in Sweden. After that IKEA extended to Scandinavian countries. Firstly, IKEA stores in Norway and Demark were opened which are the neighborhood countries and then IKEA started open their stores in Switzerland in 1973 and Germany in 1974 (Loeb, 2012). The first store in the United States was opened in Philadelphia (1985). The first store that IKEA faced problems is in Japan because of their culture differences, lifestyles and practices (Chaletanone and Cheancharadpong, 2008). Since IKEA entered into the country that has culture difference in social organizations, there will be numerous influences on organizational efficiency...
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...10/17/11 12:01 PM To Oliver, John Harry, John and Doris, and, everlastingly, to Liz Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd v 10/17/11 12:01 PM Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd vi 10/17/11 12:01 PM CONTENTS PROLOGUE The Habit Cure GGG xi PA R T O N E The Habits of Individuals 1. THE HABIT LOOP How Habits Work 3 31 60 2. THE CRAVING BRAIN How to Create New Habits 3. THE GOLDEN RULE OF HABIT CHANGE Why Transformation Occurs GGG PA R T T W O The Habits of Successful Organizations 4. KEYSTONE HABITS, OR THE BALLAD OF PAUL O’NEILL Which Habits Matter Most 97 Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd vii 10/17/11 12:01 PM viii G Contents 5. STARBUCKS AND THE HABIT OF SUCCESS When Willpower...
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