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Should Men Carry Out Vasectomy?

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Vasectomy is a procedure for the sterilization of males through surgery. It is carried out by cutting the vas deferens which are then sealed to prevent sperms getting into the semen which helps in preventing fertilization. Vasectomy is executed in a medical office, clinic or in a hospital. It is carried out by several medical professionals according to the country one is in. commonly it is carried out by urologists thou you may need a referral from a family doctor. In some countries the family doctors carry out the procedure.
In order to reduce anxiety and discomfort for the patient, men with a dislike for needles prefer a "no-needle" anesthesia application, while a "no-scalpel" technique in performing the vasectomy procedure help to accelerate the recovery duration and increase chances for a healthy recovery.
There are several methods for carrying out vasectomy but all end up sealing the vas deferens.
The vasectomy surgery is simple and only takes less than half an hour to complete, after which the patient recovers shortly in the doctor's office then sent home to rest. The surgery is minimally invasive and many patients resume their sexual behaviors in a week. …show more content…
Vasectomy reversal is technically demanding and expensive and might not restore the pre-vasectomy state. Vasectomy reversal may be carried out through any of the following procedures; vasovasostomy or vasoepididymostomy. Vasovasostomy is a vas deferens to vas deferens connection while vasoepididymostomy is an epididymis to vas deferens

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