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Essay On Therapeutic Cloning

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There are three types of cloning: reproductive cloning, gene cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning involves creating an exact copy of an organism. An example of this is Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned. Gene cloning is the duplication of segments of DNA (which contain specific genes). Scientists often use gene cloning for research; for example, the creation of a plasmid with specific traits. Therapeutic cloning focuses on using a cloned embryo to derive embryonic stem cells for the treatment of different diseases.

Both therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning are done through the same process, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). A somatic cell is a body cell (basically any other cell besides a sperm or egg cell). SCNT typically uses skin cells. The nucleus of a skin cell is removed and injected into an egg cell (that has had the nucleus removed). The egg cell with the nucleus of the skin cell will act like a newly fertilized egg. For the purpose of reproductive cloning, the egg can be implanted in the uterus of a surrogate …show more content…
The stem cells that researchers hope to one day be able to harvest are pluripotent, meaning that it has the ability to differentiate into many different types of cells (for example skin, muscle, or nerve). This would give researchers a host of options for how to use them. Healthy tissue could be grown in a laboratory to form organs for transplants, skin for grafts, etc. Rejection of the tissue is also likely to be minimal because the tissue would be the patient’s own genetic material. Studying of these derived embryonic stem cells would also increase our understanding of them, potentially leading to new therapies for diseases caused by something molecular. Finally, the stem cells could be used for drug testing, or for creating drugs suited to an individual

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