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Short Story Littering

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It was the most beautiful morning in sunsweet town...NOT! The birds have woke Lili up through the night. Lili didn’t only have a terrible sleep that night but she was also really sick. She went out last night and when she came back, she was sick because of the amount of littering outside. Yet as always, Lili woke up with a bright smile on her face. There was only one thing that would make Lili feel miserable during the day. It was littering. Littering was like poison to Lili. Whenever Lili sees someone littering, she would stomp her feet all the way back home and feel the tear drops run down her cheeks. The amount of tissues she used when she saw someone litter was equivalent to the amount of garbage on america’s streets. That’s how sad she was when she saw someone litter.

Lili woke up gently and headed to the bathroom to wash her face. In fact, all she had to do was grab the clothing hanger that hung on a piece of very thick string and push a little to get to the bathroom downstairs. She grabbed the clothing hanger tight and pushed a little. It took her 5 seconds to decide what hand position she should go in, but it only took her a moment to realize that …show more content…
Her eyes started to look blurry, she felt really dizzy. She took a moment to think, It was the trouble phone call! Lili hurried to the other side of the kitchen to turn on the switch secretly disguised as a “light switch”. Her finger flicked downwards and there was a “click” sound. The kitchen walls started to turn around and make a vacuum noise. “vroooooooooooooom” went the walls as they turned. Lili hurried into her secret room to get changed. Just as she walked in, 3 electronic hands started fiddling around with Lili. One of the hands were busy putting on the mask. Another, was busy putting on the costume, and the last hand was busy entertaining Lili. She was changed into her costume in

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