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Short Story: Amore Asylum

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Amore Asylum by Sarah Harper p.1

A news report flashed across the screen interrupting the scheduled program. A woman with long, blonde, silky hair looked down at a piece of paper in her hand, She looked back up at the camera, “Earlier on this night a girl by the name of River Springs killed her parents. The wounds on the parent’s bodies looked to be a combination of a knife and a baseball bat. If you know any more details on this case, please contact the Police,” the news reporter paused, “currently River is staying at the recently reopened Amore Asylum.”
River stared down at the handcuffs on her hands. “Excuse me Mr…” River looked through the tiny glass pane that showed the front seat. She saw his phone light up from a text message. “Mr. …show more content…
Once River walked into the room, she looked around. The entire room was white except for the platforms that the chairs sat on. River took a seat by a girl and a boy in the front row. The girl looked over at her, “Hi my name is Daniella and that’s Percy,” Daniella points to the boy next to her. Percy waves hi and River smiles at him. A figure walked in, he had brown hair and blue eyes. His nametag read: Mr. Jaley. “Hello everyone and welcome to the instructional ceremony. I’m so glad you could make it,” he looks around the room expecting a response, but no one said anything so he continued, “One of the most important rules of Amore Asylum is to not wander around, if you do so there will be great consequences.” River looks up at Mr. Jaley and for a second she saw darkness in his eyes. Mr. Jaley smiles, “Once you follow the first rule the rest of the rules will be simple to follow,” He pauses a moment before continuing, “The next rule is not to leave or try to escape from the Asylum, doing so will, once again, result in consequences.” The rules continued on in the same way, just with different scenarios attached to them. They always ended in: there will be consequences. Finally, the instructional meeting ended and all the patients headed outside for outside

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