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Short Term Memory Loss

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Memory is a function of the brain. It allows us to store information that learned or things like idea, picture and feeling that we keep in our brain. Short-term memory is a memory that does not last for a long time. Short-term memory is also known as primary or active memory. It can hold a small amount of information for a short period of time. Short-term memory is believed to last for only seconds. We can keep 5 to 9 things in our short term memory at a time. On the other hand, we can keep an unlimited amount of thing in our long-term memory. The short term memories are located in a different place than long term memory. Sometimes we experience memory loss for many reasons. The website page “MedlinePlus” discusses several reasons for memory loss. They are normal …show more content…
If a patient has short-term memory loss due to dementia, he or she will often have a family history of dementia. Short-term memory loss in the elderly is also caused or intensified by inactivity, depression, poor nutrition, dehydration, and lack of mental stimulation, all of which are common in the elderly. This short-term memory loss can progress slowly, rapidly, or stay the same. The most aggressive case that she has seen was an eighty year old woman who recently had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Within two months she had progressed from losing everyday objects to being unable to participate in conversations coherently. The entire year Shawna knew her, Shawna heard her say about three sentences that made sense. One day she looked at me and asked, “When should we knock him off?” She was referring to her husband. She didn’t even know he was her husband; however, for those few seconds, that well-formed thought made its way through all the tangles in her brain. At the end of the year she was bed-ridden and totally dependent on others to meet her

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