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Shariah Governance Framework


Submitted By nurulsyuhada93
Words 11007
Pages 45
PART 1: OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction............................................................................................................................ 1


Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 2


Scope of Application ............................................................................................................ 2


Legal Provision...................................................................................................................... 3


Effective Date & Compliance Deadline ............................................................................. 3


Approach................................................................................................................................ 4

PART 2: SHARIAH GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS ................................................... 5
SECTION I: General Requirements of the Shariah Governance Framework ..............5 - 9
SECTION II: Oversight, Accountability & Responsibility............................................. 10 - 14
SECTION III: Independence............................................................................................ 15 - 16
SECTION IV: Competency .............................................................................................. 17 - 18
SECTION V: Confidentiality & Consistency.................................................................. 19 - 21
SECTION VI: Shariah Compliance & Research Functions ................................................ 22
(i) Shariah

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