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Should Students Take Early Bird Classes

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For the students that want to learn as much as possible before college, the current school schedule holds them back from gaining the amount of knowledge they want. Although early-bird classes and summer classes exist, both exclude students unable to either attend at such an early hour or unable to afford the costs. As one of the students unable to take early-bird classes and summer classes, I have so many classes I want to take that the schedule restricts me from taking.
Involving my experience with the student schedule, the current school schedule doesn’t easily allow students to take all the classes that interest them. When planning my freshman schedule, I had to decide between taking choir or taking health or gym, required courses. Having …show more content…
So many students crave for knowledge, and with the options given to them, some students are unable to satisfy their hunger. It is frustrating to choose between two classes, even more so when choosing between ten. The school offers so much to learn, yet the schedule gives students little time in a school day as well as within the four years of high school to take all the courses they want. Seniors in high school right now that are about to graduate most likely haven’t taken all the classes they wanted to, and they may never get to take them until college if they decide on going to college. Students that may want to take early-bird might not have a ride to school, having to wait to reach the knowledge they want until they get their license and a car. Those that may want to take summer classes might live in a household that cannot afford it, they might get a job to earn money for those classes, but they will lose spending that summer with their friends, missing out on making happy memories in the name of education. Giving students the option of an extended school day opens them up to the possibility for more knowledge, such as what a college

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