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What Is Cloning Ethical

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The first ever cloned animal was a sea urchin in 1885. Making that a hundred thirty-three years ago! (Makini Brice). Cloning and changing DNA could lead to health problems and less human natures. Are humans, animals, plants going to be experimented to become something there not? More thoughtful concerns revealed fears about harm to the children who may be created in this manner, particularly psychological harm associated with a possibly diminished sense of individuality and personal autonomy. (Robin McKie) Scientist should not change the basics of DNA in animals, humans, and plants.
Cloning is very unethical. It would be violating the human rights in many ways. Cloning also reduces human dignity. Switching up DNA would change so much to the victim and how it reacts is uncertain. The unique and distinctive ethical issues raised by the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer to create children relate to serious safety concerns and to a set of questions about what it means to be human.(Khan Academy) Since cloning can be very complicated some serious issues can be made. Adding DNA to create clones of humans, …show more content…
Cloning is a huge step for the world. One mistake and many problems could exist. Killer bees were created by an experiment by scientists. They were so caught up with the bees that when they escaped they killed more than 1,000 people. one phenomenon seen in cloning is that cloned animals tend to be larger than normal at birth, with unusually large organs. Enlarged organs often function improperly, causing problems with circulation, breathing and other bodily functions, sometimes leading to early death. (Against Cloning Essay) Problems people have seen with cloning is that the animals tend to be bigger than normal at birth. Sometimes with larger organs than needed. This may cause circulation issues, which lead to unsafe breathing conditions. With all these concerns it would eventually lead to

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