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Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In School Essay

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In 2004, only 45% of teens had their own cell phone, that percentage has risen through the roof in 2017. Almost every teenager has one now. Schools don’t allow phones in classrooms, but they should allow them because they have educational tools that are not available in classrooms, they can help kids do their online homework or assignments, and they also reduce the amount of paper wasted each year by schools. Here’s how cell phones can be turned into something useful in the classroom.
My first reason is that some schools/classrooms cannot access all of the technology needed for that subject but a cell phone can get you tons of online learning activities. (ex: an online website, timer/stopwatch, the news, getting inspiration/ideas, ect.) “At …show more content…
“Liz Kolb ( an assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Education) explains. “Part of it is because it’s hard to fight the tidal wave and there’s so many students with cell phones. The second part is that they’re really seeing them as a learning tool, not just a toy for entertainment, and they’re seeing that they can be cost effective for the schools instead of having to purchase technology for students.” According to a recent study from the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, Family Online Safety Institute and My College Options, nearly 50% of students say they have been unable to complete a homework assignment because they didn’t have access to the Internet or a computer. Furthermore, 42% of students say they received a lower grade on an assignment due to lack of access.” (NEA Today) Kids could be able to bring their device to school, connect to the school's wifi, and get their online homework or research done without having an excuse to turn it in late or not at all. This could improve the number of missing assignments from each student from a lot too a little, all because of the internet

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