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What Would Happen After 9/11

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On September 11,2001, there was a terrorist attack in New York City. Flight 11 crashed into the North tower of the World Trade Center which people thought just could have been just another plane accident. 17 minutes later, another plane crashed into the South tower, which led Americans to believe they were now under attack administrated by terrorist. After the attack, the federal government, increased national security at borders and national entry, which created, the department of Homeland security created by President Bush to protect all citizens of the United States of America.

President Bush was taking many steps to help secure America including signing the U.S patriot act of 2001, which swept legal changes to increase federal powers to investigate and detain potential terrorists. As a result of this, many Americans started wanting more security then freedom, which led to protest.

Bush ended up declaring war on terrorism after 9/11. Which occurred by America bombing Al-Qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations in Afghanistan. America was after Bin Ladin for administrating the attack in New York, and when they could not capture him, the war began. …show more content…
I remember being at school when 9/11 occurred and the president coming on t.v with a service announcement. This was by far the most devastating event that has happened during my lifetime.

After all the massive attacks, it has become hard for America to find allies because, terrorism keeps

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