...all of her own thoughts and feelings towards the subject. Fitzgerald expresses male superiority with this scene, as both men need to have Daisy just to prove the other wrong. Gatsby gets carried away and starts talking for Daisy saying, “Your wife doesn’t love you….She’s never loved you. She loves me...She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except me” (130). While analyzing this moment through the gender lens, it becomes cognizant to one that the man in the relationship feels as though he has more authority and purpose. In addition, while Tom and Gatsby argue over Daisy, they speak almost only in third person about her. “The trouble is that sometimes she gets foolish ideas in her head and doesn’t know what she’s doing…” (131), said by Tom, is a dehumanizing action that proves he believes he knows her better than Daisy knows herself. Tom presumes that because she is a womaen then she does not understand what is best for her. Although Daisy tries to run away from the situation instead of facing it, Tom still gets harsh:, “‘‘“Sit down Daisy,’” Tom’s voice groped unsuccessfully for the paternal note”’ (131) yelling at her as if she is a child in trouble. Tom cheats on Daisy, with Myrtle, without a second thought about it being wrong. But the moment his dignity wavers and he is about to lose her, he takes control of Daisy again. Just as Tom attempts to radiate his dominance, so too...
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...It basically means that when a girl rejects a boy, she’s being a bitch. It’s like a woman owns a man something for being nice. It holds girls back from making friendships with guys because at the end of the day they just wanted to be friends and the boy didn’t. They will talk about a girl being unfair for putting them in the friend zone, while she was actually just being nice and a friend, but since they actually girlfriend zone her first, they are the one to blame. Another thing that follows up on this is that girls often get the insults bitch, slut and whore thrown at them for having sexual intendancies. A boy can go around walking with three girls at his arms and no one’s complaining, however when a girl kisses with two boys in the same week, she’s a slut, untrustworthy and should be avoided. Girls who take nude pictures are often seen as egocentric and whores, like it is a shame to love your body and appreciate...
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...of cruelly kidnapping and molesting her as well. Perhaps because the dead little girl is the daughter of such a prominent man does the case fly through the courts without anything resembling due process, and it’s as if no one realizes that the perpetrator lacks the mental faculties needed to represent or stand up for himself when everyone is against him from the start—even including the policemen and lawyers whose job it is to assume his innocence. Instead, they work only to prove his guilt, because there’s literally nothing to stop them. Especially not the law. What follows is a story that takes place in two time periods. There’s the modern storyline, where the father’s grown-up daughter works as a lawyer to clear his name—though that takes up far less screen time than the flashback to 1997, the year that her father was accused and imprisoned in Cell No. 7. It was there that he met the cellmates who would become not only his friends but also family to him and his daughter after they devise an (admittedly improbable) plan to sneak her into the prison. Soon the entire prison population joins in the effort to try and save the innocent man from being executed, culminating in a heart-rending and revelatory masterpiece which manages to shine a spotlight on humanity at its best and at its unbelievable, infuriating worst. Ryu Seung-ryong plays YONG-GU, a man with the intelligence of a child but whose world revolves around his young daughter. She, on the other hand, has been forced...
Words: 2025 - Pages: 9
...short stories, 250 words long look up, look to the sides, just don’t look at the reflection in the bar mirror She’s a red dress and thick rimmed glasses and all sorts of wit and intelligence in conversation. Next to her is a man that’s just a little more dim witted and a flannel shirt that was pressed just slightly too recently. And all around them are duplicates; replicants- people that are acquaintances or soon to be fair weather friends. All around them are life paths that they were one butterfly away from taking. The woman in the red dress is yawning now- opening her mouth so wide people near her can see the fills in her molars- but she doesn’t yawn consciously. She is uncouth without even giving a thought to it. She is feeling tired. More importantly, she’s feeling hungry- trying to eat in all the air that is around to prove to herself that her heart still beats and it’s not all just a dream. Among all of the people by the bar there is color- various colors- some bright, some subdued and pastel. The coloring of their clothing tell stories that are alike in their uniqueness. She lays one hand on the bar and shakes her head. He looks at her, concerned, and asks what’s wrong. “Nothing,” she lies. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Yes. Let’s dance.” She takes his hand out of his pocket, lifts him away from the bar, and they sway back and forth, back and forth, until all the notes blend into one beat. Until she can create the illusion...
Words: 292 - Pages: 2
...1930’s living in around or near blacks it was considered to be wrong. In chapter 17 it says “Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin (Doc A)” this is important because it shows that they live in the poor side of town near the black people. In chapter 19 it says “Yes, suh. I felt sorry for her (doc E)” this means that the Blacks feel sorry for them because they are poor. In chapter 18 it says “won’t answer a word you say as long as you keep mocking me; she said. Ma’am said Atticus (doc C)” this means because of her class and where she lives she’s not used to hearing ma’am said to her.All of the quotes in document A, E, and C show that...
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...is why Pearl deserves more sympathy because she didn't ask to be a product of sin, she is both a blessing and curse and she has to live with a broken family. Pearl is a product of sin of Hester and Dimmesdale. Hester and Dimmesdale are both sinner but Hester is the only one that has to express her wrong doing to everyone by wearing a badge “A” for adultery. The towns people automatically make assumptions and judgements about pearl based on her mother's actions. The towns people usually associate Pearl with “evil” and not a every day little girl. Hawthorne talks about pearl “ we have yet hardly spoken of the infant, the little creature, whose innocent had sprung...of the guilty passion” (Hawthorne chapter 6). Hawthorne uses these words “sprung” and “guilty passion” to show that pearl was born away that is not acceptable for society....
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...she tells the story of a girl named Scout who’s growing up during a time when not everyone is treated with respect and equality. For a young girl, Scout understands more about things in life because of her father, Atticus, a very wise lawyer who doesn’t believe in racism. Even though she knows more than other kids there are still many things she is yet to learn that cause her to ask questions without any thought about what she’s saying. She’s joined by her older brother Jem who makes sure to keep her under check to stop her from doing anything too...
Words: 1281 - Pages: 6
...After analyzing the novel, Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt ,the theme Making the right choice is not always easy was played out amongst the characters in interesting ways. One detail that proves why making the right choice is not always easy on Tuck Everlasting is on page 25 it states “And thought, her instinct was to turn and run, she was pleased to discover that her curiosity was stronger. She began to creep forward. Than she would turn and run.” I picked this certain detail because this shows how Winnie Foster wanted her freedom and she could not get it unless she ran away and that's what she did and now she had got what she always wanted. Another detail that proves why in Tuck Everlasting making the right choice isn't always easy...
Words: 536 - Pages: 3
...Sexual behavior is a huge part of a human’s life. Sex is not only physical; it can affect our bodies in many more ways. As a society we have become cynical. Everything revolves around sex. Sex clouds a person’s judgment. When a woman has sex with a man, she becomes more attached, whereas a man can become more distant. When watching a man and woman you will see a reversal of roles. Women will a first feel as if she’s in control and easily play “hard to get” while a man chases her around like a puppy dog. With the man, he is persistent and consistent until he gets what he wants and then things begin to change. The feeling of rejection can affect a girl physiologically a lot more. She will feel not wanted and used. Hence the expression “all is fair in love and war.” Often we hear pairings of words like “fatal attraction” “crazy in love’ this just proves that being in love can impair a person’s ability to think logically. In today’s world the media is all about sex. They target selling products to boys/ girls sending them the wrong message that they need to be sexy. Girls are starting to become older sooner. In high school it’s considered “locker room talk”, for example; who’s lost their virginity? Who had sex with who last weekend? If our peers are having sex then most likely we are too. Religion plays a huge role in sex. The church says to wait, so even though people aren’t sex I is still the main thing on their mind because marriage and sex are the ultimate prize. If...
Words: 350 - Pages: 2
...decisions are mainly caused by the wrong expectations of others. Wright expressed this idea simply by using lit devices such as symbolism and metaphor. Throughout the chapters, Thomas Bigger was portrayed as this stereotype “thug” African American where he commits a crime such as theft and murder. However, Thomas Bigger’s horrible actions and decisions were influenced by the expectations of people surrounding him. For example, the American History held horrific events including segregation and racism against the Colored People in early 1900s, same decade when Native Son was written. Since Thomas Bigger is not white, White people assumed and expected that he is like ‘them.’ Them who are Colored People that knew nothing...
Words: 783 - Pages: 4
...------------------------------------------------- SOME WORDS OF ADVICE EBCTT Assignment Submitted By: Paul Mathews 221087 Submitted By: Paul Mathews 221087 IN A SUBWAY STATION - DAY A WOMAN WITH A BOOK who is waiting for the train sits in the middle of a bench reading a brainy, yet hot current best seller. There are empty seats on either side of her. The other seats are taken. A garbled train announcement comes over the public address system. ALL THE PEOPLE WAITING for the train strain their ears to make sense of the announcement, but it's just gibberish. They all look at each other as if to say, "Wha?" Nobody gives it much further thought. They continue reading, chatting, listening to Walkmans. Somewhat down the platform, JOEY and FREDDY are going through the turnstiles. Their conversation is well in progress. They make their way down the platform toward the bench. We don't hear what they're saying because...
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...The poem "Hair" by Elizabeth Acevedo is about how she's constantly being told by her mother that something is wrong with her hair how it naturally is. Although she sees nothing wrong with her hair she explains that her hair is part of her history and trying to hide that would be like trying to erase part of who she is. Instead of feeding to the negative remarks she expresses her love for her hair, the history that comes with it and why there is absolutely nothing wrong with her hair. In my essay I aim to prove how this poem positively represents me and my hair. There are three lines from the poem that represent me positively, the first one is "My mother tells me to fix my hair". This line is the very first line in the poem, it is said again...
Words: 832 - Pages: 4
...of Bath”, Alisoun sees love as an empowerment of women. She’s had a collection of five marriages, where she tends to use the power of sex to lure men in. Although anti-femininity is a huge theme throughout the story, men are still expected to cater to their woman even though they are seen as a man’s waste of time. Alisoun believes that to have “won the mastery” is to “choose and rule as [she] thinks fit”(149). Sexual assault is an issue that makes women feel insecure and in danger, and...
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...Unfortunately, despite of the development of science and society, this phenomenon is actual in ours day. This is very sad, because the most of them are keeping on the consent of both partners. For understand “Why such a relationship existent?” we need to understand what motivates and background have partners? There are some reasons or conditions, which hold such relationship and their prospects: 1. “If you don´t love yourself, nobody will love you too”. Exceptions are parents and children. If a woman has self- depreciation, she gets that she waits. She chooses a partner unconsciously. She's afraid to be alone - "bad, but mine" - this is a motto of these women. Husband will treat with her accordingly: humiliate, beat, and cheat, and so on. He knows, that she will forgive and bear it and she doesn’t´ t require or expect so much. Such a relationship it can last a long time, unless the woman does not meet a man, who will prove her, through his love, that she is beautiful and worthy of love and good relations. Such miracles happen, but rarely. In the other way that woman understands that something is wrong and breaks the relationship, but it required a lot of work from her, getting rid of complexes (inferiority, victim, etc.). Psychologists help will be very useful here. 2. In all works of literature and film extolling the relationship between a man and a woman. Worthy of attention, especially those relationships where there is a big passion. But, as we know, the real passion lasts...
Words: 477 - Pages: 2
...How are male and female relationships represented in The perks of being a Wallflower and The great Gatsby? In both of these books the leading female roles play the damsel in distress, there are a lot of influences on why this happens, all of which become apparent throughout the novels. Beginning with The perks of being a Wallflower, Sam who is the leading female character is dependent on her current boyfriend Craig. Daisy, the lead female character in The Great Gatsby is in a similar situation in which she is besotted with Tom. In both of these novels and in most stories in which male and female relationships are the main focus, the woman tends to pick the man who treats her badly as opposed to the hero. In The perks of being a Wallflower Sam stays with Craig because she thinks that she is in love with him and that he feels the same, the reality is quite different. Charlie the main male character notices that this is not the case. “He would think that the reason the photograph was beautiful was because of how he took it, I would know the only reason it was beautiful was because of Sam” Charlie does not refer to Craig by his name, he calls him ‘He’ this shows how he dislikes Craig because he doesn’t like to say his name. It also shows the opposites, Charlie is younger than Sam so he is quite innocently viewing the situation and thinking how Craig is treating Sam badly by doing this whereas Craig is older than Sam and more mature, he sees his work as something to be proud of...
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