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Should Congress Have Term Limits Essay

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Words 1662
Pages 7
Ben Stevens

Professor Baker-Brodersen

ENG 105

23 April 2024

Why We Need Term Limits in Congress?

Recently the debate regarding further term limits for elected officials has exploded, there are many arguments on whether term limits are necessary and what they would look like. This debate is still ongoing today and is hotly contested. Many states have enacted term limits on statewide positions and have seen remarkable results from these laws. Term limits are essential for us to put confidence back into our political system, term limits would help increase the number of citizens that can get involved in politics as incumbents would be vastly reduced. Another way term limits can help fix the problems in our government is by ending the possibility of lifetime tenure our elected officials have today, which in turn would help curb the corruption our …show more content…
As a sitting congressperson that officially wields power and has name recognition, they also have special privileges that normal citizens do not have. “Each House Member, for instance, receives nearly a million dollars per year to pay for franked (free) mail, staff salaries, and office and travel expenses. While campaigning, incumbents continue to receive salaries upwards of $130,000 a year, which typically dwarf the income of challengers who often must resign from their jobs while running for office. Greenberg” The advantage of sitting congresspeople has been very discouraging and unfair for those who challenge them. Having term limits would give others a chance to run for office and get new blood in the government and the latest ideas. When it comes to campaigning, elected officials can continue their job, get paid by taxpayers, and use their power as elected officials to influence elections. This is a total conflict of interest and is a big reason term limits are essential to putting faith back into our

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