...BIBLIOGRAPHY Akers, George H. "Bench Marks: Teach the Word," The Journal of Adventist Education, February-March, 1978, pp. 4,5 (A compilation of E. G. White quotations dealing with the relationship of the Bible and its principles to curriculum and instruction in the Christian school.) _____. The integration of Faith and Learning. A Bibliography. Religion education Bibliography No 4. Berrien Springs, Mich.:" Department of Education, Andrews University. (In addition to a large general section, this comprehensive bibliography cites publications and teaching media in 20 academic subject areas with more than 3, 000 citations in all. Available through the University Bookstore.) _____. "The Measure of a School," The Journal of Adventist Education, December, 1977-Jaurary, 1978, pp. 7-9, 43-45. Douglas, Walter. "Teaching Theology in SDA Academies," The Journal of Adventist Education, December, 1978-January, 1979, pp. 8, 9, 46. Gronlund, Norman E. Stating Behavioral Objectives for Classroom Instruction. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1970. Knittel, Frank. "The College's Role in Integrating Faith and Learning," The Journal of Adventist Education, December, 1978-Jaurary, 1979, pp. 5-7, 47. Krathwohl, Davie R. (ed.). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives; Affective Domain. New York: McKay, 1968. Moon, Robert D. "Application of Instructional Principles to Religious Education." Mimeographed monograph. Berrien Springs, Mich.: Department of Education, Andrews University...
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...Basic Belief The Trinity There is one God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal Persons usually called the Trinity. God the Father is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation. God the eternal Son became incarnate in Jesus Christ, through whom all things were created; the character of God is revealed; the salvation of humanity is accomplished; and the world is judged. God the Holy Spirit draws men and women to Himself and gives spiritual gifts to the Church. Christ our Hope In Christ's life of perfect obedience to God's will, His suffering, death, and resurrection, God provided the only means of atonement for human sin, so that those who by faith accept this atonement have eternal life. Christ's Return The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the Church, the grand climax of the Gospel. His coming will be literal, personal, visible, and world-wide. When He returns the righteous dead will be resurrected and together with the righteous living will be glorified and taken to heaven. The unrighteous - those who have rejected divine grace - will die. The Church The Church is the community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In it men and women join together for worship, fellowship, instruction in the Word, the celebration of the Lord's Supper, service to our neighbors, and the world-wide proclamation of the Gospel. The Holy Scriptures The Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God, given...
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...Basic Beliefs of the Seventh - day Adventist Denominations? Table of Content: Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………………………….1 Statement of Aim ……………………………………………………………………………………………2 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Data Collection Format…………………………………………………………………………………….4 Summary Findings…………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Analysis and Interpretation……………………………………………………………………………….6 Statement of Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………7 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………………8 Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Acknowledgement: Firstly I would like to express my gratitude to our heavenly father Almighty God, for providing me with knowledge, strength, understanding and the apprehension which guided me in the successful completion of my School Based Assessment (S.B.A). Secondly I would like to express my gratitude to my parents for providing me with necessary finance and incite which aided me in my successful completion of my S.B.A. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my teacher Mrs. Cordelia Requena for her knowledge and expertise which assisted me in the completion of my SBA. Statement of Aims: This research seeks to find out the following: 1. Where the Seventh – Day Adventist denomination originated from? 2. What are some Basic Beliefs of the Seventh day Adventist denomination? 3. What are some of the practices of the Seventh day Adventists? Introduction There...
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...from a Catholic family. Since I remember, Sunday has always being the day dedicated specifically to God. We attend mass almost every Sunday. For this religious experience paper, I decided to attend a Seventh-day Adventist Church. I chose to explore this denomination because I was curious to know why they observe Saturdays instead of Sundays as Catholics do. Adventists hold some similar beliefs as many Catholics such as the Trinity, Christ’s divinity, the virgin birth, a physical resurrection of the dead, and Christ’s Second Coming (Brom). However, they believe that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, the Pope is the Antichrist; in the last days, Sunday worship will be “the mark of the beast”; and that the soul sleeps between death and resurrection (Brom). Ideas Gained through this Experience At the moment I entered their temple, I started noticing differences. I felt everyone was looking at me, as if they knew that was my first time attending their church. Some of the differences I discovered between the Seventh-day Adventist and the Catholic Church are the following: the Adventist Church does not have any images of God, Jesus, Saints or Virgin Mary; all women wear dresses or long skirts, no one had jeans or pants, they do not wear jewelry either; Adventists start their service at 9am and finish at around 2pm, while Catholic masses only last one hour; their pastor wears a regular suit; Adventists take their Bible to church since the pastor would reference it during...
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...I. Modern Buddhism is a resilient religion that differs much from modern Seventh-Day Adventists; but, there are some similarities between the two religions. II. History of Buddhism A. Buddhism originated in northern India in the 5th century B.C.E 1. . Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism and is a ‘Dharmic’ religion. a. The (Buddhism) tradition traces its origin to Siddhartha Gautama (or Gotama), who is typically referred to as the Buddha (literally the "Awakened" or "Enlightened One"). i. Siddhartha observed the suffering in the world and set out to find an antidote. ii. Through meditation and analysis, he attained an enlightened state of being that marked the end of attachments (and therefore suffering), and ultimately, upon his death, release from the cycle of rebirth (samsara). b. The Buddhist canon consists of a vast corpus of texts that cover philosophical, devotional, and monastic matters. 2. There are currently three major branches of the tradition — the Theravada ("Doctrine of the Elders"), the Mahayana ("Great Vehicle), and the Vajrayana ("Diamond Vehicle," often simply called "Tibetan Buddhism") B. Concept of deity(s) and Practices 1. Instead of deities, Devas or celestial beings are accepted as those suffering in the samsara. 2. Buddhists practice Threefold Training: Morality, Concentration...
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...World Religion Report Seventh-Day Adventist Church Axia of University of Phoenix Seventh-Day Adventist falls under the denomination of Christianity. They are a faith community rooted in the beliefs described in the Holy Scriptures. They believe that Jesus is one of the three persons; The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit called the Trinity who makes up one God. The Holy Bible describes Jesus as the Father and the Holy Spirit as each being committed to our growth as Christians and to our salvation as their children. The salvation was made possible by Jesus being born as a human baby. He lived perfectly according to God’s perfect will, died innocently for all sins, and was placed in a tomb where he then rose from the dead in three days. When I sat down to interview my source, whom asked not to be mention by name, I asked her, what is the core or main beliefs of a SDA worshipper; she replied, “they (SDA) have a set of core beliefs we live by; we believe that the Seventh Day Sabbath or Jewish Sabbath was never changed and therefore we continue to observe the Sabbath on Saturday instead of Sunday. It is observed from sundown Friday night until sundown on Saturday night. They believe just as most other Christians that Jesus will soon return and their mission in the meanwhile is to get the people prepared for this day. The SDA believe that they have the right to “Religious Freedom based on the idea of the church that those who worship Jesus on Saturdays will be...
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...expressing, and responding to the social realities around them." (Lederach, 1995) By answering the questions of the Heritage Assessment Tool, one can assess the different health standards and beliefs. The contents of this paper will compare health traditions of Indian, Muslim, and Jamaican heritage. This writer’s family can be described as very conservative because of the Indian culture and being devout Seventh Day Adventists. Adventists advocate a healthy lifestyle, are usually strict vegetarians. Adventists generally comply with medical treatment and do not approve of faith healing. (Grundmann & Truemper, 2004) Maintaining health is done by choosing to eat only healthy cereals for breakfast, fresh fruits, and vegetables. In addition to this, Indian dishes are mainly served at home. This family prefers to eat only two kinds of meat: chicken and fish, which would be cooked with spices so that it may be served with rice. The family strictly demands that the children avoid eating any meats that are considered unclean according to the Bible. Since this family is Seventh Day Adventist, Friday nights are special because all outside family members gather together to sings songs, read devotionals, pray for one another’s wellbeing, and give acknowledgment to the Lord for what He has done. Rather than sleeping in on Saturday mornings like...
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... MKT/431 April 20, 2015 Robert Etter, Jr. Ethics and Product Consumption “Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ” – This is the corporate motto of the Adventist Health System. The largest not for profit Protestant healthcare system in the United States. It operates 45 hospitals with 83,000 licensed beds in 10 states. I have had the pleasure of working for the organization for the past five years. The organization is one that I believe has grasped the concept of upholding the six pillars of marketing code of ethics. Through its use of social media, print media and radio advertisement, they have stayed true to the company motto and reached out to be a force in the community. Whether it be community service, corporate donations of time and talent or its firm belief in the healing of the mind, body and spirit, Adventist Health Systems works toward keeping the pillars standing tall in their organization Honesty Defined as being honest in conduct, integrity, reliability and loyalty. Honesty is a pillar that has been upheld by Adventist Health Systems since its inception in 1886. Founded by the Seventh Day Adventists, the organization began as a sanitarium that helped those that were ill. The treatments that were prescribed were based on honest, reliable forms of medicine. The Adventist were not, at that time, sold on the pharmaceutical methods of treating patients. They were more in line with the belief that diet played an important role on the care of sickness...
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...Sample questionnaire INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate the correct response with a tick in the space provided Sample Questionnaire 1) What type of food do you normally consume? -vegetables only -fish and vegetables -anything apart from pork 2) Why is pork forbidden/taboo? * -biblical reasons -health reasons -traditions -other, please specify 3) Are there any circumstances where the dietary regulations may be discarded? -only medical reasons -family/personal reasons -No 4) What do you believe will happen to the people who eat pork? -They will go to hell -They will become sick easily -Nothing it’stheir personal choice 5) What is a typical example of an attire that a female will wear to a social event? -Jeans skirt with T-shirt -Anything as long as it is seen as modest -Revealing Garments 6) How does the dress code for the S.D.A affect your everyday life? -It helps us to be role models -It sets us apart from the secular society -It does not affect me 7) Do you believe that the dress code is too restrictive? -Yes -No 8) How do you believe society view S.D.A? -They are denied opportunities they are capable of doing -They see them as being positive examples -They see them as normal citizens 9) Under the guidance of your church have you ever engaged in any form of community service? -Several Occasions -Rarely -Never 10) How do you view...
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...Study #1 The Case: A 47-year-old female presents to a family practice clinic complaining of fatigue. When obtaining initial subjective data, the client admits to not eating red meat and shares that she is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. She comments that her menses have been irregular with heavy flow over the course of the past six months. On Physical examination, her conjunctiva and mucous membranes are pale. Diagnostic complete blood count is obtained and her hematocrit is 24% and hemoglobin is 8g/dL. 1. Describe how you would assess the patient for health practices and beliefs that are outside of the biomedical and scientific model. I would first begin by interviewing the patient. It is obvious that the patient is lacking iron, which is necessary for energy and the body’s basic functioning, and although she admits to not eating meat due to her religious beliefs, is she taking vitamins or eating other foods high in iron to compensate for her dietary choices? Although my hospital for the most part will not transfuse a patient who has an H/H of 8/24, these are borderline levels where if changes are not made, she could require serious medical interventions, including, but not limited to, a blood transfusion. Since Seventh-Day Adventists do not typically eat pork, shellfish, meat, and dairy (Jarvis, 2008), religious followers must discover other ways to get the necessary nutrients and vitamins out of food. Therefore, is she eating soybeans, fortified cereals...
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...John Nevin Andrews is most notably know in the Seventh-day Adventist Church as our first missionary overseas. J. N. Andrews was born July 22, 1829, in Poland, Maine. He quit school at age 11 and was largely self-taught. It is reported that he was fluent in seven languages and could recite the New Testament by memory. His uncle Charles, a member of the U.S. Congress, offered to pay for his training as a lawyer so he could follow a political career. However, early in 1845, at age 15, John accepted the Sabbath from a tract written by T. M. Preble. It changed the direction of his life. Andrews had a long and productive association with the church and with James and Ellen White. His name first appeared in Adventist literature at age 20 when he wrote a letter to the editor of the Review, James White, dated October 16, 1849. When the first Adventist press was set up in Rochester, New York, in 1852, he at age 22 was one of a publishing committee of three with Joseph Bates and James White. The next year Andrews was ordained to the Adventist ministry. By this time, 35 of his articles had been published in the Review. In 1855, at James White’s request and using Bible proofs, he wrote a paper which settled sunset as the time for beginning the Sabbath. Ellen White had a vision that confirmed his conclusions. (See Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 116.) In 1858 Andrews led out in a study of systematic benevolence, the forerunner of our church’s tithing plan. He published the first of several editions...
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...Adventism HUM/130 10/30/2011 Eric Stauffer Introduction Although there are several branches of Christian movements, the Adventists movement is about spreading the gospel worldwide. Adventism is the belief of the Second Coming of Christ. The movement was started by William Miller. It began in the 19th century. Adventists are a faith community rooted in the beliefs described by the Holy Scriptures because their beliefs are firm and structured. Miller accumulated several followers called Millerites. Today the largest church within the Christian movement is the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. The Concept of the Adventist Movement In 1843, a farmer from upstate New York began to read the bible. He interpreted the book of Revelations and noticed that the more that he read it appeared to him that the events described were events that will happen in the near future. His name was William Miller and he saw these events as a warning from God. His belief was that the Second Coming of Christ was about to occur. With that theory, he christened it the Advent. Miller believed that the book of Revelations had not yet come to past. The sections of the Bible that he concentrated on were Chapters 12 through 21. From that time on, he began making predictions of when Jesus Christ would return (Ellen G. White Estates, Inc., 1999). Some make the claim that Miller is the most famous false prophet in history. He believed that when Jesus Christ returned the earth would be engulfed...
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...be translated, printed, or photocopied by any Seventh-day Adventist entity without securing further permission. Republished documents must include the credit line: “Youth Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, used by permission. © 2001 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904, USA Contents Introduction...................................5 Introduction Chapter 1 Salvation and Service for All Ages ............................9 Chapter 2 OUTCOMES.....................................13 OUTCOMES Chapter 3 Discipleship Chapter 4 Leadership Chapter 5 Mission Chapter 6 Evangelism Strategies.................21 Strategies Strategies Strategies...................31 Strategies.........................37 Strategies Strategies..................41 Strategies “With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world!” (Education, p. 271). 4 Introduction It’s probably Ellen White’s best-known statement about young people--and an unforgettable image for anyone who works with youth. An army of dedicated Christian young people, deployed around the world to bring the message of Jesus’ soon return to everyone. It’s the vision that shapes our work as Adventist youth leaders. We have never fully realized...
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...Branch Davidians began as an offshoot sect of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in 1935. They were initially a small group lead by a man named Victor Houteff who had some differing beliefs from the church. Houteff was convinced there were errors in the Adventists doctrines and practices and wrote a book called The Shepherd’s Rod outlining these errors and it caused some conflict within the church. He with 11 members founded the Mt. Carmel Center near Waco Texas; they also called their group The Shepherd’s Rod. (Robinson, 2003) Houteff and his group believed that Christ's return would only occur when at least a small number of Christians had been sufficiently purified. He believed that he was a messenger sent by God to conduct this cleansing. The cleansing and tasks he saw this group as being responsible for had two parts. The first was to reveal secret information contained in a scroll described in the book of Revelations. This scroll, described as having seven seals, they believed told of exactly when and how Jesus would return and how the world would end. The second task required the purifying of this small group and once done would bring about the downfall of Babylon (our current world) and would establish the Kingdom of David in its place. They felt that they were the chosen group. Infighting went on within the Seventh Day Adventists Church for many years until a complete break away occurred in 1942 when the Seventh-Day Adventists Church would not grant conscientious objector...
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...DANIEL The bible says Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat , nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.(Da 1:8). He asked the steward to exempt him and his friends from the requirements. Please test yours servants ten days , Daniel requested. “Give us nothing but vegetable to eat and water to drink, then compare our appearance with that of the young men who ate the royal food. ( Courageous Faith pg 183). The boys request as intended to allow them to participate in their schooling without compromising their beliefs. And in the end they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food.( Courageous Faith pg 184).They stood up for what they were taught and believe in. I am a Seventh- day Adventist, which mean I observe the Sabbath. In year 2000 I was unemployed, and I had applied many places. I received a call from a restaurant and the manager offered me a job , he went on tell me all the benefits that came with the job but I had to work Saturdays . I told him that everything sounded good and even though I needed that job, I couldn’t take it because I observe the Sabbath and that couldn’t be negotiated. An hour passed when I received a call from his asst manager stating that he wanted to offer me the job and that his boss was aware that I wouldn’t work Saturdays. I was hired and I never worked a Sabbath ...
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