...CMGT 582 Security and Ethics August 27, 2012 Riordan Manufacturing Security Analysis Executive Summary With today’s businesses and the global competition, a company needs to protect business information secure and place classifications on information and the information systems. The following executive summary is regarding Riordan Manufacturing (RM) with a complete security analysis for how secure the organization’s information systems are. The security analysis will review a security risk assessment, security controls, and the company policies and government mandates for regulations regarding legal and ethical issues for information systems. One of the first steps to completing a security analysis is to performing an audit for the following: * Identify security best practices * Evaluate the current policies and effectiveness * Consider current and future legal and ethical issues * Security risk assessment * Security life cycle issues * * Configuration management, annual reviews, design, implementation Once the security audit is complete, RM can determine the level of effectiveness for security management and protecting the company’s major assets. The security audit will allow management to determine the top risk found during implementation and the best practices. The top risks and best practices found are from conducting the audit through observation, document review, interviews, and web-based questionnaires. The executive summary...
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...2001 the nations’ security has been a hot topic, not only in politics but in the everyday life of Americans. Airports are an obvious location for the substantial discussion over the effectiveness of security measures in the nation. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created to address the concerns created by the terrorist’s attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Congress passed and signed into law the Aviation and Transportation Security Act on November 19, 2001 which is the legislation creating the TSA. The stated mission of the TSA is “protect the nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce”. However, with any focus on the news or current events would be able to identify that the TSA has failed to fulfill their objectives....
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...portion of our day when we are in public. Whether it is walking to and from class, going to the convenience store, or even being in your fraternity; we are being watched nearly all of the time. Attached at the bottom I have a picture of myself with one of the security cameras in Delta Tau Delta. We have one at the end of each...
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...A Risk Analysis for Information Security and Infrastructure Protection Special Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice Columbia Southern University January 03, 2012 A Risk Analysis for Information Security and Infrastructure Protection OBJECTIVE The sole purpose for performing a risk analysis for IT systems is to ensure businesses and or organizations, whether small or large to accomplish its missions by better securing the IT systems that store, process, or transmit organizational information. The primary function of risk analysis is to identify and correct the vulnerabilities and threats of an IT system. It enables management to make well-informed risk management decisions and justify the spending that is part of an IT budget. This also assists management in authorizing or accrediting the IT systems based on the performance results of a risk analysis. TARGET AUDIENCE Risk analysis will encompass a basic guide for experienced and inexperienced, technical and non-technical personnel who support or use risk analysis for their IT systems. This will included a detail listing and job description of personnel based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) research: Senior management and mission owners make decisions about the IT security budget, and they ensure the implementation of risk management for agency systems and the security provided for the IT systems. The Designated Approving Authority (DAA) is responsible...
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...1.1 ORIGIN OF THE TERM PAPER This term paper has been made as a part of our course Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Course code # 4242), Mrs. Jafrin Sultana has assigned us this term paper in order to gain some practical knowledge about how to conclude on investment decision and analysis on the basis of various valuation approaches. The perspective of such a term paper is to make us familiar with the key factors of security market that affect the users in decision making. For this purpose we have used the annual reports of Bangladesh lamps ltd, and try to analyze and understand the overall capital market components according to our best effort. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF TERM PAPER This term paper is based on “financial analysis & stock valuation of Bangladesh lamps ltd”. The objective of this term paper is to provide present situation of the Bangladesh lamps ltd, corporate structure, industry performance, stock valuation, SWOT analysis, ratio and risk analysis and financial statement analysis of the company. More precisely we can identify the objective of this report as follows: * To provide the overall industry performance within our selected industry * To acquire experience of a real organization to supplement theoretical knowledge. * To know about how the academic issues taught in our educational institutions come to practical ground in an organization. * To get familiar with the organizational structure and financial aspect of our selected...
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...the company to generate at least 100 billion dollars in sales. IBM has many subsidiaries such as ADSTAR, Lotus Software, ILOG, Saudi Business Machines, and Science Research Associates. IBM has been offering new businesses with opportunities to develop fresh new business designs that will help them to come out in full force. The company also offers technical architectures that allow their businesses the flexibility required to compete in the global business landscape. IBM has continued in expansion in adjusting its footprint toward emerging geographies, tapping their double-digit growth, providing the technology infrastructure they need, and taking advantage of the talent pools they provide to better service the company’s clients. The analysis for the return on equity was slightly higher in 2008 than it was for 2007. The global financing after the income taxes was $1049 in 2008 and $877 in 2007. The global financing after the income taxes was $877 in 2007 and $914 in 2006. The global financing after taxes fell $37 in 2007. The price rose again by $172. The average global financing equity was $3572 in 2008 and $3365 in 2007. The average global financing equity was $3365 in 2007 and $3097 in 2006. The overall average global financing equity increased by $268 in 2007 and $207 in 2008. The Global financing return on equity was 29.4% in 2008 and 26.1% in 2007. The Global financing return on equity was 26.1% in 2007 and 29.5% in 2006. In the three-year period, the after income...
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...Security Analysis and Investment Management Unit-1 INVESTMENT * Investment means conversion of cash or money into a monetary assets or a claim on future money for a return. * Investment is the employment of funds on assets with the aim of earning income or capital appreciation. * Financial investment is the allocation of money to assets that are expected to yield some gain over a period of time. * In its broadest sense, on investment is a sacrifice of current money or other sources for future benefits. SPECULATION * Speculation means taking up the business risk in the hope of getting short term gain. * Speculation essentially involves buying and selling activities with the expectation of getting profit from the price fluctuations. * The speculator is more interested in the market action and its price movements. * The speculator is interested in getting abnormal return. Investment Vs. Speculation INVESTMENT | SPECULATION | * Time- long period * Risk- moderate * Return- moderate * Delivery of goods- yes * Decision- fundamental factors | * Time- very short period * Risk- high * Return- high * Delivery of goods- No * Decision- market behaviour | Financial Markets Maturity of Claim Seasoning of Claim Nature of Claim Timing of Delivery A Financial market is a market for creation and exchange of financial assets. Classification of Financial Markets Debt Market Equity Market Money Market Capital...
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...Security Analysis Edwards Lifesciences Jesse Blair Security Analysis Edwards Lifesciences Jesse Blair 2014 2014 Industry Analysis Medical Appliances and Equipment For this security analysis project I have chosen to research the medical equipment industry that specializes in artificial heart valves and related health products. This industry helps in the repair of cardiovascular diseases and critical care monitoring. There are two different types of artificial heart valves. There is the Tissue heart valve which is commonly given to older patients and it has a lifespan from 10 to 15 years. It is safer for older adults because it has less chance for post operation bleeding which could be fatal. The second type of heart valve is mechanical heart valve which has a lifespan of a patient’s lifetime. This type of valve has a higher risk of bleeding and requires for a patient to take blood thinner medication for the remainder of their life. Top Competitors When it comes to competitors there are three main groups that are leading the way in artificial heart valves and medical equipment. These companies are Edwards Lifesciences, Medtronic, and St. Jude Medical. You can examine the total revenues of the top three competitors on chart 1. Chart 1 Discussing the Competitors Medtronic Inc. Medtronic is the largest of the three competitors with revenues of over 17 billion last year. They are currently in the process of acquiring Covidien, which has been put on hold due...
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...IV. Future trend The SDN network has been introduced a series of security checks, such as existing Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems. As taking advantage of the decoupled data plane and control plane, the potential solution for the specific attack has been emerged and rapidly deployed. A.Virtual access point of edge For better security, we may want to transmit the cryptographic data through data plane. In order to separate the client device from encrypted data plane, one simple solution is to create a virtual access point that locates between the client device and the specific switch to encrypt and decrypt packets. The virtual access point, as an abstraction of software layer dynamically allocated by switches, can forward or drop the packet in both direction between the switch’s port and the client device. When the client tries to connect to the SDN network, the virtual access point will initially accept the data or request packets and forward them into the available port of switch. Then the switch will determine the action based on the flow table or forwarding the request to the controller. Once wanting to banned the client device or fail to find the client device, the controller only need to disable the related data path and terminate the virtual access point. If the client device want to send a vast of...
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...IS427: Unit 3 Assignment 2: IT Security Compliance and Governance Gap Analysis Plan Outline Learning Objectives and Outcomes You will learn about the process of performing an information technology (IT) security compliance and governance gap analysis. Assignment Requirements In this assignment, you will be given a Request for Proposal (RFP) that includes a current IT policy framework description and a complete technical description of what is needed. You are required to prepare a project plan that defines the tasks necessary to perform a security compliance and governance gap analysis. You should include tasks, resources, cost estimates, and time estimates in the project plan. You will be graded on your ability to break the IT security compliance and governance gap analysis process into manageable parts and then organize them into a project plan. Students who produce a project plan with task details for all necessary tasks in an IT security compliance and governance gap analysis should receive a full grade. Required Resources RFP Worksheet: Project Plan IT Security Compliance and Governance Gap Analysis Submission Requirements Format: Microsoft Word Font: Arial, Size 12, Double-Space Citation Style: Chicago Manual of Style Length: 1–2 pages Self-Assessment Checklist I have prepared a project plan that defines the tasks necessary to perform a security compliance and governance gap analysis. I have included tasks, resources, cost estimates, and...
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...IRobot Security Analysis Abstract This paper contains an analysis of the stock security iRobot (irbt) which has had several highs and several lows over the past few years due to the fluctuations in the US economy. The overall analysis dictates how the state of the economy can affect an individual stock price even though the company has had relative good growth in customer sales over the last five years. The overall analysis looks at the return on equity, future growth rate of earnings, required rate of return and the company’s intrinsic value. Graphs and/or tables will be used to support the overall findings of the security. Introduction Robotics is on the rise, the concept of creating machines that can operate autonomously has been a goal set by man since the beginning of time. iRobot (irbt) has taken on this concept and has truly made it a reality in our time. Quite simply “iRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference” (iRobot, 2013). That difference is seen in the lives of its customers. iRobot was founded in 1990 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticists with the vision of making practical robots a reality. iRobot’s corporate headquarters are located in Bedford, Massachusetts. The company also has offices in California, the United Kingdom, China and Hong Kong. iRobot designs, develops, and markets practical robotic solutions that undertake mundane and/or dangerous tasks for consumers, government agencies, military, and industry...
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...An Analysis of the Securities Scam -Highlighting Harshad Mehta Synopsis Securities Scam, as it is called, is a name given to the diversion of funds from the banking system to a set of individual stockbrokers through a series of transactions. The duration of the scam was around 11 months, from May 1991 to April 1992. The report primarily describes: * The basic difference between capital market and money market * Why was their room for the scam to happen * How the scam got originated * Who were the key players * What system flaws turned a plan to a scam * How the plan got exposed * Response of the government * Impact of the scam * Policies required Starting with the basic explanation of capital markets and money markets, let us try to understand the points of difference between the two. Point of Difference | Securities Market | Stock Market | Key Players | * Banks * Financial institutions | * Individuals * Companies | Intermediaries | Around a dozen brokers approved by the Reserve bank of India | About 500 brokers approved by Bombay Stock Exchange | Capitalization | Rs 100000 crores | Rs 250000 crores | Finance | Formal money market | Informal money market (Badla market) | Cost of Finance | 18-20% | 35-40% | Number of Transactions | 250 per day | 50000 per day | Trading Volume | Rs 3000-4000 Crores per day | Rs 50-200 Crores per day | We can observe from the table that there is a great difference between...
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...Action Notes Pipelines, Power & Utilities Recommendation: Risk: 12-Month Target Price: 12-Month Total Return: Market Data (C$) Current Price 52-Wk Range Mkt Cap (f.d.)($mm) Dividend per Share Dividend Yield Avg. Daily Trading Vol. (3mths) $31.58 $25.51-$32.87 $24,000.8 $0.98 3.1% 1,487,005 December 760.0 750.0 63.7% $10.36 13.4% September 12, 2011 Equity Research 1 of 4 HOLD Unchanged LOW C$33.00 Unchanged 7.6% Linda Ezergailis, P.Eng. 416 983 7784 linda.ezergailis@tdsecurities.com Robert Hope, CFA 416 983 9717 robert.hope@tdsecurities.com Enbridge Inc. (ENB-T, ENB-N) C$31.58 Enbridge to Twin the Athabasca Pipeline for $1.2 billion Event Enbridge has announced that it will twin the southern portion of its existing Athabasca crude oil pipeline between Kirby Lake, AB and Hardisty, AB at an expected cost of $1.2 billion. Impact POSITVE. We estimate the expansion will contribute $0.04 of EPS on an annualized basis when volumes ramp up although we expect it will not contribute to earnings until 2015. Details Athabasca Expansion – Twinning Overview: • Overview: Enbridge has announced that it will install a new twin 345km, 36” liquids pipeline beside its existing Athabasca pipeline between Kirby Lake and Hardisty, Alberta. • Volumes: The twin line will accept volumes from oil sands projects in the Kirby area. We note that Enbridge’s Christina Lake Lateral, which services Cenovus’ and ConocoPhillips’ Christina Lake Enhanced Oil Project, delivers into the Athabasca...
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...Investment analysis November 2015 Jaime J. Delgado Code Unit STR364 Student Num. Q12576077 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction…….………………………………………………………................... 2 p 2. Overview of Land Securities..…….................................................................... 2 p 3. The market trends, opportunities and risks..…...…………................................ 2 p a. Housing in London 2 p b. Commercial real estate in the UK 3 p 4. Strategy for management and marketing.……………………………………….. 3 p c. Business model .……........................................................................... 3 p d. Performance.……................................................................................ 4 p 5. Specific project analysis …………....…………………........................................ 4 p e. Stakeholders aspirations …………………………………………………... 4 p f. Operational performance …………………………………………………… 5 p 6. Conclusion and recommendation ………………………………………….............. 8 p 7. References …………………………………………………………………………….. 9 p 8. Appendix………………………………………………………..…..............…..…....... 11 p 1. INTRODUCTION This report aspires to critically evaluate the performance of Land Securities and provide enough evidence to allow non-professional investors to understand the Company performance, the market where it operates and decide if investing in Land Securities is appropriated...
Words: 6796 - Pages: 28
...Investment Fund and Security Analysis Assignment Question 1 There are several examples of the various types of mutual funds. In fact the list is listless but the most common ones include; Aggressive growth funds, Growth funds, Growth and Income Funds, Value Funds, International Equity Funds, US Government Income Funds, Municipal Bond Funds, Corporate Bond Funds, High Yield Bond Funds, Treasury Bills, Money Market Funds among many more. Load Mutual Funds are funds that have a sales charge or commission attached when they are purchased. The charge is used to compensate or pay for the services of the intermediary their time and expertise in selecting the appropriate mutual fund. Such charge is either paid while buying the funds or when selling them. On the other hand, No-Load Mutual Funds are either purchased directly or indirectly through a mutual fund company. These funds may have a small 12b-1 fee i.e. the cost of distribution which is incorporated into the fund as expense ratio. The expense ratio is paid by the shareholder of the fund on Daily basis through reduction of the price of the fund. Most investors prefer no-load funds since there is no more expenses required to pay for the broker services. Question 2 There are several types of mutual funds and they include the following; Stock Funds Stock Funds are at times referred as equity funds is a fund that invests in stocks which at times are also known as equity securities. These types of fund mainly consist of stock though...
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