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Should Huckleberry Finn Be Taught In Schools

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a story that follows a boy and his journey away from home, set in the 1800s. The boy, named Huckleberry, frames his own death and runs away from his home. He is then joined by a runaway slave named Jim, who was owned by a lady that used to take care of Huckleberry. This book should be taught in schools because it can teach students what innovations were previously used, how people of color were treated, and what was going on in history at the time. In the book, characters mainly use letters to communicate. In one of the last chapters of the book, Aunt Polly reveals that Huckleberry was pretending to be Tom, and Tom was pretending to be Sid. Aunt Polly then says “I wrote you twice to ask you what

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