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How Did 9/11 Change The World

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On the morning of September 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked by members of al-Qaeda who aimed to carry out suicide attacks against important targets in the United States. Of the four planes, on struck the Pentagon, one crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, and the other two hit the twin towers in New York City . The 9/11 attacks made changed the world by TSA more secure, homeland security, and the patriot act. TSA more secure it made a drastic change after the terrorist attacks it changed the procedure in national airports, the Transportation Security Administration was created after the attacks to before you can get on a flight the security has to check bags, clothes, double scanning, a metal detector that has your whole body in a machine. The TSA also has a watch list who they might think who can cause a threat to our country no …show more content…
BBC History. BBC, 2014. Web. 1 Dec. 2014 Homeland Security is security that protects terrorist that come to the United States. It also recovers the damage that people do who damage the United States the homeland security does all the work. But before 9/11 the didnt have homeland security. They didnt have this act until after 9/11 on october. ”In October of 2001, Tom Ridge resigned from his second term as Pennsylvania's governor to serve instead as adviser to the president of the United States' in the newly created Office of homeland security”. The Patriot Act was signed by george w bush on october 26 2001. The patriot act was to Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. The patriot act was not passed till after 9/11. ”The United States Senate and House of Representatives created the patriot act to facilitate the work of investigators, so they would be better equipped to deal with the crimes labeled as terrorism”-“September 11th Fast Facts.” CNN. CNN Library, 8 Sept. 2014. In 9/11, 2,977 people were killed most lost

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