...a colossus figure, and how the faithful Daniel spent a night in the ferocious den of lions. However, the prophecies and predictions contained in the book had never been a topic of concern for me. The prophet Daniel completed his memoirs around 530 B.C. and is one of three books compiled during Israel’s Babylonian captivity . Many scholars have debated over the true date and authorship of the book due to its pinpoint accuracy when predicting future events. One of the most intriguing and heavily disputed passages pertains to the prophecy known as the “Seventy Sevens”. In this paper, Daniel’s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks will be exegetically interpreted with a focus on identifying the purpose of the prophecy, the starting time and event for the prophecy, the division of the weeks within the prophecy, and the details pertaining to the fulfillment of this prophecy. The Interpretive Method The prophecy of Seventy Weeks is recorded in the ninth chapter of Daniel, verses 24-27. These four verses are often considered to be the most difficult to understand text recorded in the book . To help understand the depth and meaning of this passage one can benefit from applying four key factors to their study; better know as the interpretive method. The interpretive method consists of four main principles; how the passage applied to the original audience, the differences between the original audience and the current one, the theological principle, and how those principles should be applied...
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...Journal of Applied Foreign Languages Fortune Institute of Technology, June, 2009 Volume 3 An Investigation into Effectiveness of Peer Feedback Grace Hui Chin Lin Ph.D., Texas A&M University M.S., University of Southern California Paul Shih Chieh Chien Ph.D., University of Cambridge Ed.M., Harvard University Abstract Copious researches argue the effectiveness of peer-correction in writing courses (e.g., Connor & Asenavage, 1994). Also, Coit (2004) mentions using peer feedback for correcting articles through a student-centered environment is a beneficial pedagogy to extend learners’ academic-style writing practice. Therefore, this study focused on investigating effectiveness of peer feedback from communal, cognitive, cooperative and pedagogical perspectives. This study also argues that it is English writing teachers’ obligation and responsibility that they should ensure their writing learners compose articles in an atmosphere where they can learn from their peers cooperatively. According to Coit (2004), “Based on theories in collaborative learning and social cognitive development, peer review has assumed an important role in both L1 and L2 writing classrooms.” (p. 902) When students are authorized to take on the role of the editor for their peer’s papers to carry out the correction process, they seem to be more confident and motivation-stimulated in their writing courses. In order to achieve this significant goal of releasing students’ anxiety and raising...
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...topics: • Healthful eating • Oil and gas prices • Education • Media in the courtroom • Cosmetic surgery • Tattoos or body piercing • Language in the United States • A topic of your choice, approved by your instructor Final Project Timeline You should budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course. As outlined below, some CheckPoints and assignments in the course are designed to assist you in creating your final project. If you complete your course activities and use the feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to successfully complete your project. □ Suggested in Week One: Read the Final Project Overview and Timeline in Appendix A. □ Suggested in Week One: Read Characteristics of Expository Essays on the student Web site. □ Due in Week One: Expository Essay Topic CheckPoint □ Due in Week Three: Evaluating Sources CheckPoint □ Due in Week Four: Brainstorming CheckPoint □ Due in Week Four: Documenting Sources Assignment □ Due in Week Five: Thesis Statement CheckPoint □ Due in Week Six: Topic Outline and Working References List CheckPoint □ Suggested in Week Six: Review the Week Six exercise. Apply appropriate style guidelines to in-text citations in your expository essay. □ Due in Week Six: Body Paragraphs Assignment • The first draft of your paper must be complete enough (at...
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...Ben Halsey BIBL 450-B04 The Seventy Weeks of Daniel In the world today, many people seek to discredit the Word of God by saying there is no proof of its accuracy or its power, however, as we continue to study the word we see that there are many prophecies that have been, are being, and will be fulfilled. This is a huge point for the believer learning biblical Apologetics. One of the prophecies that we see in scripture is in the book of Daniel. In verses 9-24-28 we learn of a prophecy made by Daniel about about present events that were going on, then future events that historically we can observe, and then coming events that many believe to be the end times. In this prophecy we see direct correlation to the book of Luke and Revelation. There are many who ready the prophecy of Daniel and try to conclude that the prophecy in Daniel is referring not to a series of years but rather weeks. However, after contextual study of the word shabuim, we see that the word is actually referring to years. Ryan Turner, explains that in the nature of historical events, Jeremiah’s Prophecy, and the translation that is found in the Mishna one could assume that Daniel is speaking of years. Harold Hoehner writes, “The term shabuim in Daniel 9 most reasonably refers to a unit of seven years. To make it anything else does not make good sense.” The prophecy is broken up into three different sets of years. The first is seven weeks which are speaking of a period of 49 years. The second set is the...
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...Introduction Reminiscing at the first week of this class, we completed an assignment that tested each students’ strengths and weaknesses. The Transferable Skills Inventory (TSI) is acquired expertise from experience. The purpose of taking the TSI test is to recognize areas of improvement and then apply it in the workplace. This week, I will be discussing Convey, and one of his strategies that helped me develop my overarching question throughout the past seven weeks. Further, I will explain the relevance of the proactive approach in the circle of influence as a healthy individual. Briefly summary of chosen habit The problem I will be addressing relates to the direct control of the Circle of Influence. As Convey stated, “Proactive people concentrate their efforts in the Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do anything about. The nature of their energy is positive, enlarging and magnifying, causing their Circle of Influence to increase (p.83).” Proactive people use a specific language by saying I will do, I can do better than that, I will start the project (self-initiated), and I will take care of my health. In other words, proactive people manage...
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...shock. 3. Scope This report analyses mainly on Oberg’s theory which is about 4 stages of culture shock: honeymoon, crisis, recovery and adjustment. In addition, two changes of Oberg’s theory were discussed. Finally, a seven step plan for managing travel anxiety is also analysed along with the results of a survey on how to minimize culture shock for overseas students living in Melbourne. 4. Research methods/Methodology The information and data used in this report is based on primary sources. We did a questionnaire and it was completed by Swinburne students at Hawthorn. Also we used secondary data which is from internet and periodical resources. 2. Results Culture shock is called as a disease of people who have to go abroad immediately but it can be cure by many ways such as learning about when to shake hands and when to accept or refuse invitation. Getting in a strange culture individually can cause many different things in their mind and then they will feel frustration and anxiety which contributes discomfort. Culture shock can be also called regression. That means they think environment at home is more lively and they want to go back home. 1. Honeymoon Stage A first few days or weeks to six months they will be very happy because of new things. They will be shown...
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...Is Daniel Tammet Intelligent? The documentary film on Youtube called “The Boy with The Incredible Brain” provides an insight to the intelligent man named Daniel Tammet. Daniel Tammet, born in England, was one of the nine children. At the age of four, he suffered a seizure and somehow it changed his brain. According to the video, Daniel was able to do massive calculations, such as multiplying huge numbers, dividing numbers with decimal of 50 digits, and calculate a two-digit number to the fourth power. He could also memorize pi to around 22,500 digits. He claims that he knows nine different languages, and he is able to learn a new language in seven days. Later in the film, the language ability was proved when he was on the show and talked to the host with fluent and grammatically corrected Icelandic. Daniel is extremely valuable to science because he can describe what is going on in his mind. He memorizes numbers using colors, texture, shape, forms, and sequence of numbers to form landscape in his mind. He says that the answers come spontaneously out of his mental image. Someone that follows the traditional psychometric approach would believe Daniel having an IQ above 200. The psychometric approach is based on the measurement of IQ and other aptitude tests, and the intelligence quotient indicates how intelligent a person is. Because someone who has an IQ above 140 is said to be genius, and Daniel possesses a number of amazing abilities, which makes him a genius, the psychometric...
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...Week 2: Audience Analysis University of Phoenix Marketing Audience Analysis As an associate with Cross Communications Cellular, Inc., there are always pressure- filled moments. Most recently I am in charge of presenting quarterly sales information at an in-person meeting to a group of stakeholders. These stakeholders include managers, salespeople, and customers. One meeting to address all stakeholders will be difficult but not impossible. Determining the best communication channels is only part of the challenge. I must also consider the characteristics of the audience. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the diversity of the audience. Considering this diversity, I must understand what is necessary to gain and maintain the attention of each audience member and clearly communicate the information. In the end, I must ensure the message is effective. Characteristics of the Audience When addressing an audience of varied stakeholders it is important to consider the characteristics of each audience group. These considerations must include the diversity of the audience. However, the diversity goes beyond grouping the audience by stakeholder type. More important, is to consider the characteristics of the people. Keeping in mind neither the product, nor the message will change. However, there will be diversity among those receiving the information. Some characteristics to consider are gender, race, ethnicity, age, and physical ability. Factually men and women...
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...The assignment this week calling for a summary of Gardeners theory is quite an experience for me. I decided some of Gardeners theories apply to me. Gardner addresses seven theories that touch on everything from the ability to detect patterns and reasoning. To be able to master language to express you and to remember information, to create mental images to help in problem solving, the ability to recognize and compose musical pitches, to being able to manipulate your mental abilities control bodily movements, and the ability to understand ones own feelings along with those of others. It is true that Gardner’s theory seems to be well rounded. When considering all the aspects of Gardner’s theory, one should stop and think about our day-to-day lives. In one way or another, we all use his theories. Weather we are a student engaging in learning new things or someone who deals with people in everyday work scenarios. We must always consider others feeling in our day-to-day situations. One must use our minds and surroundings to solve problems weather they be personal or work related. We must be able to see things in our heads before putting ideas into action. Weather it is a paper for an assignment or striving to get that important client at work. Therefore, I believe this proves my idea that Gardner’s theory is a part of it all. Two of the seven intelligences that apply most to me are Intrapersonal Intelligence and Interpersonal Intelligence. Intrapersonal Intelligence is having...
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...African Americans speak english ninty-one point eight percent (98.1%) of the time, and speak something other than english eight point two percent (8.2%) of the time. However, Asian Americans speak english and their native tounge roughly the same amount of time throughout the day. Chinese Americans grow up learing and speaking english, and have someone teach them chinese for many reasons. Japanesse Americans as well speak American english and Japanese. Korean Americans speak both American English and Korean. Caucasian Americans speak American english and their native tounge as well weither it be German or Irish. All of the Latin American ehtnic groups speak english or spanish. however, Native Americans speak mulitple languages because of their tribes and where they are located at. Only twenty-eight percent (28%) of Native American speak english at home, where as the other seventy-two percent (72%) speak their native tribe...
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...MagnaSoles as a model, the article humorously mocks the strategies used by companies to market products. Using an exaggerated or sarcastic tone throughout, it gives the read a true taste of the tactics used in today’s customary advertising. The passage quotes doctors in the field of pseudoscience and uses false scientific nonsense as an appeal to authority, it’s main rhetorical device. Together, these rhetorical devices are used together with ethos and logos to give a hyperbolized version of a modern advertisement. By using phony complex diction, such as “pseudoscience”, “kilofrankels” and “biomagnetic”, terms that retains no existence in the science world. The Onion’s writer reveals the advertisers’ outrageous front shown in paragraph six and seven. Since “pseudoscience” is a resemblance to science based on misleading assumptions, thus leaving the question would one really want to purchase something that qualifies as “fake” or a “resemblance” to the real deal. As a matter of fact, Magnasoles are insoles and not a living organism, so producing a “biomagnetic field” (a phenomenon of magnetic fields produced by living organisms; it is a subset of bioelectromagnetism.) would simply be impossible. Then there is the term “kilofrankels”, which has no technical definition whatsoever, besides the prefix “kilo” a basic measurement. This is the authors’ façade of fancy diction, and it’s here knocking for the cash. The author employs, hyperbole to augment, a dramatic tone towards the usage of...
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...history. The event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating black history. The story of Black History Month begins in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. That September, the Harvard-trained historian Carter G. Woodson and the prominent minister Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by African-Americans and other peoples of African descent. Known today as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures. In the decades the followed, mayors of cities...
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...Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 1-13. doi:10.1044/2016_jslhr-l-15-0313 This article questions whether the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an effective communication intervention alternative for preschoolers who are minimally verbal. Four children with severe autism and seven children without disabilities were assessed over five to seven sessions where one child with autism was paired with one child without disability. During 10-15 minutes of playing a 6-minute interval was coded and the total frequency of communication was recorded. This process was repeated again after the children without disability were taught how to use PECS. For the study, a PECS binder was placed in front of the pair of children and examiners then noted changes in the children with disabilities’ rates of communication per 6-minute interval. Study results concluded that there was evidence that peers of non-verbal children with autism...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |US/101 Version 5 | | |Introduction to University Studies | Copyright © 2011, 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description The essential information, skills, tools, and techniques necessary for academic success and personal effectiveness at University of Phoenix are introduced in this course. The course develops and applies practical knowledge and skills immediately relevant to first-year university students. Course topics include goal setting and working with personal motivation, understanding and using university resources, developing efficient study habits, making the most of personal learning styles, and how best to manage time and reduce personal stress levels. Policies Students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document...
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...MG401: Senior Seminar in Management XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Homework: Week 3 1/29/13 Position Paper on Stephen Covey’s, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Introduction In 1989, Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People started a landmark revolution in how we think about time and life management. In this book, Covey presents seven principles for developing effectiveness in our private and public lives. By developing these habits, one moves from being dependent on other people to being and acting independently. Then we learn how to move to the more advanced state of interdependence and successful Cooperation. As a part of the seven habits, Covey introduced important and powerful techniques of time management under the habit of "Put First Things First." It is necessary to understand (and Practice) all seven habits so that the tools of time management can be learned and practiced in their natural setting. What follows is a basic overview of these ideas presented so you can take better advantage of this tool you hold in your hands. Covey does not claim to invent the seven habits of highly effective people but rather claims to have discovered them and have a simple language for articulating them. Counter Argument Though the term self-help can refer to any case whereby an individual or a group (support group) betters themselves economically, intellectually or emotionally, the connotations of the phrase have come to apply particularly to psychological...
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