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Silver Linings Playbook Essay

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The film Silver Linings Playbook follows Pat Solatano, who has a bipolar disorder, as he is discharged from a mental health institution after his court mandated 8-month treatment and is set to move in with his parents. Pat’s institutionalization and diagnosis of his bipolar disorder was due to the beating of a man that his wife was having an affair with. Upon being released, Pat is unwilling to take his medication, because he does not like the way it makes him feel, and he is also reluctant to go to his mandated therapy sessions. His goals are to get his old job as a substitute teacher back and to get back together with his wife who has already left him and got a restraining order against him. Pat’s friend Veronica invites him to dinner where …show more content…
The film in some ways accurately depicts the diagnosis as this is an example of an environmental factor that can be a cause of bipolar disorder.
The treatment for Pat’s bipolar disorder is that he be placed in a mental health institution as result of his actions for eight months. He is also prescribed medication to take while he is in the facility and upon being released. Upon his release Pat must attend court mandated therapy sessions. Again the film portrays a somewhat accurate depiction of treatment options for Bipolar
I Disorder. Medication and therapy and common treatment methods but being placed in a mental health institution is extremely rare especially for cases of Bipolar I Disorder.
Overall, Silver Linings Playbook’s representation of psychological disorders are accurate in some parts and inaccurate in others. The symptoms that Pat displays in the film are similar to those of Bipolar I Disorder. One of the ways that the film could more accurately portray the disorder would be with regards to treatment as most cases of Bipolar I Disorder do not require patients to be treated in mental health facilities.
Works Cited:
A. (2013). Bipolar and related disorders. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

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