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Self Reflection


Submitted By christinea14
Words 400
Pages 2
“The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle.” -Swami Sivananda

This summer I had the opportunity to go the Nicaragua with a program called Global Glimpse. Before the trip, I knew that it would be completely different than my first trip, Which meant no backpacking. However this meant I would be flying into a country without any adult supervision. I actually had no feelings of anxiety or any sort of nervousness towards going on my own, I just wasn’t scared. After Nicaragua, I noticed what stood out important was how much I changed over the past two years, I was no longer shy and I am more outgoing, While I was in Nicaragua I wasn’t scared to go up to people and talk to them, get to know them and have an actual conversation. The old Christine would be like “I’ll just wait here till someone talks to me” and now looking back I can say that my confidence level has risen. One of the activities that we were able to do was actually slide down a volcano, however it meant that we would have to hike up. It reminded me so much of North Carolina, before I just missed the people I met, instead it reminded me of the physical challenge I faced which I never thought I would. And so I thought how weird it was to miss the things we never thought we would.

Before the trip, I had to write down 3 goals I want to fulfil in my trip, One was improve my spanish; I used to be fluent when I was younger and wanted to retain it, my second goal was making friends; I wanted expand my connections globally and lastly was to have fun, I am still young and the best way to actually experience is to have some sort of fun in our life. After my trip to Nicaragua, I completed my goals, during my trip, I had to tutor people in English and thats when my set of Spanish speaking skills came along, I was able to improve and help others. I also expanded my connections globally, not only do I have friends from California but I also keep in contact with my friends from Nicaragua. Lastly, I had the most memorable and unique summer experience, it is a story to tell.

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