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Development In Adulthood

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In the human body, arguably the most important and complex organ must be the brain, due to it’s ability to control one's day to day life. Likewise, the mind is not fully developed until well into adulthood, so in young adults, decision making skills are not fully developed. Although some may explain that teenagers take time to think and wish to understand how to comprehend their surroundings, these young men and women have a long way to go before they may reach full social maturity. By realizing that teens are still undergoing development within their minds, precautions can be taken to help teens make rational decisions rather than leaving the task solely on them. It is with this information that one must assimilate the fact that teens can …show more content…
Although these young adults have showcased a suitable intellect, they too cease to realize their potential. Even with a vast array of knowledge, at such young ages the minds of teens are undergoing development; thus, it leaves them “not quite sure what to do with” such information (Ruder 7). With an understanding that though teens convey attributes of knowing right from wrong, they still do not understand what it means to make the right choice in life. In contrast, as Nixon would explain that “teens are hard at work acquiring important life skills”, how can this connotation be trusted when “all teens do is sit around” not fulfilling their potential (12). On the contrary, teens are pressured by others around them in order to “seem cool” (Nixon 11). Acceptance to an adolescent is more important than any accomplishments achieved by hard work; therefore, leaving them in an undesirable position in life. With pressures of needing to please those around them, teens have many emotions overwhelming their understanding and perceptions of any actions they may make. As it is expressed that “sometimes teens do things, like punch a wall or drive too fast”, one questions if they truly “know better”; however, it is their limbic system that allows them to become indignant (Nixon 10). One must understand that even though teens may know what they are doing is not admirable, they can not comprehend what it means to act out activities without the acceptance of those around them. As the reward signals in their brains are vulnerable at this stage in life, peer pressure to abuse drugs among other substances is amid the many ideals to

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