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American Influence On Identity

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What influences a person's identity? Is it their home? Their family? Friends? Also, how do they get one? Do they get it when they understand right from wrong, when they learn to read, or are they born with it? My answer is all of the above. This is because an American Identity is shaped throughout your life. In a way, it is similar to our country itself. Always changing and evolving, the United States has harnessed the ability to learn from it’s previous mistakes, and adapt to the ever-changing society as a whole. Even though many American citizens understand this, it still came as a shock to my family when on June 26th, 2015, same-sex marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court. In this narrative, I will be describing my experiences following …show more content…
After a few minutes of excited chatter, Eli and PJ were awake. We got dressed, and everyone packed into the ruby red car (I can’t remember where we were going). It was a day of joy, and we listened to Oregon Public Broadcast all day to hear every little detail about the situation.
Apparently, the supreme court had deemed same-sex marriage constitutional, and was legal in all US states. We figured that this would be a revolution for all of america, and redefine the entire country. It definitely redefined us. I noticed something that day. For once everyone was able to get along. No fights or arguments broke out. Nobody complained.
I think that this was just one of the small revolutions that are shaping each and every one of us as a person; shaping our American identities. I think that the more we all learn to accept one another, the better our country will be as a whole. In American History, the narrator's main external, and sometimes internal conflict, is not being accepted for who she is by others, whether it be the black girls, or the school officials who keep her separated from the smart kids, just because of her race. Even John F. Kennedy wrote about the idea of the acceptance of everyone in The Immigrant Contribution. I think that we should stop with all of our floccinaucinihilipilification towards each other, and we will all get along, as a new generation of American identities, completely different from any before

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