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SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162 Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.

Patient's Name Mr.Bhaskarrao Shirsath. Date- 10/5/13 Reffered By Dr. R.P.Harne.(DHMS)


Haemoglobin (Hb) - 13.9 gm%(N.R.-11-15gm%)

White Blood Cells - Total Count - 2,700 mm(N.R. - 4000-10,500cumm) Deffential Count Neutrophils - 69 % N.R. - 45-65 %) Lymphocytes - 24 % N.R. - 25-45 % Eosinophils - 06 % N.R. - 1-6%) Monocytes - 01 % (N.R. - 4-8 %) Basophils - 00 % (N.R. - 0-1 %)

Red Blood Cells -

Pletelet Count - 1.23 Lakh /cumm (N.R- 1.5-4.5 Lakh)

ESR - mm/hr (N.R.- 0 - 20 mm/hr)

Blood Group - Rh Factor -

Bleeding Time (BT) - . (N.R. - 1-3 min.) Clotting Time (CT) - (N.R. - 3-5 min.)

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne.

SHRIPAD COPUTERISED CLIN ICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mrs.Taibai Chavan. Date- 6/5/13 Reffered By Dr.- R.P.Harne.(DHMS)


RESULT - HIV I - Non Reactive. HIV II - Non Reactive.

METHOD - Enzyme Immune Assay (EIA) for the detection of antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV I/HIV II)in human serum or plasma .

Note- 1)In this method we have used DNA recombinant technology and chemically synthesized peptides to optimal sensitivity and specificity of the assay. 2)This test detects only antibodies to HIV (I AND II) and may become. POSITIVE.6 weeks after the risk behaviour. This test may be false NEGATIVE during incubation period. 3) This test know to give an occasional false positive result.Hence all POSITIVE Result must be confirmed by confirmatory test such as WESTERN BLOT.

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph. 9822215939 / 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name - Mrs.Taibai Chavan. Date- 6/5/13 Reffered By Dr.- R.P.Harne.(DHMS).


1) Haemoglobin (Hb) - 5.7 gm%

(N.R. - 11-15 gm%)

2) Blood Group - ‘B'

Rh Factor - Positive.

3) V.D.R.L. Test - Non Reactive.

Method - RPR Slide Agg.Test.

4)HBsAg Test - Non Reactive.

Method - Rapid Card Test.

5) Blood Sugar (R) - 92 mg/dl.

(N.R. - 160 mg/dl.)

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.- 9822215939 / 8793350162 Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name Mr.Bhaskarrao Shirsath. Date- 10 /5/13 Reffered By Dr. R.P.Harne.(DHMS)


Quantity - 10 ml. Appearance - Clear.

Colour - P.yellow. Specific Gravity - Q.N.S.

Sediment - Absent. Reaction - Acidic.


Protein - Present.(+) Bile Salt - Absent.

Sugar _ Nil.. Bile Pigment - Absent.

Acetone - Absent.


Pus Cells - 6-7 cells/hpf. Crystles - Cal.oxalate.

R.B.C .s - Absent. Amorphous - Absent.

Epithelial Cells - 0-2 cells/hpf Yeast - Absent.

Bacteria - Absent Cast - Absent.

Other - Nil.

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939 / 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mr.Arjun Malunjkar. Date- 3/5/13 Reffered By Dr.- Sachin Bramhecha.(BEMS)


| Test | Result | Normal Range. |
|1)Serum Bilirubin | | |
|Total Bilirubin | 0.81 mg/dl. | 0.2-1.0 mg/dl. |
|Direct Bilirubin | 0.55 mg/dl. | 0.0-0.8 mg/dl. |
|Indirect Bilirubin | 0.26 mg/dl. | 0.0-0.2 mg/dl. |
|Blood Sugar Level | --- mg/dl. | 160 mg/dl. |
|Hb %. | ---- gm%. | 11-15 gm% |
|S.G.P.T. | ---- U/L | 5 - 40 U/L. |
| Serum Uric Acid | ---- mg/dl. | 0.8-1.4 mg/dl…… |
| | | |

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mr.Bhaskarrao Shirsath. Date- 10 /5/13 Reffered By Dr.- R.P.Harne.(DHMS)


Antigen Titer

a) Salmonella Typhi ‘O' - 1:160

b) Salmonella Typhi ‘H' - 1:160

c) Salmonella Typhi ‘AH' - -

d) Salmonella Typhi'BH' - -

Result - Positive.(Medium Density)

(1:80 Significant)


Mrs.Pragati R.Harne.

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.-9850926935 / 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Smt.Anusayabai Chavan Date- 8/5/13 Reffered By Dr.- Self.


1) Blood Sugar (F) - 78 mg/dl.

(N.R. - 70-110 mg/dl.)

Urine Sugar (F) - Nil.

2) Blood Sugar (PP) - 245 mg/dl.

(N.R. - 140 mg/dl.)

Urine Sugar (PP) - ---

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9850926935 / 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mrs.Parwatabai Kunde. Date- 8/5/13 Reffered By Dr. - Rajesh Lodha.(BHMS)


1) Blood Sugar (R) - 73 mg/dl.

(N.R. - 160 mg/dl.)

Urine Sugar (R) - -----.

2) Serum Creatinin - 0.67 mg/dl.

(N.R. - 0.8-1.2 mg/dl.)


Dr.Rajan P.Harne. (D.H.M.S.,C.C.H.)Mumbai

Hospital Bill Reciept :

Patient's Name - Mr.Birendar Prasad.

& Family.

Dated 28/6/11 To 20/3/12 Annual OPD ,IPD

& Investigation Carges -

Total Amount Rs. 6,000 /-

Six Thousend Only. Balanced. 5



[pic] COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Dist.Nashik. Ph.- 9822215939/ 8793350162 / 9850925935

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Lalit Rakshe. Date- 10/3/13 Reffered By Dr.- Rajesh Lodha.(BHMS)


|S.G.O.T. | ---- U/l. | 5-35 U/L. |
|S.G.P.T. | 20.94 U/L | 5 - 40 U/L. |
|Serum Creatinin | ---- mg/dl. | 0.8 - 1.2 mg/dl. |


SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mrs.Surekha Pawar. . .Date- 9/5/13 Reffered By Dr.- Self.


Urine Pregnancy Test - Negative.

Method - Rapid Card Test

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9850926935 / 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mr.Kalu Rongate. Date- 17/4/13 Reffered By Dr.- Sachin Bramhecha. (BEMS).



1) S.cholesterol - 237 mg/dl. (N.R. -, 140-200 mg/dl.)

2) S.triglycerides - 124 mg/dl. (N.R. - 0-170 mg/dl.)

3) HDL - 70 mg/dl. (N.R. - 30-70 mg/dl.)

4) LDL - 142 mg/dl.

5)VLDL - 24 mg/dl.

6) Chol/HDL - 3.3 mg/dl.

2) Serum Creatinin - 0.94 mg/dl. (N.R. - 0.8-1.4 mg/dl.)

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mrs.Geetabai Kadam. Date- 2/4/13 Reffered By Dr.- Vijay Nemade.(MS)


RA Factor -

Result - Positive.

Titre - 1:2

2) Serum Uric Acid - -------- mg/dl.

(N.R. - 2.4 - 6.0 mg/dl)

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mr.Prakash Gaikwad. Date- 7 / 4 / 13 Reffered By Dr.- Sachin Bramhecha.(BEMS)


Bleeding Time (BT) - 1 min.10 sec.

(N.R. - 1-3 min.)

Clotting Time (CT) - 2 min.40 sec.

(N.R. - 3-5 min.)

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mrs.Joshi. . Date- 4/12/12 Reffered By Dr.- R.P.Harne.(DHMS)


1) Malarial Parasite - Positive.


SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mast.Bhavesh Bhagat. Date- 12/4/13 Reffered By Dr.- Rajesh Lodha.(BHMS)


Result - Negative.

Length - 03 mm (N.R. - 0-9 mm)

Width - 03 mm (N.R. - 0-9 mm)

Date Of Injection - 10/4/13

Date Of observation - 12 /4/13

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne.

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mr.Rajendra Ghane. Date-20 /03/13 Reffered By Dr.- Mrs.Kalyani Dolas.(MD)


Physical Examination

Quantity - 3.0 ml. Continance -5 days

Odour - Seminous. Reaction - Normal. |
Color - Whitish-gray Viscocity - Semiviscous

Liquification - After 30 min.

Microscopic Examination

Pus Cells - 2-4 cells/hpf


Total Count - 08 millions/ml. (N.R. - 60-120 millions/ml.) Motile Sperms - 0 % SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mr.Parvil Korde. Date- 3/5/13 Reffered By Dr.- Self..--



Quantity - 3 ml.

Colour - White.

Blood - Absent.

Mucus - Present.


Pus Cells - 2-4 cell/hpf.

R.B.C.s - Absent.

Epithelial Cells- 1-2 cells/hpf


ACID FAST Stained show- Micobacterium Tuberculosis are Absent.

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mrs.Anjana Ghare Date- 27/10/12 Reffered By Dr.- R.P.Harne.(DHMS)


Pathology report bill received Rs.- 400 /- only.

Four Hundred Only.

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne.

SHRIPAD COMPUTERISED CLINICAL LAB. Add- Dr.Harne Hospital. Shriramwadi GHOTI. Ph.9822215939/ 8793350162

Mrs.Pragati R.Harne. Time- 9 am-9pm. (B.Sc.D.M.L.T.)

Patient's Name- Mrs.Bebibai Kshirsagar. Date- 27/4/13 Reffered By Dr.- Rajesh Lodha.(BHMS)


1) Blood Group - ‘A

Rh Factor - Positive.

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...RANK LIST OF MBA CANDIDATES WHO HAVE APPEARED FOR THE ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISSION TO MBA COLLEGES FOR THE YEAR 2012-13. M.B.A Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 CET NO. AA002 AA004 AA005 AA006 AA007 AA008 AA009 AA010 AA014 AA017 AA018 AA020 AA021 AA022 AA023 AA025 AA026 AA027 AA028 AA029 AA031 AA033 AA035 AA036 AA039 AA040 AA041 AA043 AA044 AA045 AA046 AA047 AA048 AA049 AA050 AA051 AA052 AA055 AA056 AA057 AA058 AA060 AA061 AA062 AA063 AA064 AA065 AA066 AA067 AA069 Candidate Name GENDER Version Code CET SCORE MBA Rank(*) MOHAMMED IRFAN NIRMALA Y.N MANJUNATH JEEVAN KUMAR VIJAINDRA KULKARNI REDDAPPA M V LINGANAGOUDA M PATIL ARCHANA NAIK Maitri R Bhat Shashi Kiran B.N. arupananda das RASHMI. P YELLESH V CHETAN KUMAR .S SHARATH G SANJEEV D AMRUTHA C MARIGERI Bharath kumar B.S Asha B Shilpashree M S SHASHIVENI R J SUPREETH Y S.Sandhya KUSHAL KUMAR R SARIYA FARNAZ S Madhu S N NAVEENA P SIBI AKBARALI P.T SUMAN RANI SAMINUR RAHMAN Namratha S KIRAN RAJ S DEEPIKA T M ASHWINI H PUNEETH KUMAR M Naveen V Smitha G S SUNIL M ANJURU PRADEEP CHETAN KUMAR JADAV G DILIP KUMAR V ASHWINI VIJAY PRASANNA M Jagannath Honnakatti NITHIN KUMAR KOTTE VINAY BALARAJ Yateesh Kumar V SUJAY.C Harsha G D RAJANALA MAMATHA RANI P SAMANTHA M F M M M M F F M M F M M M M F M F F F M F M F M F M F M F M F F M M F M M M M F M M M M M M F F F A2 A4 A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A2 A2 A1 A2 A4 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A4 A1 A3...

Words: 186272 - Pages: 746

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...idUNIVERSITY OF PUNE , RESULT SHEET FOR B.E.(2008 PAT.)(CIVIL) EXAMINATION NOV. 2013 DATE : 14 MAR. 2014 NOTE: FIRST LINE : SEAT NO., CENTRE : K.K. WAGH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NASIK. NAME OF THE CANDIDATE, MAX. MARKS, MOTHER, PERMANENT REG. NO., MARKS OBTAINED, PREVIOUS SEAT NO., P/F:PASS/FAIL, PAGE NO. COLLEGE, 01 (1638) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEAT NO. OTHER LINES: HEAD OF PASSING, MAX.MARKS : 1500 B80130001 010 . ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II 010 . ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II 010 . ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II 020 . DAMS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE 020 . DAMS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE 020 . DAMS AND HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE 030 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN III 030 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN III 030 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN III 04B . SYSTEMS APPROACH IN CIVIL ENGG 04B . SYSTEMS APPROACH IN CIVIL ENGG 05E . ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY FIRST TERM TOTAL = B80130002 424/750. SUNITA PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW PP 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 100 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 40 55 22 38 61 15 28 41 14 06 52 19 40 P P P P P P P P F P P P , 71104334F , , KKNS , MIN. PASS MARKS, C: PREVIOUS CARRY OVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISTINCTION : 0990 PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW OR PP TW PP 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 100 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 40 FIRST CLASS : 900 MEENA 55...

Words: 138108 - Pages: 553

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...GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF TOURISM & CULTURE DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM MARKET RESEARCH DIVISION FINAL REPORT ON 20 YEAR PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN MAHARASHTRA MARCH 2003 ΑΒΧ DALAL MOTT MACDONALD (FORMERLY DALAL CONSULTANTS & ENGINEERS LIMITED) Study Report on Preparation of 20 Years Perspective Plan for Development of Sustainable Tourism in Maharashtra Dalal Mott MacDonald Joint Director General (MR), Department of Tourism Joint Director General (MR), Department of Tourism Ministry of Tourism & Culture C-1, Hutments, Dalhousie Road New Delhi – 110 001 India Study Report on Preparation of 20 Years Perspective Plan for Development of Sustainable Tourism in Maharashtra March 2003 Dalal Consultants & Engineers Limited Sarojini House 6 Bhagwan Dass Road New Delhi 110 001 India Tel: (011)-3389386, 3383521. 1441/Maharashtra/A/18 July 2002 C:\websiteadd\pplan\maharashtra\Vol 1\Executive Summary Final.doc/01 Study Report on Preparation of 20 Years Perspective Plan for Development of Sustainable Tourism in Maharashtra Dalal Mott MacDonald Joint Director General (MR), Department of Tourism Study Report on Preparation of 20 Years Perspective Plan for Development of Sustainable Tourism in Maharashtra ssue and Revision Record Rev Date Originator Checker Approver Description This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without...

Words: 86033 - Pages: 345

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Infosys Ar

...Annual Report 2014-15 Infosys Annual Report 2014-15 Narayana Murthy A tribute to our founders Nandan M. Nilekani S. Gopalakrishnan K. Dinesh The year 2014 was a milestone in our Company's history, when we bid farewell to three of our founders who held executive positions in the Company during the year – Narayana Murthy, S. Gopalakrishnan and S. D. Shibulal. Narayana Murthy stepped down as the Chairman of the Board on October 10, 2014. His vision, leadership and guidance have been an inspiration to Infosys, the Indian IT industry and an entire generation of technology entrepreneurs. He propelled the Company into accomplishing many firsts and in setting industry benchmarks on several fronts. He espoused the highest level of corporate governance standards that have defined Infosys over the years and made us a globally respected corporation. Between June 2013 and October 2014, he guided the Company through a period of stabilization and leadership transition. S. Gopalakrishnan stepped down as Vice Chairman of the Board on October 10, 2014. Kris, as he is popularly known, served the Company in several capacities over the last 33 years. As the Chief Executive Officer between 2007 and 2011, he steered the Company at a time when the world was faced with economic crises. Ranked as a global thought leader, Kris has led the technological evolution of the Company. S. D. Shibulal stepped down as the Company's Chief Executive Officer on July...

Words: 136409 - Pages: 546

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The Collected Works of Mahatma

...1. LETTER TO ADDITIONAL SECRETARY, HOME DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DETENTION C AMP, January 27, 1944 ADDITIONAL S ECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (HOME DEPARTMENT) NEW DELHI SIR, Some days ago Shri Kasturba Gandhi told the Inspector-General of prisons and Col. Shah that Dr. Dinshaw Mehta of Poona be invited to assist in her treatment. Nothing seems to have come out of her request. She has become insistent now and asked me if I had written to the Government in the matter. I, therefore, ask for immediate permission to bring in Dr. Mehta. She has also told me and my son that she would like to have some Ayurvedic physician to see her. 1 I suggest that the I.G.P. be authorized to permit such assistance when requested. 2. I have no reply as yet to my request2 that Shri Kanu Gandhi, who is being permitted to visit the patient every alternate day, be allowed to remain in the camp as a whole-time nurse. The patient shows no signs of recovery and night-nursing is becoming more and more exacting. Kanu Gandhi is an ideal nurse, having nursed the patient before. And what is more, he can soothe her by giving her instrumental music and by singing bhajans. I request early relief to relieve the existing pressure. The matter may be treated as very urgent. 3. The Superintendent of the camp informs me that when visitors come, one nurse only can be present. Hitherto more than one nurse has attended when necessary. The Superintendent used his discretion as to the necessity. But when...

Words: 156973 - Pages: 628

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...Project Management Institute A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition Licensed To: Jorge Diego Fuentes Sanchez PMI MemberID: 2399412 This copy is a PMI Member benefit, not for distribution, sale, or reproduction. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide). -- Fifth edition. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-935589-67-9 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Project management. I. Project Management Institute. II. Title: PMBOK guide. HD69.P75G845 2013 658.4’04--dc23 2012046112 ISBN: 978-1-935589-67-9 Published by: Project Management Institute, Inc. 14 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3299 USA Phone: +610-356-4600 Fax: +610-356-4647 Email: Internet: ©2013 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. “PMI”, the PMI logo, “PMP”, the PMP logo, “PMBOK”, “PgMP”, “Project Management Journal”, “PM Network”, and the PMI Today logo are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc. The Quarter Globe Design is a trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. For a comprehensive list of PMI marks, contact the PMI Legal Department. PMI Publications welcomes corrections and comments on its books. Please feel free to send comments on typographical, formatting, or other errors. Simply make a copy of the relevant page of the book, mark the error, and...

Words: 162869 - Pages: 652

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The Case of the Unidentified Company

...Invest. Innovate. Inspire. For a new India. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 India is at the threshold of a new era of growth and opportunity. This is driven by increasing economic activity, ongoing ‘Make in India’ initiatives and a demographically well-placed, aspirational society. Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) continues to be a partner in India’s ongoing journey towards economic and social well-being, and remains committed to investing in and innovating for India. RIL is striving to meet and exceed global benchmarks in product quality and customer service with inspiring ideas and strategic investments. From the manufacturing landscape to high-growth consumer service sectors, RIL is achieving superior outcomes that facilitate India’s drive for global leadership. RIL is delivering industry-leading performance through consistent efficiency in operations and prudent configuration of assets. RIL is making sizable capital investments, focusing on technology and expanding its level of services from the hydrocarbons sector to consumer businesses. RIL innovates for existing businesses and also focuses on developing new business models to deliver g g g y significant value for its growing stakeholder fraternity. In this effort, it collaborates with o s with leading global institutions to help usher in a n era of possibilities. global new is growing o RIL’s focus is to continue growing as a respons responsible organisation, thereby e inspiring progress in...

Words: 182744 - Pages: 731