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Situational Reconstruction

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Situational Reconstruction
Looking at your circumstances as neither the worst nor the best thing that can happen to you. It encourages an examination of the different paths that would lead you to each of the outcomes. You are then meant to take the steps that are meant to lead you to the positive outcome. This is also meant to keep you out of what I like to term a “black hole.” In my experience, when I become depressed because of stress, I often pull in feelings from a variety of experiences, rather than exclusively dealing with the stress in the current moment. Looking at the worst and the best situations allows a chance to stand back and rationally look at what’s happening. It helps me remember that it isn’t the end of the world.

Focusing …show more content…
This is a suggestion of what to do if you find a barrier blocking you from results when using situational reconstruction. This reflection is done by first thinking of a stressful circumstance that is happening currently. Next, you think about what it is about the situation that is causing you to feel dissatisfied. You’re not supposed to formulate a worded description, but rather see how your body reacts physically (do you tighten up?). After doing this for a while, you turn back to words and attempt to give a single label to the situation (a word, phrase, or picture). After finding one that seems to fit well, alternate your attention back and forth from the label and the situation. This will allow you to verify or alter the label. It may also lead to a change in the way you feel physically (that’s okay if it does). This is meant to perhaps help you find the emotions you may be covering up or pushing away, which can be a barrier to progress with situational

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