Ten New Creations of The 1950’s
So today I am going to tell you about the top ten inventions made in the 50’s, in order from least favorite to favorite (at least in my head). And staring at last place is the Barbie Doll that was invented in 1959, come on man no one cares about a stupid doll. But right in front of Barbie we have the Microchips invented in 1959 also, mico means small now why would you want something small? It’s like I always say bigger is better. Now in 8th place we have the Laser made in 1958, sure there really isn’t any point to it right now but I belive it has pointless. Right after 8th place we have 7th place and claming that spot is a way to prevent babies! It’s the Oral Contraceptives, or in other words birth controle, made in 1954. Clamming the spot right before Oral Contraceptive is the Bar Code, I have a fealing that’s going to be something big in the future. Now in 5th place and made in 1958 is the Hula Hoop , keeping children occupied so you can have some alone time with the wife. Now in 4th place is this thing called McDonalds Corp. invented in 1955, and you can just tell it is going to be big. Next is something to keep you skinny it’s the Diet Soft Drink made in 1952. Then in 2ed is the Hover Craft invented in 1956 now who doesn’t want a flying car? Last but not least in 1st place is MR. POTATO HEAD from 1952.
The beatniks are people those people that are changing the 50’s. They are the people that are rejecting traditional stuff. These people are participating in a ‘social movement’. This social movement stresses that artistic self-expression. Theses beatniks mostly consists of young and artistic people.
Works Cited
- http://ushistory1950.weebly.com/presidents-of-the-1950s.html
- http://1950s.weebly.com/the-baby-boom.html
- http://geography.about.com/od/populationgeography/a/babyboom.htm
Talk, talk, talk, that’s all what the 50’s are about, but what are we talking about? It’s about cars, and ever since cars have becaome popular so has lining up to see the new one’s. Car’s are the new thing. But once you get a car what do you do after? Why everone is taking joy rides to no place in particular. Everyone is wanting a car and everyone’s getting them.
There is a new kind of music, which is coming about in the 50’s. The older generation considers it ‘race music’ and ‘music of bum taste’. All thought the younger generation has taken a liking to this music that is being called rock and roll. In the center of all this is DJ Alan Freed who the younger generation seems to like because he is the first to play the songs that they like to wear. Among those songs being played are; Jonny B. Goode, Jailhouse Rock, Rock Around The Clock, Tutti-Frutti, and Whole lot of Shakin’ Going On.
All the Fashion in the 50's became were made to make women look more feminine. A belt around the waist to make it look smaller. The shoulders made too look soft like a mother. Maybe some gloves and pearls. Also skirts that flared outward. If a women is a working women though she is more likely to wear a pencil skirt.
Presidents of the Decade
In the 50's there were two presidents Harry Truman and Dwight D Eisenhower. Both of which have seen some war action. Harry Truman saw his war action in WW1. Then Dwight D. Eisenhower Was A 5 Star general. Now both have made a signifigent impack on the united states mostly, in my opinionm because they were brought in at a time of war. But they both in the end ended up getting us out of it.
The Baby Boom
The baby boom wasnt that people were comming back from war and being happy about that they made a baby. It was that men were coming back and wanting to start family's. So this crated the what they called the baby boom, which is when alot of baby's were borne, incase you didn't know. Though there was a problem with that because with these baby's came the expectations of women needing to be mothers. Though women wanted to be workers.