...Should Schools Get Rid of Sports “Never say never because limits, like fears, are often an illusion.”Michael Jordan. Even though sports in schools can put a big financial burden on budgets, and with the budget cuts, students and parents both express that they think taking them away is a big mistake, schools need sports. Schools should not get rid of their sports programs because students in sports have higher academic achievements and club and private sports are too expensive for most. Schools should not get rid of sports because students who play sports have higher academic achievements. For example, according to the institute of medicine “physically active kids have more focus are better problem solvers and have higher scores on tests.”(page...
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...Sports... the main reason for kids/teens wanting to go back to school every year towards the end of summer and because of that, the school shouldn't get rid of sports. Sports are the thing that is basically the support system of your child physical, and emotional development. Sports have a pretty big impact on the students health, because sports allow kids to be able to be active year round. One of the reasons that's always brought up is how sports seem to make the athlete fail in school... which is wrong. What parents don't know is that their children's personality and emotional development comes from being in a school sport. Needless to say, sports don't only give kids more confidence in themselves but it also gives them more rewarding friendships. To add to that, sports help gain high self esteem a load full. The learners that don't do school sports, normally lakhs in self confidence and low self esteem. In a year round study that the, The National Federation of State High School Activities Associations, did shows that...
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...For years there have been many arguments around the world debating whether schools should allow after school sports or not. Many people believe that academics should come before sports. Therefore, schools should not have sports in order to help students focus on their school work, cut costs, and increase standardized test scores. Games and practices may distract students from doing their work and learning. In the Scholastic News article “Should Your School Get Rid of Sports” written by Amanda Ripley, it states that “Distraction, however, may be the greatest cost of all” (11). She goes on to say that “Focus shifts away from learning. Players spend long hours practicing, and that commitment extends to the rest of the school” (Ripley 11). Learning...
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...Michael Tracy Bruce Brasier Lit Comm 06 March 2017 Sports are the Heart of High School Think about High School without sports, it has less school pride and more violence and drug useage. School sports help students in many ways. High schools should offer competitive sports. High school sports help students academically, it keeps students to be healthy, and it teaches student athletes important life skills. “High school sports help students academically. Students who participate in school sports did approximately 10% better in math, science, English, and social studies than other students that do not currently participate in sports. Students athletes have a better average absences than non athletes. Student athletes miss an average of 7.4...
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...Saving Schools by Saving Sports The United States has been known to be the country that lives, eats, and breathes sports, however, there is a controversy over whether spending money on sports is worth the while for high schools and colleges. In the article, “The Case Against High-School Sports”, by journalist Amanda Ripley, she argues that school sports should be cut in order for students to receive a higher level of education. Despite what she may argue, sports are beneficial to students in ways that people might not think, including their education. Although some people may think that sports are not valuable to schools, they in fact are highly beneficial to students. For example, while talking to Ripley a soccer player named Jenny says, “Like most other Americans, I can rattle off the many benefits of high-school sports: exercise, lessons in sportsmanship and perseverance, school spirit, and just...
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...your school hasn’t won this tourney in twenty years and it's your turn to make history. There is one minute left in the game, it's tied 35-35. Your coach and team is in a dilemma, since this is a school sport, your coach promised everyone to play in every game. The coach put in the scrubs and the other team scores making it 37-35 and before you know it, the championship game and making history had just slipped through your fingertips.. Your school and town is devastated. It’s the scrubs fault for having to go in, and now everyone is mad. No kids should have to be in that situation. Tryouts would prevent that. If there were tryouts the coach could focus more on winning rather than making sure everyone gets in. People may argue that getting cut from the team can lowers one's self esteem. According to Jeffrey Rhoads : for those that are slightly younger, inexperienced or less skilled, smaller roles or waiting until next year will benefit them. Anyways, if the athlete wasn’t good at the sport, therefore the coach...
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...I believe students should not receive participation awards after elementary school. People who win placing awards have worked hard for it, and with participation awards it takes away all of the hard work put into the competition. Not everyone needs an award for showing up to a competition. I can see how for elementary children why they would give out participation medals to get them interested in the sport, but at a certain point in life, those kinds of awards should be out of the running. The first reason we should get rid of participation awards is that when children receive them, it teaches kids that they should always be winning an award even if they don't deserve it. By getting a participation award kids expect to win all the time without trying or working hard for the award. "'Her daughter rarely showed up for her soccer team. She had a terrible attitude," Dweck says. In spite of that, "at the end she got a giant trophy and would have been devastated had she not'" says an article called "Should Kids Get A Trophy For Showing Up?" by NPR Ed (National Public Radio: Education) by Corey Turner. This quote explains how if you are always guaranteed an award, why would athletes or students want to try?...
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...think that my school should ban homework. First of all , doing homework doesnt give enough time for other activities. It can also cause harm to a child's attitude towards school. Lastly homework can cause health problems like stress and sleeping disorders. I think my school should get rid of homework because it takes time away from other activities. The article, The case for and against homework, says that too much homework can cause damage to a students family time. I know that when me and my sister have too much homework and studying, sometimes we don’t even see each...
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...Do you believe school sports can affect a student's grades, or that sports may cause unnecessary injuries to a student-athlete? I believe that sports should not be removed from schools because they have a positive impact on students. Sports give students something to look forward to, a lot of health benefits, and a chance to improve their social lives. Without sports, many students would have more stress and have less social skills to help them communicate in the future. The most important reason school sports should stay is that it gives stressed-out students a relief from their school related responsibilities. It also gives them something for them to look forward to during the long school day. Doctors and specialists are saying that physical...
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...Final Exam 1. There have been many different events in sports that have occurred during my lifetime that more than likely have changed my life, but I don’t want to tell you about things that other people may have done that may have caused that change. Instead, I want to tell you about my one of my top two all-time events that I personally participated in that changed my life. When I was in high school, I played football at Florence High school and I was the starting quarterback my junior and senior year. My senior year we had clinched second place in our region and we were going to host the first ever home playoff game at Florence High School, but before we could do that, we had our last regular season game against the undefeated and number one ranked in team 5A Russellville Golden Tigers. They also had the number two ranked fullback in the nation on their team. Now, we were 5-4 at the time and were looking to also be the first football team at Florence High School to have a winning record. I can remember that whole week of school hearing from students, teachers and even my own parents how we were more than likely going to get blasted out of our own stadium. It really pissed me off especially coming from the people that I thought would back us up and be on our side. When Friday finally came I read the newspaper and seen that we were picked to lose and, I can’t remember the score they predicted but I know it was at least by three touchdowns. I found it quite funny but I didn’t...
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...most popular sport and is one that people can’t wait until it starts every year. Players and fans start to get ready once summer starts to come to an end. Players are practicing while their loyal fans are buying gear, getting the grill ready, taking days off of work in advance and buying tickets to their favorite college or pro teams or maybe even high school. Even though the fans show so much support for their sport they don’t know first hand how much of a toll this sport takes on the players bodies with injuries. Many injuries can be fixed and heal but others like concussions which could cause problems to theses players later on in life. Sports analysts and doctors have talked about the future of football because of the risks that result from years of head blows and concussions. To many concussions and head blows can result in serious medical problems for ex-players later on in life like not being able to walk or memory loss. Over the next decade it could be possible that football could be no more because of how serious players futures are affected by these injuries. In this ill give my opinion on the future of football, will it decline and should it be number one. Is football in jeopardy of not being a sport anymore or even so protected by fines and rules that it’s not fun to watch or even play anymore? No it’s not in any kind of trouble of loosing its fans, players or popularity anytime soon. Player’s love playing this game and the amount of money they might get paid is another...
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...Richard Nixon and has been celebrated for 43 years. The purpose of Title IX is to get rid of discrimination on the basis of sex in any program that is federally funded. Before Title IX was passed women were very limited when it came to playing sports. They mostly played for physical fitness rather than competition. They were recreational and noncompetitive. In the early 1900s is when woman started to become more interested in playing sports and started forming athletic clubs; those clubs were informal of course. College sports for women before title IX was a little different. They would let women play certain sports but only against their fellow classmates, not outside of the college. In the late 1800s the first intercollegiate competition between women was scheduled and then canceled because one of the schools did not allow their female athletes to compete between colleges. Schools must go through a 3-prong test to use as evidence to the legislation of Title IX. The first part of the test is proportionality, this focused on the ratio in the school. They take the ratio of male to female participants in the athletic programs and compare them to the ratio to full time students; if the results are equal then the school meets the criteria for this prong. The second part of the test is the history of continuing progress. They look to see if the word “continuing” is important to the school. Most schools...
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...sportsmanship due to a sport, but then sometimes their competitive edge can get the best of them and it can change them into an unrecognizable person, a person that people don’t like. In this case you can see that playing basketball has affected Nathan negatively as he has become too competitive, rude and arrogant. This does not make him a bad person though. He has just let his competitive edge get the best of him and he lets the sports affect his character in a negative way because everyone says that he is the nicest guy off the court. He has become aggressive and extremely arrogant and those are characteristics that no one should posses. He needs to realize that by knocking another player over or showing off in front of them when he makes a three pointer isn’t going to make him a better player. What makes him a better player is the fact that he shows up to practice early and stays late. He does not need all the dramatics in the game. Generally sports have a good influence on people. They can learn many skills from playing a sport such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and even socialization skills. Also making the transition from high school to college can be tough on a student and playing a sport can help them better ease into the college life (Durham, "5 benefits of participating in a college sport"). Jennifer Hallett, Ph.D. faculty athletics director says that if you spend time with a former college athlete that you can see the positive impact that playing a sport had on them. She...
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...Problems in the world are getting bigger and more important to get rid of. I personally think the biggest problem in our world is violent wars in the world. For example, the wars in Syria are even affecting European countries that are very far away from the Middle East. This is shown all over the news because the immigrants from Syria are trying to break into Europe because their country right now is not safe and humans need to have a safe place to live. Syria and some other nearby countries should make their relationships with other countries better so every time they happen to start a war, they can just try to talk through it. Also the world should try to eliminate terrorist groups such as ISIS or Al Qaeda. They are harming the world...
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...Do you think schools shouldn’t have homework? Well a lot of kids and a handful of adults think schools should get rid of homework altogether. I believe schools should stop giving homework to students for these reasons: First homework causes health problems, and secondly takes important time away after school. The first reason is, homework causes health problems. For example, It causes stress, by family conflict. It also limits sleep, high level stress, and extreme weight loss. An example of extreme weight loss is, when kids are spending hours on homework and not having fun or exercising outside. Furthermore, believe it or not homework can even cause stress to teachers. According to, BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers call for ban on homework...
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