...company’s product or brand on a global scale. Many fashions of advertising use this marketing such as television, publications, Internet and so on. An International Marketing strategy is one part of a global strategy. If an international marketing is correct, it will have many benefits for a company. Following is four benefits: Make more effective and profitable about the products. You change the produces and services to learn more. The more you learn, the faster you learn, the more effective can become at the releasing products and services. And then it is easy for the company to enter into the international marketing. This essay is an example of a student's work Disclaimer This essay has been submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Have stronger competitive advantage More and more competition will appear in the international marketing. So the company should be ready at any time to face to face to the competition. After that, they will have the ability to fit the situation in the international marketing. Improve customers conscious Customers can learn about the products and services through the Internet. Every products or services have the same design and price. That can improve customers’ conscious and expand the international market. Reduce the cost and improve savings By focusing on...
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...Poli 3001 Essay. China and the United States. The relations involving China and the United States are a ardent subject matter in the humankind as China, whizz and moreover(a) of the worlds oldest refinements with the largest inhabitants, and the US on the other hand, one of the worlds youngest civilizations with the strongest financial system, are not only vital for the two countries just now also for the future suppuration of the whole world. One of the main reasons for the complexity and the disagreement surrounded by China and the US relations is the inequality of the common conflicting political approach. The ideological inconsistency additionally explains why the US has constantly taken China as its opponent alternatively than an associate. This essay will discuss on the different types of organisation systems and political ideologies that China and the US are practicing. The births of the US civilization lie in a mixture of liberalism and individualism but it slowly further defined by its freedom, civil rights and body politic standards. Dissonant voices are commonly heard in the US due to its inconsistency and disorganized attitude towards its political system, which is inconceivable and approximately not possible in China. In the US, libertarianism is almost popular and researchers show that one out of five Americans behave libertarian views. Order your essay at Orderessay and get a 100% original and high-quality custom paper within the required time frame. Libertarianism...
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...POLI3001 Short Essay: A Guide to Sources It is expected that you will use a minimum of eight (8) scholarly references (books and/or journal articles) as well as other sources. The following represent a sample of scholarly journals (in no particular order) in which to find articles to write your essay: * Applied Econometrics and International Development * International Economic Review * Industrial and Labor Relations Review * Journal of International Economics * World Competition * Business Law Review * Journal of World Trade * Journal of Economic Growth * Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies * Business and Politics * Journal of Asia-Pacific Business * International Journal of Economics and Business Research * Global Business and Economics Review * Journal of Global Business Issues The following sources may also be useful (but note that these are not regarded as scholarly references so cannot be counted in your minimum): * The Economist - www.economist.com/ * The Wall Street Journal (Asia Edition) - asia.wsj.com/home-page * The International Economy - www.international-economy.com/ * MIT Sloan Management Review - sloanreview.mit.edu/about/ * China Brief - www.jamestown.org/chinabrief/ * China Development Brief - www.chinadevelopmentbrief.com/ * Business Standard [on India] - www.business-standard.com ...
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...Microeconomics examples of topics for essay#1 IMPORTANT Guidelines for essay - You are doing a short research paper. Therefore, you need come up with research questions or thesis. Think what interests you in what we cover in the class. For example, o If you are interested in outsourcing, your research questions could be “Is the US better off or worse off because of the outsourcing to China?”. Then you go do a research on it. Find academic articles or news articles that support and/or against outsourcing. o You do research by reading those articles that you found and then combine the information you find into a unified paper that represents your fully formed expertise. The key to the whole thing is "combining," so as you do your research, look for facts and information that go well together and help explain (or disagree with) each other o You may start your introduction and research questions. Then start a second paragraph with a short explanation of what is “outsourcing” and state facts such as how many dollars or how many jobs the US outsourced to China in 2010. o The paper must show an analysis of a real world outsourcing situation such as what are the problems with the outsourcing, why there are the problems, how to fix the problems, what the pros and cons of each solution are, and how it will affect consumers who buy imported goods at Walmart or exporters to China. o Warning: You should...
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...ECON1002/1220 Introductory macroeconomics according to the Regulations, Syllabus & Structure and List of Courses for the BEcon and BEcon&Fin programmes. The course is primarily for students majoring in economics and as such can be technical at times, involving the use of mathematics including elementary calculus. Slides are available at http://www.sef.hku.hk/~ccfour/#Teaching Textbook: Macroeconomics by Andrew B. Abel, Ben S. Bernanke, and Dean Croushore, 8th edition, Pearson Addison Wesley. Assessment: Homework (problem sets plus one short essay) Test (mid-term) Examination (final) 20% (10%+10%) 20% 60% Short Essay: Economics is a persuasive science, and mathematics and statistics are tools economists use to make their arguments. Therefore, writing essays that convincingly make your argument is the key to both academic success and applications of economic thoughts in daily life. During the course, I will give your three topics (consumption and investment in China, the growth miracle of...
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...Business concept statement 2 2.1 Reasons for operating business in Hangzhou, China 2 2.2 Business market analysis 3 2.3 Business Strategy 3 2.4 Concerns or Uncertainty about the Business 4 3.0 Financial Aspects 5 4.0 Conclusion 6 5.0 Reference 7 1.0 Introduction This essay is going to discuss my thought about creating a new venture in Hangzhou, China. From a personal point of view, a successful business should be well planned for a long period of time, since we are still novel to the complex society. In order to maximise the possibility of turning my business concept into reality, there are a number of elements needed to take into consideration seriously. This essay will mainly focus on stating my business idea, analysing the business market, showing my business concerns, adopting a business strategy, and finding funding for the business operation. 2.0 Business concept statement My business concept is about teaching children English in a more enjoyable way. This English training will be operated in a playground and the target market is children from 3-6 years old. The business will be located in Hangzhou, China which is a home city of mine. Some more details will be discussed in the following part of the essay. 2.1 Reasons for operating business in Hangzhou, China In terms of the bigger part of the business operation location, we are going to run our business in Hangzhou, China. Not surprisingly, many people want to run their business in a place they...
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...relationship stayed the same * Short-term relationship changed dramatically – attacked to previous perceptions and relations * Still huge attack on psyche Essay should focus on 3 parts: 1. Western bloc (US representing the greater part of the Western Bloc and their relations with China) a. US-China relations: i. Most dynamic – affect Japanese and China relations ii. Not a two way street iii. Defined by the actions of the present and past presidents iv. Pro-China: Mao and Kissinger v. Carter – Human Relations focused Foreign Policies 1. Didn’t apply to China to monitor reliability vi. Nixon – Carter b. Japan: vii. Nixon and Reagan found linking with Japan c. Nixon and Ford took advantage of the China-Soviet Split viii. Got out of Vietnam ix. Played the meditator d. Nixon (1968-1972) + Ford (couldn’t afford due to publicity of post-watergate) + Carter (1966-1980) + Reagan (1980 – 1988) 2. Japan e. Asian State x. L/t cultural difference xi. State in similar territory f. If Nixon assists China – peace through the US (Trade b/w Japan and the US) g. Nervous of China and US relationship h. Schultz – pro-Japan – Reagan Secretary of State 3. Soviets i. Less influential j. Less so after split k. Soviet Collapse in 1989 – made China nervous (if it happened...
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...people do not have knowledge they could not cooperate in an effective way and the direction of man’s moral growth depends very much on his education and merit should be the social way in awarding political and economic privileges. Respect for knowledge and the lifelong pursuit of learning was a fundamental human obligation in his tradition. According to Mackerras (2008), the dominant ideology of traditional China was Confucianism which was secular, hierarchical, authoritarian and family centred. The imperial family was at the top and an amazing small number of officials just below who were largely selected and maintained in office after going through a comprehensive, complex and stereotyped examination system. 2. Civil Service Examinations The Civil service examination was an examination system in imperial to select the best administrative officials for the state's bureaucracy. The system of using examinations system played a key role in the emergence of the scholar-officials in early Chinese system, which came to dominate society. The system continued to be used in China as years went by with some modifications. 2.1. The Nature of the Examinations...
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...First Response essay In this response essay, I will firstly be analyzing the various concepts put forward by Hu Shi. I will then attest to these arguments before evaluating the article as a whole. Hu Shi’s article “The Significance of The New Thought” in his book China’s response to the West provides an interesting and rational perspective regarding the attitudes displayed in the May fourth movement. Hu Shi actually alludes the May fourth movement to that of a ‘Chinese renaissance’ and bases the overall mindsets as one of criticism and reflection. In practice, this attitude identifies the existing flaws of the current status quo and innovates new ideas and improvements to the system. For example, throughout the movement many controversies were put forward such as the problem of Confucianism and technological development, vernacularism and the classical language, and our ethical practices to name a few. This stance to challenge encourages people to introduce new academic theories, to which it is developed and adjusted. To a substantial extent, I agree with Hu Shi’s interpretation of the May fourth movement. After all, it appears that throughout history, society tends to replace traditional institutions through a process of reflection and creative destruction. In concordance with Chiang Monlin’s interpretation, Hu Shi views the May fourth movement as an “emancipating movement”. The movement was an era of challenge. Tradition was challenged by reason, authority was challenged...
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...How significant lifestones are marked in different cultures In our lifetime we will celebrate a range of different milestones or rites of passage. These events are celebrated in various different ways in various cultures or religions. In this essay I will explore a range of different milestones or right of passage such as birth, puberty, marriage death etc. amoung the different cultures and religions. I will also compare and contrast the religious beliefs in 2 different religions/cultures/socieities. The first milestone is birth. Birth is a milestone that is celebrated in every culture. The birth of a child can be marked with a family gathering after the mother has given birth. A welcoming home party may also be carried out. Birth can also be celebrated later on in life with Birthdays. Birthdays also mark a significant date in a persons life. For example, birthdays can effect the person and the legal system. Examples of this are when a person turns 18 they are considered an adult, legal to vote, legal to purchase alcohol, consent to sex, to marry and to obtain a drivers license. The next milestone is puberty. Puberty is marked in various different ways in different cultures. Puberty marks the change of when a child becomes a teenager and matures. Puberty in a vary of different ways in different cultures. For example, puberty in the Irish catholic culture is celebrated with a ceremony called '' Confirmation ''. Confirmation marks the person as having completed...
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...The SAT Essay: Building a Repertoire of Examples The SAT essay is intended to measure your writing skills, not your knowledge of any specific subject. Therefore, the essay prompts given on the SAT must be fairly open-ended, so that anyone with a highschool education and life experiences common to all teenagers can respond to them. Most of them deal with basic philosophical, psychological, moral, or social issues. In my experience as a teacher, I’ve seen that the biggest challenge students face in writing the SAT essay is coming up with rich and relevant examples to discuss within the twenty-five minutes you’re given for the essay section. Quite often, students end up using examples that are inappropriate or superficial, or they don’t know enough about the examples they’ve chosen to write about them in detail. The way to combat this problem is to create your own repertoire of examples that you are well prepared to write detailed paragraphs about. Then, when you read the prompt you’re given on the day of the test, you can simply choose the examples from your repertoire that are most relevant to that particular topic. (Of course, this method isn’t fullproof; it may happen that you are unfortunate enough to get a topic that your prepared examples aren’t really appropriate for. If that’s the case, don’t try to force your examples to fit the topic. The process of coming up with these examples and writing several practice essays will also help you learn how to come up with new examples...
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...Edward J. Drea, Hans J. van de Ven, eds. The Battle for China: Essays on the Military History of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010. Illustrations, maps. 664 pp. $65.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8047-6206-9. Reviewed by Roger H. Brown (Saitama University) Published on H-War (December, 2012) Commissioned by Margaret Sankey The Sino-Japanese War of 1937-45 was immense both in its scale and consequences. Nevertheless, Western military histories of World War II have focused overwhelmingly on the campaigns of the European and Pacific theaters, and those specialized studies of the conflict that do exist deal primarily with such matters as diplomacy; politics; mass mobilization; and, in more recent years, Japanese atrocities and public memory. Indeed, as the editors of the volume under review attest, “a general history of the military operations during the war based on Japanese, Chinese, and Western sources does not exist in English” (p. xix). In 2004, Japanese, Chinese, and Western scholars gathered to remedy this situation and in the belief that such a close study of the operations and strategy of the Sino-Japanese War would “illustrate that, in this period, warfare drove much of what happened in the political, economic, social, and cultural spheres in China and Japan.” They further recognized that because “much of the best scholarship on WWII in East Asia is naturally produced in China and Japan,” there was a need to “bring the fruits of Chinese...
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...instead of as past triumphs that should be reminisced with pride. A lot of his essays encouraged drastic change by condemning outdated cultural ideals and repressive socials traditions. When Lu Xun was younger his father died. This came after traditional physicians in China were successful of curing his father of tuberculosis. Lu Xun stated that a well-known physician, who made out the prescription for his father, used uncommon remedies: “aloe root dug up in winter, sugar-cane that had been three years exposed to frost, twin crickets, and ardisa” (Preface)…all of which were hard to acquire. Shortly after, Lu Xun concluded that many of China’s physicians were either ignorant or impostors; and he started to feel sorry for sick individuals and their families that suffered because of these...
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...Essay 2 Essay conclusion: Foxconn should keep its working schedules, basing on legal payments for overtime work. Stakeholders’ concerns analysis framework: Worker’s concerns What is worker’s priority factor to choose a job? For most low level education and training workers, the answer is a competitive and guaranteed salary. If you are an engineer, graduated from the best universities in China, like Peking University or Tsinghua University, you may want a job in Google for its flexible working schedule. But for most young Chinese, the labor-intensive industries are their main destinations. Foxconn sank into the conservancy of intense working schedule, low salaries and continued employees suicide events. But it is still one of the most popular chooses in Shenzhen or Chongqing, for these young men from countryside. Why this contradiction happened and continued? Because compare with others labor-intensive factories, Foxconn has a good reputation of salaries paying. Delaying salaries and free overtime work are still common in others factories in Shenzhen and others cities. The biggest difference between the salary increasing and work time reducing is that whether the change is good for every worker. Off course, salary increasing is acceptable for each employee, but reducing work time is not so. Some employees have stronger ambitions and willing to work more and earn more. So these different concerns must be respected and considered by the worker union to ask for more...
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...Imperialism’s effects on China has always been controversial and debatable. Andrew Nathan’s article on Imperialism’s Effects on China explains imperialism’s positive contributions to modern day China and defends the theory that China’s difficulties are caused by internal factors rather than external. On the other hand, Joseph Esherick’s Harvard on China: The Apologetics of Imperialism argues that China’s economic and social disruptions are caused by imperialism. However, when one examines the evidence chosen and rhetoric of both sides, one may realize the faults in Nathan’s essay which are not shown in Esherick’s. Esherick, as opposed to Nathan, delivers his arguments and defends his stance in a well-rounded manner along with wise usage of his evidence–forming a more crystalized and convincing argument. The two sides disagree on the fundamental question of whether imperialism brought harm or benefits to China in three aspects: effects on the economy, effects on politics, and the results of imperialism. Nathan focuses on the economic benefits foreign trade has brought, while undermining the arguments that his opponents made (in this case, mainly James Peck and Issac’s arguments.) Nathan explains that “it is difficult to establish a negative relationship between the foreign presence and the success of Chinese enterprise.” He attributes the failure of the Chinese industrialization process to the “failure of that sector as a whole to develop,” and states that the problem...
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