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Sex and Death


Submitted By hut67
Words 621
Pages 3
LA : paper due wednesday

Marat sade: paper

sex and death: project

voice: ball piece

gender role: social role in society

sex- gameyetes biological

in most cases, typical male behavior fighting other males for access to females. Or looking good to get a female.
- parental investment -- behaving as it would -- any energy risk, effort thetas put into one offspring that can not be out into another offspring (ie) a drop of yolk. Any investing// more time choosing a pack of gum or a car -- more picky. a female is choosy because she has more investment.

- the sex that choses or the sex that is chosen

- peacocks -- male provides sperm, female choses male based on sperm. until the bird is fledged. more eyes-- longer life span better offspring

humans do not fall neatly into these categories-- examples: looking good to get a female. symmetry of the face -- good genes. picking the best match investment level -- children boobs = feathers

1:Male: be flashy/ showing off/ be more desirable- peacocks must be chosen by the female.
Defending territory - male salmon/ fighting: elephant seal
- demonstrating their worth. eye spots on my tail, long snood, i beat the crap out of all the other seals so i am clearly the best. making an effort to secure a mate by: examples
1. female: choosy/ coy choosing them or waiting for fight

2. Parental Investment - anything (such as energy or time) you put into one kid that takes away fitness from future kids. ie: 9 months being pregnant -- prevents me from having additional kids durning those 9 months. cardinals are red exposing themselves making them an easy target could get eaten before they have another kid. a drop of yolk. difference between peacock and katydid mormon cricket-- the peacock has to ejaculate/cricket the the male has to ejaculate and has to have a huge mass of food for the female. his investment is

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