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Site Specific Dance Research Paper

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Site-specific dance and traditional choreography on a stage mainly differ on the fact of the site where dance is being created. In a traditional setting in a theater, audience members do not have the same free range to move around and explore the piece as they would when watching a site specific piece. When watching a performance in a theater setting you know what to expect, to an extent. Whereas in site-specific dance, the environment can change due to endless spaces available. In my opinion, site-specific dance tends to be a mysterious nature to it because typically when site-specific dance is performed people do not know what is going to happen. The “audience” sometimes becomes the audience without them even expecting to do so. If we were talking about a traditional performance on the the stage, you know what to expect. You may not know what the dancing is going to entail, but you know how the show will run, what genre you will be seeing, etc. You sit down in your seat, wait for the …show more content…
Thinking back to the studies that were worked on in class, inhabited spaces can be a risky site to work with because you don’t know how people will react to what is going on. This brings the aspect of culturally coded behavior into play because people tend to react in a different way during a site-specific piece than they would normally expected in a traditional performance. In the article “Idle No More,” by Levi Rickert, Mall of America management threatened the Idle No More organizers that they would be arrested if another flash mob was to occur in the Mall of America. “The characterization of the Round Dance as a protest is not only incorrect, it is insulting (Rickert 1),” states Reyna Crow after receiving the offensive letters. The behavior that was brought on from this site-specific piece is not the behavior that would normally be expected in any

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