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Severe Itching Research Paper

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. Severe itching - Anytime the air is dry your pet could get a little itchy. But if the itching is serious enough that it wakes your pet out of a sound sleep or if you can't seem to stroke or hold your pet without it becoming itchy and uncomfortable that is severe itching. Also if your pet seems to spend less time sleeping than usual and more time itching that's a definite sign.

2. Chewing and biting the tail, rump, back legs - Sometimes a pet will also check or lick at their front legs excessively. But most of the time it's the area just above their tail, on their sides, and their back legs. If your pet is licking these areas, pulling the fur off these areas, or scratching and biting at those areas you can be pretty sure that your pet is suffering from flea allergy dermatitis. …show more content…
Hot spots - Hot spots are lesions to the skin that are caused by excessive licking and biting. Your pet could end up with a secondary skin infection in the area of these hot spots because of all the licking and biting so if you notice that your pet has them, or has any signs of infection, take your pet to the vet for an exam and some antibiotics.

4. Overgrooming - This is probably the biggest indicator. Dogs and cats that spend excessive amounts of time grooming themselves are telling you that they have a problem with their skin. It's more noticeable in dogs than in cats because cats spend a lot of time grooming normally but if you start to notice that your pet is grooming constantly and is starting to show other signs then you need to start your cat or dog on a flea prevention medication and start treating your home for fleas. The overgrooming should stop as soon as the fleas are gone

5. Hair loss - If you notice that your pet starts to have thinning fur, or if your pet starts developing bald patches your pet probably has flea allergy dermatitis and is either pulling the hair out or licking it

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