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Sexualization Of Women Research Paper

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) “To experience the body as itself essentially weak is to necessitate placing it under constant surveillance. Dangers are rife, and the woman attempts to protect her appallingly vulnerable body by restricting its spatial scope. Limiting the area into which the body extends is a means of reducing possible risks, and the “the space…that is physically available to the feminine body is frequently of greater radius than the space that she uses and inhabits”. The human body has it limitations and restrictions that are imposed on by the power of society. Due to this, women must be more protective over their body and how they control their movement. Cahill defines this as bodily comportment. The typical male sits with their legs open, leaned back, and are typically not restricted at all. …show more content…
If she is ever feeling uncomfortable or in a situation that could be harmful, the idea of smiling is pressed intro her mindset. When women are told to restrict their movement and actions to keep them safe, the danger that is being described has nothing to do with the body. It is all sexualized. “The men’s sex is expressed freely, almost defiantly, while the women cover theirs, for fear od its been stolen violated, consumed. The women, conscious of the sexual dangers that surround them, attempt to make themselves even tinier, as if the safest status they could hold would be invisibility”. Cahill is explaining how men view their positions and body as powerful and nothing to worry about while women hunch themselves and try to make themselves invisible due to women’s bodies being something that can be raped. This leads into a term called “rape culture”. Rape culture is another aspect that Cahill talks about to redefine rape. Rape culture is “a complex of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression”. Rape culture places an emphasis that nothing is wrong with a male following his sexual instincts and

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...Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Sixth Edition APA Style Guide to References Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Electronic Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Copyright © 2012 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, the process of scanning and digitization, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 To order APA Order Department P.O. Box 92984 Washington, DC 20090-2984 Tel: (800) 374-2721; Direct: (202) 336-5510 Fax: (202) 336-5502; TDD/TTY: (202) 336-6123 Online: E-mail: Typeset in Sabon, Futura, and Univers by Circle Graphics, Columbia, MD APA Editorial and Production Staff APA Books Editorial Director: Mary Lynn Skutley Senior Editor, APA Style: Anne W. Gasque Production Manager: Jennifer M. Meidinger Production Editor: Harriet Kaplan APA Journals Director, Editorial Services: Paige Jackson Editorial Supervisor: Jeffery Hume-Pratuch Manuscript Editor II: Chelsea Lee Manuscript Editor II: Stefanie Lazer 1-4338-0704-1 978-1-4338-0704-6 Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution...

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