Premium Essay

Short Story: Steve Soloman's Vision Quest

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Laura then asked V.Q. what his initials had stood for and he told her that his real name was Steve Soloman, but everyone called him Vision Quest on account of him being so in tune with the spiritual world. With it, snickers, then erupted from the rest of his group. While everyone conversed, James had taken Morgan and Riley along with Chuckles over to the kitchen area where he began preparing them some hot tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. He then searched the cooler for some leftover scraps that he could give to the dog. Pamela and Laura exchanged all the information they had heard about the disease with Lovienthal and his group, but neither side had anything of relevancy to exchange, just hearsay and rumors. …show more content…
A short while later they became joined by, Albert Thompson, the school’s maintenance man who had been working in the bus garage next door. Ryan and Billy immediately wanted to know from Albert what kind of tools and supplies he had on hand at the school. Albert knew exactly where the guys were going with their line of questions—Weapons. He motioned for them to follow him down to the school’s lobby. The double doors of the school’s main gateway were boarded up with a chain wrapped tightly through the handles padlocking it for added protection. But that’s not what Albert wanted to show them. In a pile next to the doors, the guys were surprised to find that Albert had been busy since the outbreak. He was managing to assemble a small cache of primitive fighting instrument that he had fashioned out of everyday hardware from around the school. There were a couple of baseball bats with ten inch nails drove through them, turning them into a modern looking versions of morning stars. Albert also culled two fire axes along with a hatchet. There were several long-handled spears he had made of copper piping, that used a piece of ground down sheet metal to form blades. He had a spaded shovel with its blade also ground down to a sharp edge. Several other forms of cudgels and blunt objects were also added to the group along with a couple of backpacks filled with Gatorade bottles …show more content…
He also wanted to know if diesel fuel was stored on the property. All of which Albert answered yes to. It wasn’t long before everyone’s clothes were desiccated and warm; the school’s dryer having worked extremely fast and efficient. And after getting dressed, Laura along with Pamela gave them the grand tour of the school while telling them all about the two lookouts, Mitch Connor and Blake Pyier, who were up on third floor keeping eye out over the landscape. They had concluded their tour at the gymnasium where all the kids were held up playing games. Mary was happy to see that the children seemed to be doing fine, laughing and playing, four innings into game of

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