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Serpentspine Research Paper

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Words 1306
Pages 6
The Serpentspine constellation, a constellation where the advanced civilizations mixed spirit arts, and magic to make great strides in technological advancement.
Their method was to gather, and store energy, studying it so the particular energy can be refined to it's purists form. Doing this they were able to discover that all energies, no matter how chaotic or diverse, were a branch of the spirit realm.
Even the devils who are hated, and feared throughout the cosmos, gathered their negative energy from the spirit realm.

The angels in the heavens were no different, without the spirit realm there would be no way to directly manipulate these energies. Those able to absorb, store and cultivate the energy within them are considered pinnacle …show more content…
Upon reaching the forest they were told that they had to wear the pads for 3 months, and the only time it could be removed was when they went to bathe. Taking care of their hygiene was the only thing they could remove the pads for. This rule was something like a natural law, violators were flogged and quite a few died from the iron like whips darting in, and licking away their flesh.

Other than training them to death the Devas didn't go out of their way to make life miserable for the humans. They didn't seek to awe them or flaunt their superiority over them, humans bred like rats so they were perfect for boosting military power. Those other super races didn't bother training the humans in their territories, they just sent them out as meat shields to drain the enemy of their spirit energy. Once the opposition has used up all their power slaughtering their way threw the humans, then they step in like sovereigns to administer the killing blow.

Such methods were disdainful in the eyes of the Devas, they didn't mind betting their lives on their skill with the sword. And though the humans were lowly they wouldn't deny them the right to die as warriors, with the utter disregard that the other races had for human life, this arrangement with the Devas was obviously the lesser of two

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