...Sharp HealthCare National Institute of Standards and Technology • U.S. Department of Commerce Baldrige National Quality Program Sharp HealthCare is San Diego County’s largest integrated health care delivery system, serving greater than 27 percent of the county’s 3 million plus residents—some 785,000 people—each year. A not-for-profit organization, Sharp has an annual net revenue of greater than $1.9 billion; employs a workforce of greater than 14,000 staff members and 2,600 affiliated physicians; operates four acute care hospitals, three specialty hospitals, three affiliated medical groups, and 19 outpatient medical clinics; and manages its own health insurance plan. This vertical integration enables Sharp to offer a full spectrum of health care services, from emergency, hospice, and mental health services to multiorgan transplants and hyperbaric treatment. Continuous Improvement Yields Quality Care, Financial Health In September 2001, the organization launched The Sharp Experience, a performance improvement initiative aimed at transforming the health care experience for caregivers, patients, and their families by reconnecting to purpose, worthwhile work, and making a difference. Today, all operations and activities are aligned under Sharp’s Six Pillars of Excellence—Quality, Service, People, Finance, Growth, and Community. Simply put, The Sharp Experience is the organization’s core competency and means for Sharp to achieve its vision to become “the...
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...The eXPeRT’s VOIce ® In .neT F# Robert Pickering Foreword by Don Syme Foundations of Foundations of F# Robert Pickering Foundations of F# Copyright © 2007 by Robert Pickering All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher. ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-757-6 ISBN-10: 1-59059-757-5 Printed and bound in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Lead Editors: James Huddleston, Ewan Buckingham Technical Reviewer: Don Syme Editorial Board: Steve Anglin, Ewan Buckingham, Gary Cornell, Jason Gilmore, Jonathan Gennick, Jonathan Hassell, Chris Mills, Matthew Moodie, Jeffrey Pepper, Dominic Shakeshaft, Matt Wade Project Manager: Elizabeth Seymour Copy Edit Manager: Nicole Flores Copy Editor: Kim Wimpsett Assistant Production Director: Kari Brooks-Copony Production Editor: Laura Cheu Compositor: Lynn L’Heureux Proofreader: Elizabeth Berry Indexer: Broccoli Information Management Artist: April Milne Cover Designer: Kurt Krames Manufacturing Director: Tom Debolski Distributed...
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...Staff Motivation at Sharp HealthCare Mahzad Farahani California State University of East Bay Professor Jay Umeh 10/22/2014 Abstract The main goal of Sharp Healthcare is to increase employees, physicians, and patient satisfaction as well as providing quality care. They believe that in order for the facility to be successful, it has to have motivated staff who provide quality care. At Sharp Health Care, they believe in open communication among the staff, which can be argued to be a weak approach. It can also be argued that Sharp Healthcare can be rewarding their staff so that they can improve their performance further. Overall, Sharp approach to motivate its staff is a great innovation and it will be great if it is replicated in other health care organizations as well. KEY FACTORS IN SHARP’S SUCCESSFUL APPROACH TO MOTIVATION The key factors in Sharp’s successful approach to motivation involve the focus on purpose, worthwhile work, and making a difference; quality, service and people as some of its pillars of excellence; model behaviors and scripts; re-recruitment policy. We will discuss each factor and analyze their role in the overall approach to motivation. FOCUS ON PURPOSE, WORTHWHILE WORK AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE The focus on purpose, worthwhile work, and making a difference has led to increased employee, physician, and patient satisfaction, enhanced loyalty, and improved outcomes. This is evidenced by the fact that in 2007 Sharp HealthCare won the prestigious...
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...Secret papers The basic problem is to ignore what was found and report the breach of security. With that said, there are some issues that should be addressed such as 1) Will I report the discovery or accept SGT Day's approach to the matter? 2) If I report on this, who should I report the issue to, and how and when should I report the issue? 3) Should I just discuss the discovery with SFC Sharp, before I go ahead with any other decisions? The ethical questions I have identified now challenge me to identify what "ought" to be done, what is "right" or "wrong" or the possible "good" vs. "bad" when determining guilt or innocence. The main issue now is what are the consequences to each person involved if I do or do not report the matter? Now we need to see the specific regulations/guidelines required forthe different actions of this type of security breach. There are a few responses to go by. First one is the JER (Joint Ethics Regualtion), it provides general guidance concerning values that apply to DOD employees. There are also specific Army regulations on the safeguarding of classified materials, in addition, most units have SOPs when dealing with these issues. We should now apply the Army values to this situation and use them to produce guiding principles. My decision on this matter should not violate my personal sense of integrity and values in this situation. At the same time, selfless service, duty, and honor demand that I carefully consider the Military values that...
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...Assignment 1 — Sharp Corporation: Beyond Japan Unit 1: Macro-level Influences on International Business In Assignment 1, you are required to do a case analysis of Sharp Corporation, a Japanese company. If you haven’t already done so, review the Assignment Tips and Requirements and the Note on Case Analysis (links are on the instructions page for this assignment). The objective of the case study for Assignment 1 is to expose students to globalization and its impact on operational decisions of companies. Faced with major losses, Sharp Corporation is forced to question its long-standing operating model and to develop a new approach that is more suitable to the environment it now competed in. Completing this assignment will enable you to see how the key concepts presented in Lessons 1 through 3—globalization, culture, and political and economic risk—are interconnected. You will be able to evaluate interrelationships among issues related to (i) the role of globalization in investment decisions and company operations; (ii) the role of economic environment in creating global companies; (iii) the importance of property rights in international business; and (iv) the role of national culture in company operations. The Case To read the case, click the link below (will open in new window). Sharp Corporation: Beyond Japan One-time permission to reproduce granted by Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation on Oct. 13, 2011. This permission will expire six months from Jan. 1, 2012...
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...place someones career in jeopardy. I have also confined in SGT Day and he is trying to cover up the incident discovered which would jeopardize my army values. 2. As for recent arrival to the unit I would have to check with my units SOP to get familiar with its regulations and to identify the SOP for properly destroying classified documentation as OPSEC regulation Army Regulation 530–1. 3. In the U.S. Army we live by the seven army values. Even though not all seven army values may apply to this situation in my new work environment I believe that some are relevant and that they are also being overlooked by certain individuals in the work space. The first army value is Loyalty and even though SGT Day may be showing his loyalty for SFC Sharp he is not only trying to cover up for im but he is also being disloyal to the U.S. Army and his unit which is showing me his lack of loyalty overall. The second is army value is Duty. It is my responsibitly and duty to ensure that no shortcuts are taken and that all all personnel are doing and enforcing the army values. The last army value that is being compromised is Integrity. With having intergrity I am being an example in my work area and also ensuring that violating the army values by going with SGT Day's cover up is violating my beliefs to do what is right even when no one is looking. 4. The final decision that I decide to go with I will have to accept the consequences that may come...
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...Refrigerators, Plasma cluster Air Purifiers and ion generators, Air-conditioners, Vacuum Cleaners, Small home appliances … Division: Solar Photovoltaic, Mono crystalline, poly crystalline, thin Vision and Mission: “Make products that others want to imitate” Ever since the establishment in 1912, innovation has been an integral part of our corporate philosophy. Correspondingly, the company's name Sharp is derived from our first major invention made in the year 1915, the “Ever Sharp Pencil”, the first mechanical retractable pencil in the world. Our goal has been and will be to win our customers' and partners' confidence through honesty and creativity. We are open to new things and oriented towards our customers' and users' wishes. External Factors: Main factors that will affect the growth of organization: Political Sharp sales subsidiary connects with 80+ countries; political factors vary from country to country. In addition, these factors can change dramatically at any time as governments have the power to introduce any new regulations, impose tariffs or taxes. Sharp as a company is also affected for not manufacturing or selling its products in countries where sanctions are imposed. Economical Other critical and important factor is the economical down turn. EU crisis, the ongoing GCC market concern evolving the Arab spring are the factors affecting. Moreover, considering the nature of products, the economic indicators i.e. GDP growth rates, the level of disposable...
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...twofold issue here. The first being SFC Sharp has failed in some form ensure that those pages were properly destroyed as he had previously certified there proper disposal. The second is SGT Day’s misguided loyalty towards the apparent security infraction that SFC has intentionally or unintentionally created. I must speak to someone now about what I have discovered and to address SGT Day’s response to what has happened. I would be wondering what else may have been disregarded by SGT Day. 2. Employ applicable laws and regulations. Since I am now in a new unit I would check the SOP regarding proper disposal of classified documents and the reporting protocol for breach of security violations regarding the this type of incident. 3. Reflect on the ethical values and their ramifications. I must take into account first the Army values and how they apply in this situation. The first value that I think of is “Integrity”- Do what is right legally and morally. I have to follow SOP for this incident and not let the fact that SFC Sharp is revered by his peers and what effect this will have on me for following through with doing what is right. “Duty”, I am bound by oath to fulfill my obligations and hold true to the Warrior Ethos, I have the duty to ensure this incident is reported regardless of who is involved. “Respect” SFC Sharp will be treated in a non judgmental way by me as it’s only for me to follow SOP and report this incident. SFC Sharp is to receive an award in the evening...
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...1. Define the Problem- SFC. Sharp certified secret documents as destroyed and was discovered two weeks later intact and was not properly secured. SGT. Day suggested that we simply destroy the documents and ignore the incident. 2. Know the Rules- I would review all relevant SOP’s and regulations pertinent to the safe guarding and destruction of classified documents such as: AR 380-5, AR 380-40, FM-1, Unit SOP, as well as considering all Army and personal values and how it apply to this situation. 3. Reflect on the ethical values and their ramifications- According to the Army Values, Loyalty to country and unit are more important than loyalty to an individual. If all situations are measured by that standard it puts at risk the trust relationship between soldiers that absolutely must be able to feel that can trust one another. Which loyalty is more important? As an NCO it was SFC. Sharp’s Duty to fulfill his obligations. Was it an accident, neglect or intentional misconduct that caused the papers being placed there? The Army Values define Respect as treating people as they should be treated. Is it fair to assume SFC Sharp did something wrong and report the incident without speaking with him first? Being the new guy should I really risk not being liked to report this incident or should I go along with SGT Day’s suggestion and cover it up? Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage are all Values that must be considered to answer this question. 4. Develop and...
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...S w 9B11M007 SHARP CORPORATION: BEYOND JAPAN1 Derek Lehmberg wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmission without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail cases@ivey.uwo.ca. Copyright © 2011, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Version: 2012-07-06 Mikio Katayama was the president of Sharp Corporation, a company that in the last 10 years had become recognized as a top-notch competitor in electronics products, leaving behind its image as a second-rate player. Sharp could brag about its leading positions in the Japanese cell phone handset and TV set markets as well as its worldwide reputation as a leader in liquid crystal display (LCD) technology. Despite these successes, however, the outlook for Sharp was far from optimistic. In the spring of 2009, Sharp reported its first loss since...
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...harDate and time received _________________ External Assessment The electronic consumer products industry consists of companies that produce and sell electronic components as well as finished electronic products. Demand is increasing at the international level, although industry growth is slowing due to a worldwide economic recession. The industry is fragmented with many competitors. The low barriers to entry indicate potential increases in fragmentation. Though, quality and size lacks as a differentiator, especially in the television set business, it cannot be ignored. Preferable competitive advantage is defined as a low cost producer or high in innovation. As a result, profitability swings on firm’s competitive advantage and its capabilities. The industry is facing increasing demand from China entering the electronic software/hardware industry. Chinese companies are expressing their interests in adopting the next-generation LCD production. China providing an attractive business environment in low cost structure provides competitive advantage of being a low cost producer. International companies can exploit this opportunity by either a form of joint venture with Chinese companies or direct foreign investment; investing in physical plants. This successful integration will help achieve to become a low cost producer in the industry due to China’s cheap labor and infrastructure costs. Currently, the market is saturated with low ability to differentiate the end products...
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...STAFF MOTIVATION AT SHARP HEALTHCARE Sharp Healthcare is an integrated regional Healthcare delivery system located in San Diego, California accounts to serve approximately population of three billion. It comprises of four acute care hospital, three specialty hospital and three medical group plus a full spectrum of other facilities and services. The first Sharp hospital opened in 1955 as Donald N. Sharp Memorial Community Hospital, a nonprofit facility in San Diego. It operate 1,878 beds, has approximately 2600 physician on medical staff , more than thousand physician in two affiliated medical group, and has more than 14,000 employees with $ 5.852 in assets and $ 1.9 billion in annual income. It is San Diego’s largest private employer. Sharp HealthCare is recognized for its commitment to clinical excellence and high-quality patient care by local and national organizations. In 2008, Sharp Healthcare ranked fifth in the California “ best places to work program” in the large employer category and was rated 47th out of top 100 places to work in united states by modern healthcare. Roughly 10 years ago, Sharp HealthCare began a process of self-examination to explore how it could best deliver top-quality health care in the new millennium. After conducting more than 100 focus groups with employees, physicians, and patients, the group reconceived its mission to become an ideal healthcare delivery system and a...
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...SFC Sharp failed to report the security issue that the documents were lost. A lack of honesty on his part? Or was all this legit? Was it intentional or not? How should I go about handling this situation? Army Regulation 380–5 covers the safeguarding of classified materials. It states that in discovery of this type of security breach that any person, who discovers classified information out of proper control will, take custody of the information, safeguard it, and immediately report to their security manager, S2, or CO. The mishandling of secret information can cause serious damage to our national security. At this moment I am looking at myself and where do my values take me. First is Duty, how do I do what is right though under this pressure? My loyalty is with my fellow NCO’s and also my unit, and above all my country. This guy is about move forward in his career, and of I destroy that, how does that look on me? Yes it is the hard right vs. the easy wrong situation. What I choose to do can affect my professional relationship with other in this unit in so many ways. If I report this directly to the CO, I will be in the right but what will that do to SFC Sharp? Do I go along with the response that I received from SGT Day, thus making me just as wrong and guilty of what SFC Sharp did intentionally or unintentionally? Then if this comes up later I can be charged as an accessory to the fact. I could take this issue directly to SFC Sharp first and see what he wants to do about the...
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...SFC Sharp and the Secret Papers In resolving the ethical problem shown in the case study, you are to develop possible courses of action and the solution that best represents Army values. Keep in mind, however, that there may be several correct solutions to the problem. Arriving at a different solution does not necessarily mean that your solution is wrong. 1. Define the problem. a. What is the problem? -The basic problem is the pressure you have to be dishonest and not report the breach of security. b. Identify the ethical questions. -Should I report the incident immediately? -What is my duty? -Is my loyalty owed to SFC Sharp or the unit? -How should I proceed? 2. Know the rules: -Identify applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and professional obligations. -You must thoroughly understand the situation and feel confident about your decision. 3. Develop and evaluate courses of action: a. Do nothing as SSG Day suggests. b. Inform the chain of command before SFC Sharp leaves. c. Inform the chain of command after SFC Sharp leaves. d. Go to SFC Sharp before he leaves and ask him how he would like to handle this problem. 4. Choose the course that best represents Army values. a. Doing nothing may violate your integrity. b. Going to the chain of command without approaching SFC Sharp shows disloyalty toward him. c. Informing the chain of command after SFC Sharp leaves may indicate your lack of personal courage and demonstrates disloyalty to SFC Sharp since...
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...aim of providing quality care that is affordable. “Motivation is a state of feeling or thinking in which one is energized or aroused to perform a task or engage in a particular behavior”(Steers and Porter,1987 as cited by Burns et al 2011). Sharp healthcare’s major objective is to increase the satisfaction of its employees, physicians and patients. To achieve this, the organization adopts techniques such as open communication among workers, re-recruitment of current employees and the development of the workforce. Although these techniques may successfully motivate some workers it may not be as successful in motivating other workers because they are intrinsic factors which do not necessarily motivate everyone. In November 2007, Sharp HealthCare received the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation's highest presidential honor for quality and organizational performance excellence. (Sharp Healthcare, 2015) Due to its success a number of organizations have adopted the sharp’s approach to staff motivation. Analysis of Sharp’s Successful Approach to Motivation In 2001, Sharp healthcare set up six pillars of excellence which served as a bedrock for its healthcare vision. All operations and activities of the Sharp healthcare system were set up to align with the following six pillars of excellence: quality, people, service, finance, growth and community (Wong, 2012).Three of these pillars were most useful in addressing staff motivation. They are as follows:...
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