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Serial Serial Case

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The Significance of Serial
Who murdered Hae Min Lee? This question is the driving force behind season one of Serial. Produced by Sarah Koenig, Serial was a captivating true crime story that was masterfully and artfully told in podcast form. It was a significant work of art to me due to the deep thought it invoked involving the personality of the convicted murderer Adnan Sayed and the question of his guilt or innocence. In addition, it was significant to society for the reason that it was arguably the most popular podcast of all time. By describing the podcast and explaining the impact it left on myself and its commercial success, I will portray the significance of Serial.
The twelve episode podcast investigated the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee, an eighteen year old high school student in Baltimore, Maryland. Adnan Sayed, Hae's seventeen year old ex boyfriend, was convicted of her murder and has been serving a life sentence in prison ever since. Throughout the podcast, Sarah Koenig and her team thoroughly investigated the case against Adnan, his defense and everything in between. What they presented to listeners was a spellbinding mystery that left many perplexed when it came to one simple question, is Adnan Sayed actually guilty?
Through …show more content…
Serial was also the first podcast to win a Peabody award. In the description of Serial on it's stated that "Serial rocketed podcasting into the cultural mainstream and inspired countless follow-up pieces and many a heated argument amongst friends about what actually happened on January 13, 1999." Clearly Serial conjured strong reactions in millions of people throughout the world. By doing so, it helped solidify podcasts as a viable form of artistic entertainment and may have opened the door for more podcasts in the future to gain more attention and

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