...Ethical Environment of the New Orleans Police Department Melissa Boutte McNeese State University CJUS 630-W Ethics in Criminal Justice Telephone: (337) 888-0633 Email: mboutte@mcneese.edu Instructor: Dr. Wayne Thompson Abstract Society entrusts police officers to protect citizens from harm and to maintain civil order by enforcing laws set before them. The New Orleans Police Department must adhere to a code of conduct which basically means for officers to treat individuals fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation; to only use the force necessary to uphold the law and/or to protect themselves and/or others from harm; and to act with dignity and integrity when enforcing the law. This has not always been the case with the NOPD. This paper will discuss the scrutiny the NOPD has fallen under over the years and also what actions have been taken to correct the problems that have arisen within the department. It will also discuss the hiring and training process, along with the reprimanding process for individuals who exhibit unethical behavior. Ethical Environment of the New Orleans Police Department The New Orleans Police Department has a long history of corruption and scandal, and although such corruption has been documented dating back to when the department first began, I will only discuss those which have happened from the early 1980s to the present. I will begin with the many scandals over the years, discuss the current...
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...ENTERING A NEW MARKET IN B2B ENVIROMENT: Understanding the B2B Dynamics Seminar Report ii ABSTRACT With the rise of globalization and saturated local markets, many companies started chasing international opportunities that would help them expand to new countries and increase their brand recognition around the globe. One of the challenges that companies face while entering a new market is defining the right price and pricing of their offering to be competitive and successful in the market. In B2B area, there are not any wide research on pricing issues that companies face in the markets that they are planning to enter and the effects of business relations on pricing. This paper focuses on market entry strategies and market entry modes, the fundamentals of pricing in a new market and the differences of B2B and B2C pricing. The study covers market entry modes and its impact on profitability, value creation in B2B area and the key aspects of pricing behaviour while entering a new market. This study in general provides a framework for implementing the right pricing strategy while entering new markets and defining the right pricing behaviour in B2B environment. This framework enables companies to understand the dynamics of B2B environment covering buyer-supplier and distributors relations and providing pricing models for companies to be a competitive player. Tamur, O. iii PREFACE This paper discusses the concepts of pricing and pricing behaviour in a new market in B2B...
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...Forces outside the firm’s traditional boundaries are increasingly important in determining the firm’s success. These forces in “the environment of business” differ among nations and over time, continually confronting the firm with new issues that require modifications in strategies and management practices. Managing in the context of turbulence has become an ongoing reality. Readers will learn how to modify their strategies and management practices and adapt to this new reality. SOCIAL FORCES The subject of ethical codes and CSR crystallizes many social challenges. At the one extreme are those who, like Milton Friedman (1970/2001), advocate the guiding principle of shareholder value maximization as the sole determinant of managerial decisions. At the other extreme are those who expound an altruistic philanthropy based on philosophical beliefs concerning universal ethics, such as those related to human rights. Within this range of perspectives, many authors offer distinct typologies for analyzing social forces and for developing appropriate firm responses to each set of social forces. Meanwhile, the rise of activist groups who threaten public criticism and boycotts means that even Friedman’s dictum of maximizing shareholder value now requires a wide range of CSR strategies. Some analysts, such as Porter and Kramer (2006), believe that each firm should create a competitive advantage through appropriate CSR strategies. From this perspective, CSR morphs into political strategies...
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...Case Analysis Evaluation of New Phone Inc.’s Control Environment Strengths • Integrity and Ethical Values – New Phone Inc.’s management has high integrity and an established code of conduct. Since the behavior of employees can often stem from poor ethical behavior by management, it is important that they display a high level of integrity and ethical values. • Commitment to Competence – The Corporation has a reputation for hiring competent personnel which is vital for the success of the company. • Management’s Philosophy and Operating Style – The Corporation’s management is somewhat conservative in terms of accounting principles and practices. Weaknesses • Board of Director or Audit Committee Participation – New Phone Inc.’s Board of Directors and Audit Committee are not very active, which is important to maintain good internal controls and accurate financial reporting. Generally, auditors report their findings directly to the audit committee, who in turn reports to the Board of Director. The audit committee is also responsible for identifying potential risks. • Organizational Structure - New Phone Inc.’s organizational structure places the corporation at risk for unethical behavior by its upper management since it allows its individual divisions to operate autonomously. Managers are in a position to make decisions based solely on the performance of their division with little regard for the financial integrity of the entire organizational. In addition...
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...Managing New, Remanufactured and Upgraded Products under a Coupon Recycling Environment Xian LI1 , Jihong ZHANG1,† , Xiaosong DING1 , Xiaodong YANG1 1 International Business School Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 100089 † corresponding author: zhangjihong@bfsu.edu.cn Abstract—We consider a two-period production and pricing model under a coupon recycling environment, in which a monopolistic manufacturer is able to produce and sell new, remanufactured and upgraded products simultaneously in the market. To attract consumers to return used products and promote the sale of upgraded products, the manufacturer offers coupons in the recycling process. We focus on the competition between different kinds of products and analyze the manufacturer’s optimal production and pricing strategies as well as the effect of coupons on them. Keywords—remanufacturing; pricing strategy; cost; coupon I. I NTRODUCTION With the advancing high-technology and exacerbation in global economic competition, more and more electronic products possess a very short lifespan prior to becoming outdated. For example, electronic products including mobile phones, MP3-players, digital cameras, tablets and laptops often have a lifespan being no more than one year. In the meanwhile, the shortage in global resources and deterioration of ecological environment makes remanufacturing a popular alternative to the sustainable development of many electronic...
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...Art is a product of its times. This idea was strongly reinforced during the reading of the two essays. While the time between Kaprow’s “happenings” and Krueger’s responsive environments is relatively little the histories and motivations of each movement or art form are very different. The different histories of the works also influenced their goals and methods of interactivity. The interactive new media works that we encounter in today’s galleries have a much stronger resemblance and more in common with Krueger’s environments than the “happenings” of the 1960s. Today’s interactive art works are technology driven systems which can sense the world around them and can respond to it. While this bidirectional interaction is more similar to “happenings” where all participants can interact with one another and the “creators” of the event, there is a lack of interaction with technology. This technological element is at the root of both Krueger’s environments and modern interactive pieces. In this respect, both have closer ties to the interaction found in photography and film between the photographer/camera and the subject. This method of interaction is unidirectional but the interaction with the technology is key. Happenings came about in the 1960s while the art world was still in its post-war modernist period. The happenings followed in the footsteps of or in concert with “action” painting, the Fluxus and Dada movements, and the beatnik and hippie cultural movements. This anti-materialism...
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...THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT: OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS, INDUSTRY COMPETITION AND COMPETITOR ANALYSIS. “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin Today, two types of strategies exist: proactive/reactive. Anticipation, change, adaptability is necessary nowadays so the proactive strategy (ex: Coca Cola). External environment conditions create both threats and opportunities for firms that have major implications for their strategic actions. Regardless of the industry, the external environment is critical to a firm’s survival success. The firm’s understanding of the external environment is matched with knowledge about its internal environment to form its vision, to develop its mission and to take actions that result in strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. Factors that can have an impact on business have to be taken in consideration. Companies sometimes have to have strategic scenario in case of an unexpected factors, which can affect the external environment: - The attacks of September 11, - The coalition invasion in Afghanistan in October 2001, - The outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiracy Syndrome (SARS) - The war in Iraq in 2003, - The Madrid (2004) and London (2005) bombings. I. The general, industry and competitor environments. The external environment Demographic Global Industry environment Threat of new entrant Power of suppliers Power of buyers Product substitutes Intensity...
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...rebranding via the lens of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Approach: A review of the factors that trigger corporate rebranding, as reported in academic literature, is made. Following the review, a case is made for the absence of an epistemologically grounded understanding of why firms rebrand. Consequently, the theory of evolution by natural selection is brought forward as a platform for the development of a new model that explicates the causes and process of corporate rebranding. Findings: A new model anchored on the theory of evolution by natural selection, and a new definition of corporate rebranding is advanced. Essentially, the model offers epistemologically grounded reasons for ascendancy of corporate rebranding in the environment. Limitations: This is a conceptual paper – meaning that the model suggested in this study is yet to be subjected to a serious empirical exercise Originality: The review of literature indicates the absence of an epistemologically grounded understanding of the causes and process of corporate rebranding in the business environment. The pursuit of this exercise therefore makes this work original, unique and valuable. Keywords: corporate rebranding, brand equity, evolution by...
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...Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Objectives 2 3. Business Environment 2 3.1. Demographic environment 2 3.2. Economic environment 2 3.3. Geographical and ecological environment 3 3.4. Legal environment 3 3.5. Technological environment 3 3.6. Social environment 3 3.7. Educational and cultural environment 3 3.8. Political environment 3 4. About Mahindra & Mahindra 4 5. Task 1. 5 6. Task 2. 6 6.1. Market Penetration 6 6.2. Market Development 7 6.3. Product development 7 7. Conclusion 7 8. Recommendation 8 9. References 8 1. Introduction The term business is understood and explained in different ways by different people. For some, business is an activity, for some it is a method of transacting, for sonic others, it is a method of money making and some people argue that business is an organized activity to achieve certain predetermined goals and objectives. Based on all these meaning of justness, we may define business as gainful activity through which various elements of society conduct exchanges of the desirable things. 2. Objectives To understand what the business environment is and why this is important for a company Management student to understand its fundamental concept on business activity To develop a right perspective about business environment 3. Business Environment Business involves activities, which links an organization with outside world. Within an organization, a business is governed by the behavior of its employees, management...
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...electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the permission of CEIBS The CEIBS Case Centre is sponsored by McKinsey & Company. Dynamic Strategic Alignment CC-307-017 Dynamic Strategic Alignment This note introduces the concepts and frameworks that are commonly used in strategic analysis, integrating them within an on-going process of creating and improving strategic alignment. 1. FUNDAMENTALS The objective of strategic management is to create alignments—within the firm and between the firm and its environment—that give the firm competitive advantage and enable it to achieve its goals. Strategic change, therefore, is fundamentally a decision about what changes to make in order to create or improve alignment that moves the firm closer to its goals. Managers may increase alignment and performance by a) changing elements of the firm, b) changing features of the environment in which operate, or c) shifting to another environment. There will usually be multiple options, and managers must decide which changes are necessary, possible and worth the effort required. When making a change of any type, there will usually be a temporary period of adjustment during which performance may actually drop. If the change was appropriate, however, this should be followed by an increase in competitiveness and performance. Managers may intentionally create mis-alignments as they pursue growth, whether expanding their current activities or diversifying vertically along the...
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...The External Environment and Organizational Culture Chapter 02 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives LO 1 Describe how environmental forces influence organizations and how organizations can influence their environments LO 2 Distinguish between the macro environment and the competitive environment LO 3 Explain why managers and organizations should attend to economic and social developments. LO 4 Identify elements of the competitive environment. 2-2 Learning Objectives LO 5 Summarize how organizations respond to environmental uncertainty LO 6 Define elements of an organization’s culture LO 7 Discuss how an organization’s culture affects its response to its external environment 2-3 Organization Inputs and Outputs Figure 2.1 2-4 Open Systems Open systems Organizations that are affected by, and that affect, their environment. 2-5 Open Systems Inputs Goods and services organizations take in and use to create products or services. Outputs The products and services organizations create. 2-6 Open Systems External environment All relevant forces outside a firm’s boundaries, such as competitors, customers, the government, and the economy. Competitive environment The immediate environment surrounding a firm; includes suppliers, customers, rivals, and the like. 2-7 Open Systems Macroenvironment The general environment; includes governments, economic...
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...20th International Seminar on Urban Form Conference Sub-Theme Pushing the Edge – New technologies and new techniques Title: Humanized Urbanism - [Human behavior in public spaces in a contemporary city] - A action methodology Abstract As a social being, human being interacts with everything around him, promoting exchanges between various objects that surround it and a range of environments that populate their feelings, cognitions and expectations. Human being houses in the entire world are a reflection of socio-cultural values of time and region. When human being builds houses, builds a physical and a psychological environment. However, the built environment is becoming increasingly inappropriate to the context of life. Population density, degeneration of the central areas, pollution and disposal are some of the environmental stresses to which the urban human is subject. To understand an environment, it is essential to understand the people who inhabit it, with all its cultural, social, economic and psychological factors. Architects should be aware of the individual’s social and cultural sphere. Their performances contribute to solidify the architectural foundation and allow the approaching to a more appropriate response. It’s essential to the cities understanding and behaviors factors that individuals have in relation to these spaces, leading to the creation of new meeting and entertainment places for people, revitalizing the concept of enjoying the historical places...
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...Understanding Strategic Management The General & Competitive Environment (Slides based on Chapters 2 and 3) Key concepts we will cover: • Analysing the General Environment – PEST analysis – Risk & Scenario Planning • Analysing the Competitive Environment – Porter’s 5 Forces model – Porter’s Strategic Group Analysis – Hypercompetition The General Environment • The external environment facing the organization consists of: • General environment • Competitive environment • The changes that occur in the general environment transcend organizations and industries • The competitive environment consists of the industry and markets in which an organization competes Some Interactions Between Businesses & Their Environment Customers Shareholders & Creditors National & Local Governments Media Suppliers Competitors Business Support Groups Wholesalers Public Opinion The Organisation Foreign Governments Social Activist Groups Local Communities Employees Adapted from K Davis & W C Frederick “Business and Society: Management, Public Policy, Ethics”, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1984 The General Environment • The figure shows the relationship between the organization and its external environment • Other things being equal, it is the competitive environment that has the greatest impact on the organization Figure 2.1 The General Environment • PEST analysis is useful for scanning the general environment • PEST is political, economic, social, and technological...
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...analyzing the enviroment that involves our new product Apple Watch we should make a study about its internal (micro) and external (macro) enviroment. First of all, we will describe what is the micro and macro enviroment analysis. The micro environment, as the name suggests, is the immediate environment that impacts a business. The micro environment includes considerations related to suppliers, customers and local stakeholders, including local government agencies or regulatory bodies. The micro environment can generally be considered the local environment where the business Macro Environment The macro-environment includes those things that may impact small businesses but which are outside of their control. It is the larger, external environment within which businesses operate from an industry or economic standpoint. For describing and analyzing the enviroment that involves our new product Apple Watch we should make a study about its internal (micro) and external (macro) enviroment. First of all, we will describe what is the micro and macro enviroment analysis. The micro environment, as the name suggests, is the immediate environment that impacts a business. The micro environment includes considerations related to suppliers, customers and local stakeholders, including local government agencies or regulatory bodies. The micro environment can generally be considered the local environment where the business Macro Environment The macro-environment includes those things that may impact...
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...Apple: An Environment Analysis Environment has a huge impact on all organisations. It is a huge challenge to manage the environment in an organisation favour. However, some organisations were able to make use of this vital element. Apple Inc. is one of these successful companies who were and still until now managing it environment efficiently. Apple is a company that started in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as a computer company. Its market value has fluctuated over the years. In 1996, it was almost be out of business. However, in year 2000 the company value started to rise to the extent that it considered today as one of the most valued organisations in the world. This essay will provide an analysis of Apple’s environment explaining how Apple’s management is able to manage its environment. The organisational environment is divided into two sections. These sections are internal environment and external environment. The internal environment consists of all the fundamental aspects that are changed and controlled by the organisation (Porter, 1979). For example, the owners of the organisation, the employees, board of directors and culture are considered parts of the internal environment. The external environment, on the other hand, includes of all the elements that form a complicated structure around the organisation. These component are beyond the organisation control. The external environment is divided into two sections, microenvironment and macro environment (Balaure...
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