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Shimon Peres Conflict

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Shimon Peres Shimon Peres has impacted the Arab- Israeli conflict, a period of time when there was political tension between Israel and other Arab countries. Peres has been constantly figuring out solutions to create peace in Palestine. He believes if they don’t begin peace negotiations soon, they will lose the opportunity and receive disappointment. Shimon sworn into serve as the ninth president of Israel in 2007 and became the first prime minister elected as President of Israel. Over the years, he has been supporting peace in the Middle East, so later on, he became the founder of the Peres Center for Peace, an organization that promotes peace in the Middle East. In addition, he wrote many many books on history, literature, …show more content…
When the UN partition plan was created, Peres supported this plan, but it was rejected by all Arab countries and resulted in a Jihad, also known as a holy war, against Israel and caused a dramatic increase in Jewish refugees. After the surrounding Arab countries declared the holy war against Israel, the Arabs left Israel thinking they would be able to return. Peres was also a firm believer in the two- state solution, because he believes a Palestinian state is required in order to have a democratic Jewish state. Without two separate states, the result would be a binational state, and overtime, Peres thinks it would result in a binational tragedy and force Israel to stay armed against the Arabs. This could lead to more terrorism in the Middle East. After the increase of terrorism and wars against Israel, Peres believes that there needs to be a separation, such as a wall, between the Arabs of Jerusalem and the Jews because with the large numbers of Arabs living in the capital of Jerusalem, the amount of terrorist attacks increase. Terrorist attacks such as suicide bombings by Palestinian terrorists have killed many innocent Israeli people, and the Hamas take over of the street constantly causes fear in the Arab street in Jerusalem. Shimon believes the city of Jerusalem is a Jewish capital and has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entry, because in the holy book, Koran, it did not mention Jerusalem even once, but in the Jewish holy book, it mentioned the capital of Jerusalem several times. Israel has went to war with the Arab countries, but Shimon thinks that Israel is not initiating any acts of terror. In the past, the Arabs have been responsible for many terrorist attacks against Israel, so Peres believes Israel has the right to bomb Arab countries to stop the terrorism. The bombs aimed

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