...Producción de Pruebas Realizando Su Defensa en un Caso de Desalojo Producción De Pruebas es un modo de conseguir información del propietario para ayudarle a comprobar su caso. Cuando usted pide Producción de Pruebas, el propietario tiene que contestar sus preguntas por escrito y presentarle los documentos que usted pide acerca de su caso de desalojo. El Propietario debe contestar sus preguntas por escrito bajo juramento. Pedir Producción de Pruebas también pospone su juicio de desalojo por dos semanas si usted entrega la petición para Producción de Pruebas al tribunal y al propietario (o el abogado del propietario) en o antes del lunes el cual usted debe archivar su Respuesta a la Demanda. Si no pide Producción de Pruebas usted tiene que ir al tribunal en la Fecha Original del Juicio según aparece en su Citación y Demanda. FOLLETO Producido por Mass. Law Reform Institute con asistencia de las oficinas de servicios legales en Massachusetts y está disponible en el internet al: www.masslegalhelp.org/spanish © MLRI, revisado julio, 2008. Derechos reservados. 4 Folleto 4 1 Como Usar Producción De Pruebas Llene el Formulario en Este Folleto Llene la parte de arriba del formulario de Producción de Pruebas del mismo modo que llenó su Respuesta en el Folleto #3. Para decir cual información le ayudará en su caso, revise su Respuesta. Según repase el formulario de Producción de Pruebas, marque el cuadro al lado de cada pregunta que usted quiere...
Words: 11529 - Pages: 47
...There names are Antonio And Feli. 3) Parts of the Project: Once you have researched at least three stories, you need to begin the project. The project will require: Read the short story looking for: A summary of events Theme Important literary symbols Context Presentation on the author and the historical context of the story When was the author alive and where did s/he live? Was the story famous when the author published it? Or later? Two interesting facts about the author Was there anything important happening historically when the author was alive? Was the story written during a certain time period because the author was upset about something? Why did your group pick this story? Re-telling of the story in a modern setting Create a skit, short story, comic book, children’s book to retell your story in a modern context Keep the same theme, symbols...
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...Inicios y creación. Fue Jeffrey Bezos. Después de abandonar su trabajo como programador en Wall Street, se fijó como objetivo construir la mejor tienda online del mundo (no la primera, la mejor) con una idea obsesiva: considerando al comprador como la mejor experiencia comercial. Y fundó en 1994, con sede en un garaje de Seattle - EE.UU., la empresa Amazon. Siendo la primera librería virtual de la Web. En la actualidad, es una tienda online de libros, música y otros, que ofrece servicios que los comercios tradicionales no pueden ofrecer: precios bajos, selecciones bien documentadas y una nutrida información sobre los productos. Esto no se logra en la venta por catálogos, por la dificultad y lentitud en el diálogo cliente vendedor. Trabajamos como el antiguo librero de hace cien años que conocía, de cada uno de sus clientes, todos los gustos y las aversiones." Desarrollo Consistió en utilizar el sitio web como sustituto de los puntos de venta minoristas y hacer que los libros fueran remitidos directamente a los clientes a través de los distribuidores. Sin embargo, se dieron cuenta que para ofrecer el tipo de servicio integral que tenían en mente, Amazon tenía que guardar en depósito los libros y enviarlos ella misma, pues los distribuidores de libros no estaban suficientemente organizados como para cumplir rápidamente con pedidos de uno o dos ejemplares. Por ello, Amazon alquiló un depósito de 4,650 m2 en Seattle , en el cual podía embalar los libros a sus clientes, que...
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...INTRODUCCIÓN A XHTML JAVIER EGUILUZ LIBROSWEB Introducción a XHTML Javier Eguiluz Fecha publicación: 14/03/2013 Este libro fue publicado con la aplicación easybook (http://easybook-project.org) , una herramienta de software libre para la publicación de libros digitales. Licencia Este libro se publica bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento - No Comercial - Compartir Igual 3.0, cuyos detalles puedes consultar en http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/es/ Puedes copiar, distribuir y comunicar públicamente la obra, incluso transformándola, siempre que cumplas todas las condiciones siguientes: • Reconocimiento: debes reconocer siempre la autoría de la obra original, indicando tanto el nombre del autor (Javier Eguiluz) como el nombre del sitio donde se publicó originalmente (librosweb.es). Este reconocimiento no debe hacerse de una manera que sugiera que el autor o el sitio apoyan el uso que haces de su obra. • No comercial: no puedes utilizar esta obra con fines comerciales de ningún tipo. Entre otros, no puedes vender esta obra bajo ningún concepto y tampoco puedes publicar estos contenidos en sitios web que incluyan publicidad de cualquier tipo. • Compartir igual: si alteras o transformas esta obra o si realizas una obra derivada, debes compartir tu trabajo obligatoriamente bajo esta misma licencia. Índice de contenidos Capítulo 1. Introducción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1. ¿Qué es HTML? . . ...
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...Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo MANA 321 Leadership and Supervision Supervisión y Liderazgo © Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007 Derechos Reservados. © Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved. MANA 321 Leadership and Supervision 2 TABLA DE CONTENIDO/TABLE OF CONTENTS Páginas/Pages Prontuario/Study Guide .....................................................................................3 Taller Uno/Workshop One ................................................................................20 Taller Dos/Workshop Two ................................................................................23 Taller Tres/Workshop Three.............................................................................27 Taller Cuatro/Workshop Four ...........................................................................30 Taller Cinco/Workshop Five .............................................................................34 Anejo A/Appendix A..........................................................................................38 Anejo B/Appendix B..........................................................................................39 Anejo C/Appendix C .........................................................................................41 Anejo D/Appendix D ...........................................................
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...NAME / NOMBRE: STRATEGIC PRODUCT CREATION PROFESSORS / PROFESORES: T. Laseter TERM / TRIMESTRE: Second Term New products offer the lifeblood of any dynamic business organization. Given the increasing use of cross-functional teams in corporate product creation, you may have the opportunity to be a part of this critical process regardless of your planned functional focus. This course will draw upon the recently published book “Strategic Product Creation” (McGraw-Hill, December 2006) coauthored by the course professor. The book takes an executive view of managing corporate product development drawing upon the experiences of global organizations such as Disney Imagineering, Procter & Gamble, Mars Incorporated, Whirlpool Corporation, United Technologies, and IBM. The course will be largely case-based covering a range of industries from software development (Activision) to automotive (GM) but also include some hands on exercises and a group simulation. This course offers a general management view of product creation by exploring frameworks and case examples from a wide range of industries. It should serve students well who seek a career in a corporate environment or as a consultant serving large corporations. Broadly, the course will examine the key processes in corporate product creation including: Product Creation Leadership Product Idea Generation Technology Capabilities Product Creation Process Design The Competitive Product Portfolio People and Project...
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...Exercise 1: Stress and the Written Accent Name _____________________________ For each word, underline the stressed syllable and, if needed, add a written accent mark. Example: elefante No written accent mark 1. taza 2. sabor 3. razon 4. rio 5. agua 6. aguila 7. espiritu 8. espiritual 9. adios 10. pequeño 11. pequeñito 12. pequeñisimo 13. enseñabas 14. enseñabamos 15. America 16. religion 17. religiones 18. religioso 19. religiosos 20. dramatico 21. quien (= question “who?”) 22. mi (= “my”) 23. haz 24. hazlo 25. hazmelo Exercise 2: Noun Gender Name _____________________________ A. Indicate the gender (m., f., or either) of each noun. 1. persona 2. novio 3. serpiente 4. testigo 5. plato 6. montaña 7. hogar 8. héroe 9. vez 10. guardacostas 11. dilema 12. tele 13. dentista 14. coche patrulla 15. incertidumbre 16. bailarina 17. voléibol 18. látex B: Provide the feminine form of each noun, or indicate that there is no unique feminine form. Examples: el hombre—la mujer el niño—la niña el profesor—la profesora el estudiante—la estudiante 1. elefante 2. lobo 3. soldado 4. escritor 5. pariente 6. mesero Exercise 3: Noun Number Name _______________________________ A: Provide the plural form of each noun. Examples: la casa–las casas el maniquí–los maniquís/maniquíes el énfasis–los énfasis ...
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...12ª. Edición La presente edición es propiedad del Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. Periférico Sur 4333, C.P. 14210 México, D. F. 2005, Bancomext MR Registro de derecho de autor núm. 72418 ISBN 968-6168-30-3 Dirección General del Derecho de Autor, dependiente de la Secretaría de Educación Pública Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial sin autorización expresa del Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S. N. C. Impreso en México Documento elaborado por el Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S. N. C. 2 GUÍA BÁSICA DEL EXPORTADOR GUÍA BÁSICA DEL EXPORTADOR 3 4 GUÍA BÁSICA DEL EXPORTADOR PRESENTACIÓN PRESENTACIÓN Para competir en los mercados externos es importante conocer los mecanismos y procedimientos que requieren cumplir las operaciones comerciales, así como estar atento a los cambios que realizan los principales países, en sus mecanismos y disposiciones de importación. Al respecto, uno de los objetivos del Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. (Bancomext) es ofrecer los apoyos necesarios para que las empresas, principalmente las micros, pequeñas y medianas (MIPYMES), se preparen adecuadamente para participar con éxito en sus operaciones comerciales de exportación. Para ello, BANCOMEXT presenta la 12ª edición de su Guía Básica del Exportador en donde el lector encontrará la información y la asesoría indispensable que le permitirá conocer los principales aspectos que se requieren para realizar negocios de exportación. Las mejoras y...
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...A Study of Middle Grades Students’ Reading Interests, Habits, and Achievement Nichole Lynnette Smith A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctorate of Education in the School of Education. Chapel Hill 2009 Approved By: Dr. Barbara Day Dr. Frank Brown Dr. Sandra Hughes-Hassell Dr. Teresa Petty Dr. Xue Lan Rong i © 2009 Nichole Lynnette Smith ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii ABSTRACT Nichole Lynnette Smith: A Study of Middle Grades Students’ Reading Interests, Habits, and Achievement (Under the direction of Dr. Barbara Day, Advisor) Reading has become an area of concern among the American culture in the past decade. The amount of time the American public spends reading is declining quickly, and its most frequent drop has been among its youngest readers, elementary school students (National Endowment for the Arts, 2004). McKool’s (2007) research has found that there is a “strong relationship between the amount of out-of-school reading a student engages in and his or her success in school” (p. 111). It has also been found that students’ academic levels do not remain the same with no growth, but their academic levels actually drop if they do not read in their free time (Hughes- Hassell & Lutz, 2006). The current literature focuses on younger students, especially those in elementary school. The purpose of this study was to investigate potential differences of what influences...
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...Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo STMG 601 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT GERENCIA ESTRATEGICA © Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007 Derechos Reservados. © Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved STMG 601 Strategic Management 2 TABLA DE CONTENIDO/TABLE OF CONTENTS Página/Page Prontuario ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Study Guide ................................................................................................................................. 11 Workshop One ............................................................................................................................ 17 Taller Dos..................................................................................................................................... 21 Workshop Three ......................................................................................................................... 25 Taller Cuatro ................................................................................................................................ 29 Workshop Five/Taller Cinco ...................................................................................................... 34 Anejo A/Appendix A ......................................
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...O S E D INN LIST 76 INTERNATIONAL NONPROPRIETARY NAMES FOR P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S U B S T A N C E S WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION • GENEVA Volume 10, Number 4, 1996 World Health Organization, Geneva WHO Drug Information Contents General Policy Topics Meeting the challenge of biotechnology 175 Regulatory Matters Acellular pertussis vaccine for infants Breath test for Helicobacter pylori Restrictions on use of anorectics Coumarin: regulatory action Laxatives: reclassification of common ingredients Is melatonin a prescription drug? NSAIDS, antimicrobials and angioedema Drug-induced liver disease Fluoxetine and hepatitis Hepatitis B vaccine and musculoskeletal reactions Pyrithyldione-diphenhydramine and agranulocytosis Roxithromycin associated with cardiac arrhythmias 187 187 187 188 189 189 189 189 190 190 190 190 Reports on Individual Drugs Confirmation of increased chloroquine resistance in South Africa Which malaria drug for children? Post-malaria neurological syndrome and mefloquine Driving ability in cancer patients treated with morphine Hormone replacement therapy and venous thromboembolism 177 177 177 178 179 Safety Issues Documentation requirements for approval: safety Drug safety monitoring centres 180 181 Recent Publications WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: Thirty-fourth report International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances: cumulative list No. 9 Good...
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...THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE NEWS Wednesday, 12 April 2005 Other Environment News • Pollution "problématique" sur le périphérique parisien (Reuters) • La pollution contribuerait à faire grossir (RTL) Environmental News from the UNEP Regions • ROA • ROWA Other UN News • UN Daily News of 12 April 2005 • S.G.’s Spokesman Daily Press Briefing of 12 April 2005 BBC: UN names Earth's green champions The United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) has named seven Champions of the Earth it hopes will inspire wider protection of the planet. The winners include an Inuit activist, South Africa's president, and Bhutan's King Jigme Singye Wangchuk. The head of the Orthodox Christian Church, Patriarch Bartholomew, is cited for preaching that God wants the planet's future safeguarded. The winners will receive trophies sculpted from recycled materials. The presentation will be made at a ceremony in New York next week. Unep hopes the various projects recognised will be imitated around the globe. 'Set the agenda' The seven winners each represented a region of the world. President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa is honoured for his government's commitment to providing clean water and sanitation. The king and people of Bhutan are rewarded for helping preserve more than 70% of its forest cover. Canadian Inuit activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier was recognised for fighting global warming and persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic ecosystem...
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... Do not subject the device to severe impact or drop it from heights. Do not use the device in extreme hot or cold, dusty or damp conditions. Do not Avoid using the device near strong magnetic fields. Normal functioning of the product may be disturbed by ESD. If so, simply reset Safety Precautions expose it to direct sunlight. and restart the device following the instruction manual. During file transmission, please handle with care and operate in a static-free environment. Keep the device away from water and other liquids. In the event that water or other liquids enter the device, power off the product immediately and clean the device. Do not use chemicals to clean the device in order to avoid corrosion. Clean it with a dry cloth. Do not install this equipment in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items such as newspaper, table-cloths, curtains etc. No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the apparatus. Attention should be drawn to environmental aspects of battery disposal. Use the apparatus in moderate climates. We are not responsible for damage or lost data caused by malfunction, misuse, modification of the device or battery replacement. Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the product. This will invalidate the warranty. If the device will not be used for an extended period of time, please charge...
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...The Role and Measurement of Quality in Competition Analysis 2013 The OECD Competition Committee discussed the role and measurement of quality in competition analysis in June 2013. This document contains an executive summary of that debate and the documents from the meeting: an analytical note by the OECD staff and written submissions: Australia, Canada, Chile, the European Union, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ukraine, United States and BIAC. A note by Theodore Voorhees Jr. as well as a detailed summary of the discussion are also included. Competition policy is just as concerned with quality as it is with prices. While the importance of quality is undisputed and issues about quality are mentioned pervasively in competition agency guidelines and court decisions, there is no widely-agreed framework for analysing it which often renders its treatment superficial. There are a number of reasons why in practice, courts and competition authorities rarely analyse quality effects as rigorously as they analyse price effects. First, quality is a subjective concept and therefore much harder to define and measure than prices. In addition, microeconomic theory offers little help in predicting how changes in the level of competition in a market will affect quality and it is usually up to empirical analysis to determine how quality will change in response to varying degrees of competition in the context of particular markets. Given difficulties in terms of the evaluation...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND BEHAVIORAL FACTORS Mgmt 605-M02 Mondays 6:00-8:10 p.m. DESCRIPTION This course links the classical management process to the analysis of human behavior. How do people think, analyze a situation, and how they behave. The practicing manager should gain theoretical knowledge on which to base experience and/or intuition when making decisions or solving problems involving the human dimension in the organization. In this course you are going to learn a series of models: 1) The individual—to help you understand, predict, and modify an individual’s behavior. 2) Perception of people—how such perception differs from other perceptions aspects and its importance 3) Functions of the managerial brain—how it works, makes decisions, solves problems, creates ideas 3) Dimensions of communications—to enable you to understand the basics of transmittal of knowledge 2) Two person interactions—so that you can understand conflict, leadership behavior, negotiations. 3) Small group functions,--so that you can understand when and why they are strong and get results and when they are weak and become failures 4) The large organization—so that you can utilize their strengths in marshalling human resources to get the work out and how they can adapt to changing times. If you have any problems with this course, doing the work or meeting standards, speak to your instructor before you receive failing grades or other unpleasant consequences. When you discuss...
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